The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 453 Waking Up Early In The Morning, Hua And His Handsome Boyfriend

For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to become cold and silent.

Bai Xiran howled a few times in his heart, then put on his clothes indiscriminately, and hurried downstairs.

Before going out, I heard discussions one after another.

"It's really handsome."

"I want his girlfriend, but I can't bear to let him wait downstairs for so long."

"Hey, I wonder if it's too late to break up with my boyfriend?"

Bai Xiran looked over and saw that the speaking woman was holding a bottle-feeding doll in her arms, and she was shocked.

And when she showed up, the man who had been standing still, immediately looked over.

Although there was still no expression on that handsome face, there was a faint smile on his lips after all, and then he pursed his lips and called her in a hoarse voice.


Bai Xiran staggered on the soles of his feet and almost fell directly.

As for the women watching, their gazes pierced like sharp knives.

She froze all over, as if the soles of her feet were poured with cement, she dared not move.

"Your flowers."

But the man in the center of the storm didn't notice it at all, and just handed over the bouquet of tulips.

Golden tulips sway in the air, full of fragrance.

The man holding it was neatly dressed and had a handsome face.

The eyes of a group of women around were as cold as a blade, carrying a storm.

Bai Xiran rubbed her hands beside her side, but she didn't dare to pick it up for a moment.

The man frowned again, showing innocence and almost imperceptible guilt like a puppy, and sighed, "You don't like it?"

I have a slot!

Bai Xiran looked at the man's innocent face, and for a moment wondered if this was the Mo Junzhe she knew.

It seemed that as long as she dared to say that she didn't like it, the man would be wronged and wanted to cry on the spot like Xiaobao.

"Such a good tulip, expensive and beautiful, who would not like it."

"I'm picky... I don't have enough people's heart to swallow an elephant."

Bai Xiran listened to those comments, so he dared not delay, and quickly kicked the bouquet of tulips back into his arms, "I like it! How could I not like it! I like everything you gave me!"

The man nodded contentedly.

Then he opened the door, "Get in the car."


There was a hint of meaning in Mo Junzhe's eyes, and two words came out of his thin lips: "A date."

"I, I haven't changed my clothes yet..."

She really wanted to find a reason to dawdle, but when she said these words, she was stabbed by the gaze from the side and her heart trembled.

I can only take a deep breath and get in the car immediately!
The handsome man was also a gentleman. He helped her fasten her seat belt and closed the door thoughtfully.

Then, under the envious eyes of the crowd, he drove away slowly in the Maybach worth tens of millions.

It was not until he was away from sight that Bai Xiran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked dissatisfied at the man beside her...

"Don't like it?"

Bai Xiran was stunned, a little annoyed, "Who would like to be talked about like a monkey?"

The man's face was slightly gloomy, and there was always an inexplicable smile on his lips. After a long while, a low voice escaped from his throat.

"It is said that women like flowers and rich boyfriends."

Bai Xiran choked, what he seemed to say... quite reasonable.

"Normally that's the case, but you're wrong."


is he really asking?

Bai Xiran grabbed his hand, but couldn't tell why.

I can't say that you are my ex-husband. I know how rich you are, and it's just that you are so rich that it's unnecessary?

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