The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 468 Really Falling in Love with Him

The black Maybach stopped at the Mohs Building an hour later.

After waiting for a long time, the manager wiped the sweat off his forehead and greeted him immediately, "President, Mr. Grace and Mr. Li have arrived, and we are waiting for you now..."

Mo Junzhe's face remained unchanged, he walked straight with his long legs, and soon appeared in the conference room.

Grace, who had been waiting for a long time, still had a smile on her face, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Li has already told me that you spent a day with Madam Zun, so you were not here yesterday."

Mo Junzhe looked at Li Ze'an, and sat down straight away, "Sorry for taking up your time, let's start now."

There was always a faint smile on Grace's face, not only didn't mind, but also looked at him with interest, "My old man has always liked people who value love and righteousness, but it is rumored that you and your wife have divorced long ago, and now it seems that It's a rumour."

The man frowned, not intending to continue the topic.

Li Ze'an knew something was wrong when he saw his expression. After all, this master was a calf-protecting man. He cared about his sister-in-law, so he wouldn't allow other people to discuss it.

Especially face to face.

"Grace, let's get down to business."

Grace looked at him very seriously, "This is the business, the old man wants to meet you and Mrs. Zun. The manuscript to be signed with the Mo family this time is the most painted series of 'Treasure' when he was young. The person who wrote the manuscript at least understands the meaning of love."

The man clasped his long fingers on the table, gathered them up slightly, and looked up at Grace, "The implication is that if you don't see her, your old man won't sign the contract?"

"Yes. I came here just to discuss the basic conditions. The old man is not a philistine. In fact, the company that the old man should have considered signing a contract should not be Mo's... but Mr. Lio's company. But he misses his homeland and wants to sign anyway. On the mainland."

Grace obviously also saw Mo Junzhe's displeasure, and said shortly: "The old man will return to China soon, and will hold a banquet for his old friends. I hope that Mr. Mo and his wife can attend together."

"How can there be such a condition, your old man's temper is really..." Li Ze'an was a little dissatisfied, he is a person who talks about business, and he doesn't like to talk about things like this.

But Mo Junzhe had already stood up, with an inexplicable emotion in his black eyes, "Help me tell the old man, thank you for his invitation, we will definitely be there."

"I look forward to it."


The meeting room fell silent until Grace left.

Li Ze'an looked at the man sitting at the table, and finally couldn't help but say, "Hey, you are so confident that my sister-in-law will definitely attend the banquet with you."

Attending aboveboard is not the same as the usual small fights.

Mo Junzhe raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his lips, "She kissed me today..."


"So, everything is going well and she will stay."

Li Ze'an looked at the man whose image was completely ruined, feeling depressed for a while.

What did he do wrong to come over early in the morning to eat dog food?
Everyone in this group has wives and children, and he is the only one left alone... Don't go too far.

He got up and was about to leave, but when he reached the door, he suddenly thought of something.

"By the's this time, and you still don't plan to tell her about Xiaobao?"

Mo Junzhe shook his head, his thick eyebrows tightened, "It's not necessary."

"Why is it unnecessary! The relationship between sister-in-law and Xiaobao, if you know that Xiaobao is her biological child, I will forgive you if you don't keep it all."

The man's face was a little dignified, and he didn't speak for a long time.

That's not what he wanted.

He didn't even want his little wife to be with him reluctantly because of Xiaobao's existence, but... wanted her to fall in love with him sincerely.

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