The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 492 What is it like to meet an idol's idol?

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, "It's still important."

Bai Xiran thought for a while, then frowned and analyzed carefully, "He likes loving couples, which means he cares about the relationship very much... Then how can he show affection? I know!"

Her eyes lit up, "You stay by the side and don't talk later, I'll explain."

Mo Junzhe glanced at her, as if he was considering the accuracy of her words.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

The woman's delicate face was glowing, and her red lips were slightly raised, telling him her plan, with an extraordinarily confident and lively appearance.

This is a temperament that was extremely difficult to see in "Mrs. Mo" a few years ago.

Mo Junzhe could hardly move his eyes away.

Fortunately, although there was a traffic jam on the road, it was only more than ten minutes before the banquet started.

When the two arrived, most of the other guests had already entered the venue. It was a Western-style reception, and it seemed that it was full of men and women in formal attire.

"Mr. Mo is here!"

Someone raised his voice and shouted, and the crowd gathered somewhere in the middle immediately noticed this side.

Surrounded by the crowd, the old man was dressed in a Tang suit. Although his hair was gray, he was hale and hearty. He wore a pair of gold chain glasses, and his body was not angry and majestic.

Hearing the reminders from the people around him, he asked, "Is that Mr. Mo who wants to sign 'Treasure'?"

"Yes, Grandpa. He brought his wife along as you requested today. He thought he was sincere, but he didn't want to be late first." Lin Sisi looked for the right opportunity to add embellishments, and refused to miss any opportunity to slander.

The old man suddenly snorted coldly, obviously displeased.

And not far away, Liu Xu'er, who appeared as a guest performer, was dressed in a white silk skirt and looked pure and innocent, looking at Lin Sisi just like that.

She winked at Lin Sisi.

"Grandpa, I don't think we need to see such a ignorant person. Your 'precious' should consider yourself."

The old man was really moved when he heard what the little granddaughter said.

It’s just that I’m not happy about signing with my own company, so I still pat her hand, “Grandpa must sign back to China this time, and can’t sign with a foreign company. You are still young, and you don’t understand the truth of leaving your homeland. "

Seeing that his attitude was relaxed, only some people around dared to persuade him, "Yes, there are so many domestic companies here this time, there is always an old man who can be satisfied."

At this time, Bai Xiran and Mo Junzhe had also walked over.

She was on the man's wrist, with eagerness on her face, and high heels under her feet, but she walked like flying.

With just one glance... I saw Lin Sisi standing in the middle of the crowd and... Mr. Lin?
Bai Xiran's eyes widened suddenly.

"Fuck, that's Mr. Lin!"

Mo Junzhe frowned when she pinched his waist severely, "So?"

"So this is his banquet, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

The man didn't rub the soft flesh on his waist that was pinched, but his voice was still indifferent, "What's the difference?"

"You... are you pretending to be stupid?" Bai Xiran gave him an indignant look.

Knowing that Lio is already her idol, and this is not only Lio's father, but also a model of living gems in the design world, she only admires but has never seen it!

"I must impress the old man!"

He immediately took a deep breath, rehearsed the picture in his mind, and approached with a smile.

"Old man, these are Mr. Mo and his wife." The person next to him introduced in a low voice.

A "reluctantly" smile appeared on Bai Xiran's face, and he greeted in a shallow voice.

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