The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 407 Madam, You Can't Escape

As if taking it for granted, he poured himself a glass of water, and there were drops of water under his feet falling to the ground.

Bai Xiran's cheeks were dyed crimson, "What nonsense are you talking about, who has seen it too much!"

"You... aren't you familiar with my body?"

With a "boom", Bai Xiran's cheeks flushed red when he heard this sentence!
She was facing the big bed in front of her. At this moment, her mind began to uncontrollable, and those strange pictures appeared.

A few years ago...they had too many indescribable events here!

"I, I'm not familiar with it at all, you'd better put on your clothes quickly, don't be a hooligan!"

She finished speaking nervously, but there was silence behind her.

Bai Xiran was feeling strange, but suddenly there was a force on his wrist.

Those thick warm hands clasped hers, and then pulled...the palms covered a hard abdominal muscle!

"Doesn't that sound familiar?"

The man's voice is gentle, and there is an inexplicable temptation in the quiet room.

Drops of water fell from the tip of his hair, sliding down little by little...until it passed through her palm, bringing a bit of coolness.

Bai Xiran's throat shrank, and she was about to withdraw her hand almost immediately...

"But have you forgotten it in a few years? Maybe I should help you recall it."

"No need!" Bai Xiran was taken aback, as if his palm was burning like a flame, he immediately pulled it back.

The red cloud flying over her cheeks became more and more obvious, as if she had a high fever.

Mo Junzhe's black eyes were shining, and he didn't feel embarrassed, he just narrowed his eyes slightly, "You just said you have something to tell me, what is it."


what she forgot!

Bai Xiran's brain twitched. After being played by him just now, his mind was completely muddled, so he didn't even have the slightest ability to think.

Ahhh!This kind of betrayal is shameless!
"I have nothing to say, just, I just want you to take good care of Xiaobao. After all, I'm leaving tomorrow... If there is still such a thing, I can't get there in time."

She was a little incoherent, but she finally remembered what she wanted to say, turned around and left.

When his palm touched the cold doorknob, Bai Xiran was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

But the gentle and familiar voice came from behind, "Madam, you are so heartless to abandon us father and son."

In an instant, Bai Xiran was struck by lightning!

He said "ma'am".

He said "Mrs. Mo".

That hoarse voice, those two words that were written lightly, were enough to put Bai Xi in place.

She remembered countless times when men called her "Madam" in a low and affectionate manner.

I remember when he was in love, he whispered "my little wife" in his ear...

I remember that he seldom called her name, and always looked at her with a half-smile, and told her "Mrs. Mo must be obedient"...

Bai Xiran was stiff all over and denied it on the spot.

"I'm not your wife, you're not Mrs. Mo! Mo Junzhe, show some respect!"

She didn't want to admit that just these two words affected her mood like that.

But at this moment, he didn't have the strength to reason with him, so he could only put away his flustered heart and left in a hurry.

The man was not angry, but just watched her leave angrily.

It wasn't until the footsteps got farther and farther away that Mo Junzhe finally picked up a towel and continued to wipe his wet hair. His emotions were already hidden in those dark eyes that had always been moist and intense.

Then he stood in front of the window and saw the slender figure getting into the car and leaving.

There was a meaningful arc on the man's lips.

Ma'am, you can't escape.

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