The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 499 Who Claims Who Provides Evidence

Lin Sisi seemed to have made up her mind, and opened the bag directly in front of everyone!

But... no mobile phone!
She searched in disbelief, staring at Bai Xiran, "Where did you hide your phone?"

Bai Xiran blinked innocently, then spread her hands, "I don't believe you if I say I didn't take you with me."

"It's impossible! You must have brought it!"

But Lin Sisi could only testify with empty words, and she still had no evidence in front of her.

He simply opened the bag, turned everything out and threw it on the ground.

Lipstick wallet and odds and ends were scattered on the floor.

Bai Xiran's face remained unchanged, her high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor, and her slender figure gave her a light temperament.

"Miss Lin still doesn't believe it?"

When the people around heard the words, there was a lot of discussion.

"There really doesn't seem to be any."

"Could it be a mistake?"

Wang Xinquan wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the gloomy man beside him, and quickly explained loudly, "No, how could that man break the rules casually, you don't open your eyes to see clearly!"

After he finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Mo Junzhe, although the latter still had no expression on his face.

But it seems... the expression has eased a little, right?

But Lin Sisi searched through the handbag carefully, but she didn't find the mobile phone she was looking for!

He immediately stared at Bai Xiran angrily.

"Is it on you?"

Bai Xiran let out a "puchi" laugh, and turned around twice in front of her, "Is there a place on my body where I can hide my phone?"

"You have to search to find out!"


"Isn't the body search too much?" Wang Xinquan said hastily, "Miss Lin, it is illegal to search without evidence."

Lin Sisi stared back angrily, "Then if the design draft is leaked, you will bear the responsibility?"

Wang Xinquan immediately shut up.

And the people around were talking more and more.

Until Bai Xiran smiled mockingly, her eyes turned cold, "Miss Lin grew up abroad, so I'm afraid she doesn't know the laws in China. Those who don't know are innocent. It's understandable."

"Don't pretend to me, I now believe that you secretly hid your mobile phone to take pictures! Even if you go to court, you won't be afraid."

Lin Sisi quickly winked at Liu Xu'er, and after the latter gave her an affirmative answer, she became more confident.

She waved to call someone.

Let's see, who can protect this bitch!

As soon as Lin Sisi finished speaking, a low and cold voice broke in.

Mo Junzhe stepped forward with long legs and walked straight towards this side.

At this moment, his face was serious, his brows were slightly furrowed, his black eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "Miss Lin wants to search my wife?"

Lin Sisi saw this handsome and extraordinary man walking towards her, and was momentarily overwhelmed by his aura.

" saw it yourself, her cell phone is not outside. Do you want to cover her? "

Cover up the word one out.

Bai Xiran obviously noticed that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

The man beside him had a condensed expression, staring at Lin Sisi...a bit piercing.

She hastily tugged on his sleeve and whispered, "Leave it to me as agreed."

"You're being embarrassed." Mo Junzhe looked away gloomyly, seeing his little wife's confident appearance, and the sullen look on his face eased a little.

Bai Xiran smiled, and the lock of hair that fell on the side of her cheek was raised slightly, her eyebrows and eyes were particularly obvious with confidence.

"I'm not afraid if I can sit upright."

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