The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 402 It's worth it if you don't talk about it, what are you?

Jin Tai's complexion changed slightly, and after he lowered his head and took a sip of Blue Mountain coffee, his fat cheeks visibly trembled, "Anyway, I'm going to start making children's clothes now."

"As we all know, children's clothing brands are more difficult than men's and women's clothing, and the quality requirements are higher and more refined. Is your company really ready?"

Although there were clear terms in the contract, it was obviously picked up directly from the women's clothing contract designer.

Bai Xiran gently pushed it over.

Jin Tai's face changed when he saw it, and he slapped the table and said, "You actually doubt the strength of my company? Miss Bai, although you won the championship, this competition is nothing more than a PK between newcomers. Most of them are unknown nowadays, so you don't want to follow in their footsteps, do you?"

He personally didn't agree with the company's children's clothing brand, but the order was issued early in the morning, telling him to sign Bai Xiran.

Now Jin Tai couldn't help but think of those rumors, this woman...maybe it's just like what they said, she is a related family.

He was even more dissatisfied, "We are smart people who don't speak dark words. The condition is that you can add more dissatisfaction, but you must sign with Universal Boutique!"

Bai Xiran and Wang Zhi looked at each other and were almost amused by this man, "Why should I have to sign with your company? Forget it... Mr. Jin, please go back."

He was too lazy to bother with this person, there were still several families to meet, time was tight.

Wang Zhi nodded, looked at Jin Tai who was still in a daze, and got up, maintaining his usual formulaic smile, "Boss Jin, do you want me to see you off?"

"No need!" Jin Tai slapped the table and stood up straight away, staring at Bai Xiran dissatisfiedly, "The newcomers are all crazy now, and there is no need to sign you in my opinion."

He had already dialed the phone in front of the two of them, "General manager, I still don't think it is necessary to sign the champion of the competition. Firstly, children's clothing does not match the current development path of our company. Secondly, the strength of this designer needs to be verified... "

"You're out of your mind, are these nosy things for you to meddle in! The order from the superior must be signed, who made you decide on your own!"

Jin Tai was stunned for a moment, Fatty shook, "Go up...on top? Isn't this your personal decision."

"Damn! How can I have the authority to offer such a high condition? Don't you look at the seven zeros signing bonus, and a suite car to settle in the Nanshan villa! You think I can live in the Nanshan villa?"

South... Nanshan Villa!
Jin Tai froze there completely, not to mention the ten million signing fee, the villa here is the place with the highest housing price in Ningcheng and even the whole country...

"You know what kind of temper the boss has. If you can't handle what you're asked to do, I won't be able to keep you when you come back!"

Jin Tai suddenly trembled with fright, and cold sweat began to seep from his forehead.

He carefully flipped through the contract in his hand, then looked at the extremely calm woman sitting beside him, and suddenly his heart beat faster.

Who is this so-called champion of the competition? !
"Boss Jin, the amused Boss Huang is coming soon." Wang Zhi smiled politely.

The implication is, you have to go.

But Jin Tai didn't leave even though his face was full of displeasure.

"General manager, even if this is the meaning of the above, it must also comply with the company's articles of association. I don't think this designer deserves the job..."

"Ah bah! How dare you question this young master's decision, you stupid pig! It's worth it if you say it's worth it, she deserves several times more treatment..."

Suddenly, a clear and arrogant voice came from the phone.

Jin Tai froze there, and suddenly started to tremble, "Young master..."

"If you can't do it well, I will sacrifice you to heaven!"

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