The staff member nodded cautiously, looked at Lin Sisi's "brilliant" smiling face, and felt his heart pounding.

He is just the most ordinary little manager, woo woo woo, why push him out.

"Hurry up, what are you dawdling in!" Lin Sisi scolded again, she couldn't wait to see Bai Xiran embarrass herself!


The staff finally took the necklace in her hand, and they could tell at a glance, "It's a custom-made model, and... it should be a custom-made one that just came out recently. Every month, the custom-made ones sent by zoe will have pictures Send it out to let the employees know that any customer who can get a custom-made money will be treated as a VIP."

"Sure enough, it's a worthless thing. Who here is not Zoe's VIP?"

Lin Sisi looked like she cherished the necklace very much, "I was Zoe's VIP ten years ago, but I never customized my own jewelry. Now my sister gave me this necklace... I just don't need to customize it myself."

It is obvious that this necklace is useless.

The people below immediately echoed, "Look at how sensible Ms. Lin is, even if it's free, she will accept it, and save enough face for that Ms. Bai!"

Bai Xiran silently watched her perform. This woman is a real thing, and she doesn't stop.

"That's the end of this matter. My two granddaughters are just giving each other gifts, so we won't waste everyone's time!"

"Mr. Lin, let's take a look out of curiosity, nothing else..."

"That's right, your god-granddaughter is so polite, we are also very..."

"Wait!" The trembling Zoe staff member suddenly shouted.

Everyone else was taken aback, "What's the matter with you?"

"This is not a custom necklace! This is zoe's sale!"

"Impossible, I went shopping at zoe yesterday, there are 42 models on sale in the world, absolutely nothing like this!"

The staff held the necklace tremblingly, with a very serious face, "The number of zoe's sales is controlled at 42 each year, but every year there is another one that is not on the sales list. The annual rotation is prepared in advance by each division. This year happens to be Dahua District!"

Everyone looked at him silently.

The staff took a deep breath and held up the necklace high, "This is the Sunshine! It was launched at the beginning of the year and is treasured at the Zoe Hua District headquarters in Ningcheng. The price... 3000 million!"

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped.

"3000 million... just kidding."

"It looks like an ordinary necklace."

The staff looked serious, "This is not an ordinary necklace. Although the pendant looks dull, it is actually polished with rough diamonds. When it touches the skin in the future, it will become brighter and brighter, and the chain..."

"So, this is really worth 3000 million?!"

Everyone has shocked faces.

Not to mention other people, even Bai Xiran was a little confused.

This is what Mo Junzhe gave her last time, saying that free customization is worthless, why... so expensive? !
The staff solemnly put the necklace back into Lin Sisi's hand, "Miss Bai shows her sincerity in giving you such an expensive gift, please keep it carefully!"

"I...I see." Lin Sisi's face became hot from everyone's stares.

She couldn't believe that an ordinary necklace that Bai Xiran gave her was worth 3000 million yuan!

In comparison, the amber bracelet I gave as a gift is nothing but rubbish.

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