The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2709 There is a good show

Demi was still a little puzzled.

But Secretary Ren only gave her an ambiguous look, and then no further explanation was needed.

On the contrary, the store manager next to him understood it all at once.

"Yes, I also think that this set is more suitable for matching."

is it?

Mo Chengan, would he wear such a flamboyant suit?
But the two of them seemed to reach a consensus quickly, and both of them kept smiling at Demi.

This made her a little unresponsive.

I can only hum.

With a long tail, "Okay."


Six p.m.

Demi was led by Secretary Ren to do styling in a nearby store.

It took a full two and a half hours.

By the time it was over, she had no time to do anything else, and could only wait for Mo Chengan to come over from get off work.

As soon as the man entered, he was invited to the locker room by Secretary Ren.

"President, the time is quite urgent. Mr. Gu has already set a time for the banquet, so it has been calculated. You change your clothes first, and there will be delays due to traffic jams on the road."


Wait until he changes his clothes and comes out.

Then he saw the girl in the blue-green dress waiting for him at the door.

What is Demi like today?

She was wearing that brightly colored dress, which matched her white skin. Even standing under the dim sky, her whole body was still glowing white.

And the tailored skirt line can just set off her soft figure, and the rolled up hair reveals the slender neck line.

This made Demi look completely different from usual sexy.



This word is the only word in Mo Chengan's mind now.

He couldn't even think about it too much, and the hormones in his body gradually rose until they rushed to his face, and gradually began to get out of control.


"Mr. Mo." Demi bowed slightly and greeted, with a clean and polite smile on her face. When she looked at him, her whole face felt a little more relaxed.

It seemed that the tension all over his body relaxed the moment he saw him.

Demi took the initiative to walk towards him.

The high heels stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Mo Chengan subconsciously moved his gaze down, and saw the girl's slender ankle.

Her legs are very thin and straight, Mo Chengan has always known it, but he never thought that when wearing this skirt on the bed, the curves of her figure would be revealed without a doubt.

And the legs are even more attractive.

"Let's go."

Demi took the initiative to hold the man's hand.

For a moment, I could hardly move my eyes away.

You know, Mo Chengan's facial features are already very handsome.

On weekdays, he is always covered by those foggy clothes, appearing mature and prudent.

But now that he has put on this suit, his hair has been combed again to make him look younger.

She still couldn't help but crawl back to the man's sharp and handsome face, and said while piercing her eyes, "Our clothes are the same color."

Demi didn't realize it until Mo Chengan put it on.

The colors of the two clothes are actually a bit close.

It's just that the color of the suit is darker, and the contrast in texture will be stronger, but it can be seen from a distance.

I just thought it was a couple outfit.

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows, obviously satisfied with the current situation.

After all, he rejected clothes with obvious colors like this at the first sight.

But the secretary told him that Demi was also wearing a dress of the same color, so he chose to accept it.

Now it seems that Secretary Ren is not deceiving him.


Demi was sitting next to Mo Chengan, knowing that he was looking at her, her cheeks blushed for no reason.

She knew how handsome this man was at the first sight.

But looking at it now, it is still so extraordinary that it is hard to resist the charm.

Sitting in such a close position, the two of them seemed to be able to smell the man's unique aura from a little distance away.

The hormonal smell is very strong.

Mo Chengan just looked at her quietly without making any sound, but that look alone was already irresistible.

"You, don't look at me like that."

Demi finally spoke up.

She actually didn't know how to say no.

She could only subconsciously recognize her gaze, her red lips were tightly pressed together, as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare.

"Aren't you allowed to watch?"

Mo Chengan took it for granted.

"When you appear today, not only I want to see it, but also many people's eyes will fall on you."

to be frank.

When he thought of this possibility now, he felt a little uncomfortable.

In fact, I really don't want others to see Demi's current appearance.

He selfishly wanted to hide all the girls' looks.

Demi blushed again when she heard this.

He muttered, "Then shouldn't I dress like this..."

Somewhat nervous.

For so many years, I have been in a very conservative situation, and suddenly I changed into slightly revealing clothes, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"No, you should dress like this."

She blinked her eyes, and let the man beside her look at her quietly and indifferently.


Mo Chengan smiled, and there was some teasing in his black eyes.

"My Mo Cheng'an's girlfriend made her debut for the first time, and of course she will amaze everyone."

She was stunned, and couldn't find any rebuttal words for a while.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind at that moment.

For example.

Why did he have to bring himself back.

And why did he insist on attending the elder's birthday party with him.

Another example.

Obviously it was just a joke during the day.

How can you say it so naturally.

Demi shook her head.

Anxious to refute.

"I'm not your girlfriend."

Although the voice is not loud, it is extremely firm.

Demi raised her head, her amber eyes reflected the appearance of the man at the moment, her voice was very thin and soft, "It's not right?"

The man was slightly taken aback.

He opened his mouth lightly.

"Whether you think it is or not is important."


She is the person involved, and whether she is Mo Chengan's boyfriend or not, of course, is what he thinks, which is the most important thing.

It was quiet for a while in the car.

Light music is flowing inside, which makes people feel calmer.

But Demi thought about it, and explained in a low voice, "I am myself."

"But everyone knows that you are my girlfriend now."

The man is confident.

She was quiet for a while, her red lips twitched, wanting to refute.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to continue.

"Everyone is everyone, and I am me. Things like boyfriend and girlfriend can't be casual."

Demi's voice was like a gnat.

After finishing speaking, I found that the air pressure in the entire compartment seemed to have dropped a lot.

She bit her lip tightly and said nothing.

She never raised her head to look at him.

It's just that the wrist was suddenly held.

Mo Chengan tightened his hands and stared at her, "It's up to them, but I have the final say."

The man's face looked domineering, and his tone was even more undeniable.

Demi raised her face, her voice was frightened by this sentence, and her voice was abruptly withdrawn, she just stared blankly.

There are some strange thoughts in my mind.

He has the final say on what.

What he meant was that he was his girlfriend now?


Her thoughts are not important at all, she can only listen to him.


what is the reason?
Isn't he and Christine the kind of relationship I thought?

"Master, we're here." The driver's voice interrupted Demi's thoughts.

Her eyebrows and eyes were slightly blank, and her hand was still in Mo Chengan's palm.

He was slowly leading him outside.

"Little Treasure!" There was someone standing in the distance, wearing glasses with gold frames and a neat suit.

Seeing this from a distance, he waved and shouted.

When this voice came out, everyone around them began to pay attention to them.

Demi froze suddenly.

The expressions and smiles on his face began to get a little tense.

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face.

Walk towards them from a distance.

Standing in front of the two of them, he looked Demi up and down.

"Brat, well done!"

"Godfather." Mo Chengan was patted heavily on the shoulder twice by the visitor, but he didn't say a word, instead he politely pulled her over to introduce him.

"Demi, this is my godfather Gu Xiling. You, you can call me uncle."

"Hello, Uncle." Demi bowed her head and greeted.

The sound was so thin it was almost inaudible.

But Gu Xiling wouldn't mind.

It's too late for him to be happy now.

Then he chuckled, "Your boy, you finally got the hang of it, right? Come in quickly, I have to tell your godmother about it."

"it is good."

The two big men looked at each other, and they could see the meaning in each other's eyes.

Demi is totally clueless.

She felt like a marionette, so she was led by Mo Chengan into the hall.

The banquet is regarded as a private banquet, and there are not too many guests.

All of them add up to five or six tables.

The yard has already been put down.

When she entered, Demi heard the people next to her talking in low voices.

He was guessing about his identity, how could he attend today's banquet with Mo Chengan.

You know, the people who can come today are either rich or expensive, and most of them are personal friends of the Gu family.

Once Mo Chengan appeared, who would not notice it.

The man glanced over directly.

So the surrounding was quiet for a while.

Demi could even sense the wariness in other people's eyes...

I have to sigh in my heart.

The young master's reputation is really not good.


Over there, since Gu Xiling got older, he has completely started to let himself go.

He yells everywhere with his voice every day, not a little bit of the elegance of before.

After a while, I saw a middle-aged woman with a gentle dress come out from a long distance away, she didn't pay attention to Gu Xiling at all, and ran towards Mo Chengan directly.

"Little treasure!"

The couple reacted in exactly the same way.

Walked over, patted Mo Chengan, and looked him up and down for a while.

Looking at Demi again, she was surprised and delighted.

"Stinky boy, you are promising."


Mo Chengan also introduced it as usual, "Demi, this is my godmother."

"Hello Auntie."

She is just as cute.

Originally, she was extraordinarily beautiful, but now she has a good personality, which made the couple laugh from ear to ear.

"Okay, okay. Gu Xiling, have you given him a meeting gift yet?"

Gu Xiling shook his head, "Honey, I haven't had time to prepare yet."


Demi listened to their bickering.

The next moment, the hand was held.

A large bracelet was directly put on the wrist.

Demi stood by, stunned.

"This is--"

"Godmother, you even gave her this bracelet?" Mo Chengan was taken aback, "Isn't this the anniversary gift from godfather?"

"That's right, I've worn enough for so many years. Besides, your godfather is unreliable. He knew that you were going to bring a girl to our house, but he didn't even prepare a gift in advance. Punish him to buy me another one at that time." Dear."

"All right, all right." Gu Xiling would have no objection.

Of course, what the wife says is what she says.

And he was standing by the side and asked someone to take a group photo.

Then he happily went to the side to make a phone call.


"Oh, where is our Mr. Mo recently?"

On the other end of the phone, Mo Junzhe looked at the photos on the phone, but remained silent.

"You don't know yet, the photo I sent you just now is the girl Xiaobao brought back this time. She looks so beautiful! With Tongtong's photography skills, she can't take half of her beauty."

"It's a pity, both of you are not in Ningcheng, otherwise we can meet each other. I was the first to meet this future daughter-in-law."

Mo Chengan's face instantly sank.

"Gu Xiling, are you free?"

Did you come here to provoke him on purpose?

Isn't she just a daughter-in-law, and she will always enter the Mo family's door in the future. As a godfather, how can he compare with his biological father?

"No, I'm quite busy. Today is my dad's birthday party, and there are a lot of things to do inside and out. But isn't this big news? Of course I have to inform you as soon as possible. "

"Don't worry. You can't hide it. Tongtong is already calling your wife."

After Gu Xiling finished speaking cheaply, he hung up without waiting for Mo Junzhe to respond.

The latter was still a little dazed when he heard the beeping sound from the phone.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked into the kitchen.

Just in time to see that all-too-familiar slender body connected to the phone.

"Did you really take it there? Xiaobao can do it, he has super mobility."

"Enah. Since he has brought his daughter-in-law home, of course we parents can't delay. We will arrange to fly back in these two days."

"Aurora... It will be the same next time. It would be a pity if I missed the meeting."

Mo Junzhe listened very carefully.

In the end, I found out that I really gave up watching the aurora.

Then a little depressed.


When Bai Xiran came over, the man's handsome face was already full of frustration.

"Have you stopped watching the aurora?"

"En. Xiaobao brought the girl home. If we're not at home, it won't be good."

Mo Junzhe let out a long sigh, put his arms around her waist, and buried his face in it.

"I've been waiting for a long time."

"It's the same when we come again next time. Next time we choose a good time, so we don't have to wait in advance."

Feel his regret.

Bai Xiran leaned over, cupped his face, and comforted him earnestly.

"Anyway, no matter where you go, I will accompany you."

"it is good."

The man is now a little more comfortable.

But I thought to myself.

Mo Xiaobao is a useless thing, it is not good to choose a time, it must affect him and Ranran to watch the aurora.

After going back, he must be cleaned up!


"Ah Choo!" Far away in Ningcheng, Mo Chengan sneezed inexplicably.

He rubbed his nose subconsciously, a little unresponsive.

"It's all right, who's talking about me."

"I, can you help me return this bracelet to Auntie?" Demi was tangled up beside her, hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take off the bracelet and hand it to Mo Chengan.

"Repay?" Mo Chengan smiled, "Why do you have to pay it back?"

She took a deep breath and explained in a low voice, "You don't get paid for nothing, and I can't take such an expensive gift from Auntie for nothing."

"If you give it to you, you can take it. If you don't take it, she won't be happy."

This is a gift from the godmother to the future daughter-in-law, and of course it cannot be returned.

Mo Chengan has already thought about it now.

It is to fortify her with a lot of things.

The godmother gave it, and when Ranran came back, she also asked Ranran to prepare many gifts for her.

In this case, with Demi's temperament, she can't run away anymore if she takes advantage of others and eats others.

"But..." Demi still wanted to persuade a few words.

But how could Mo Chengan give her a chance.

He rejected it outright.

"No, but. You don't want me to make godfather and godmother angry at Grandpa Gu's birthday banquet, do you?"

Take this pot down.

Demi was choked and couldn't speak a word.

How dare she talk again, it will be really unpleasant later, but there is no way to explain it clearly.

So he could only retract the bracelet to his wrist, reluctantly endured the pressure and nodded.


Then hold it for now.

There will be a chance to return it later.

"I, I'm going to the bathroom." She was inexplicably nervous, and wanted to go to the bathroom when she was nervous.

So he turned around and walked past Mo Chengan.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of others, he made a deliberate circle, for fear that those people would still stare at him.

If she had known that this dress would attract so many people's attention, Demi would never have worn it.

But it can't be replaced now.

Especially when she and Mo Chengan appeared together, everyone said they were wearing couple outfits, which couldn't be washed away.

Demi thought about these things in a daze, and planned to come out after washing her hands.


There was a scolding sound from the side.

She subconsciously looked over and saw a familiar figure.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Shu Ya?

"You're here too? What's going on?"

Shu Ya frowned and looked Demi up and down.

When he found the skirt she was wearing, he immediately crushed himself and became even more angry.

"I really don't understand who is so blind that he would fall in love with you. He even brought you to Grandpa Gu's birthday banquet."

Shu Ya just output a meal to her.

Demi didn't say anything.

She never expected that when she came out of the bathroom, she would be blocked by someone.

Thinking about a birthday banquet, I still want to rest in peace.

"Miss Shu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."


Shu Ya scolded a few words, her voice raised very high.

But the hall was already lively, and there was music.

In addition, the bathroom is very quiet, and no one noticed it for a while.

Only people passing by looked at it.

Ben hadn't noticed.

But after seeing the conspicuous blue-green skirt on Demi's body, she stopped immediately.

"Hey, did that guy just come here with the Mo family's prince?"

"I can't see clearly, but looking at the clothes, it should be."

"The person talking to her next to her is Shu Ya, right? I heard that Shu Ya is going to be engaged to the young master of the Gu family's twins, and she's very drifting now."

"Hey. There is a good show today."

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