The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2700 Do you want people to see jokes

Demi thought back and forth, and in such a short period of time, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

In the end, he made himself a little more nervous.

Turning to look at Mo Chengan.

Inexplicably trembling.

"That... you shouldn't treat me like this?"

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

But he still closed his eyes, and forcibly took back the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Stare at her.

"What do you mean by what you just said, say it again."

"Just, shave your head and become a nun or something, you won't treat me like that."

When Demi said it, she actually had no confidence.

After all, I probably have no status in this man's heart.

It's just that kiss just now... confused her a little.

Mo Chengan's eyes were serious, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"very good."

He exhaled slowly, and his breath was much heavier than before.

After a lot of effort, he finally restrained the anger surging in his heart, and sat down next to him again.

asked coldly.

"You seem to think you know me very well."

"It's okay. I don't know much about it, maybe just a little bit?" Demi compared something that was smaller than the tip of her finger.

Taking a furtive look at Mo Chengan, he happened to meet the man's cold gaze.

Immediately my heart tightened again.

"I don't think you know enough."

Mo Chengan suddenly stepped forward.

Stretching out his long arms, he directly pulled her into his arms.

With a little effort, Demi fell into the arms of the man.

There was no way she could hide.

He only shrank back subconsciously.

The subconsciousness reflected by the body has changed.


Lips were sealed again.

Only this time, much faster than before.

It was just a kiss like a superficial kiss, but it didn't touch any deeper.

But Mo Chengan's thunderous actions are actually his possessive desire for her and his completely uncontrollable anger.

With this simple kiss and hug, let it out.

Demi was taken aback.

But fortunately, it was just a light kiss, and the next moment the person was released.

She shrank back subconsciously, and she stood beside her like this, with a little more nervousness in her eyes.

In fact, Demi didn't know at all what Mo Chengan's reaction would be this time.

But the sudden two kisses already made her lose her temper.

Until now, I can't bear it anymore, and my heart is still flustered.

"Are you really afraid of me?" Seeing her cautious look, Mo Chengan couldn't help but get angry.

Demi lifted her lips, not daring to make a sound.

The man stood up directly from the front, with some stiff smiles in his eyes, and a thick layer of coldness covered his handsome face.

But when he stared into Demi's eyes, he clearly parted his lips and smiled again.

There is a bit of coolness in it.

"Then, you did bully many girls before, so you have a bad reputation."

Demi countered softly.

The man stopped talking.

He also sneaked a glance at him.

Really shivering.

This made Mo Chengan really feel like he was shooting himself in the foot.

He was helpless.

"Where did you find those things?"

Demi blinked her eyes, "It's the Internet."

She silently took out her phone.

There are still search results just now on the screen, and it has not been closed until now.

Mo Chengan could almost see the title above at a glance.

Blackened font.

There is a whole row of words, "The black history of the prince of the Mo family group."


He was stunned himself.

"How can there be such a thing?"

Shouldn't these things have been deleted long ago for the sake of the reputation and honor of the Mo Group?
It will still be searched!

The old man at home was really unreliable, and he didn't think about such a trivial matter.

Demi watched him snatch the phone directly, and read it one by one in front of her.

"Begin to dominate the company at the age of three..."

He was silent.

Seems to be true.

So I could only explain indiscriminately, "This is all a long time ago, and I can't count it. I was in poor health when I was a child, and I stayed in the hospital for a long time. Ranran was not around at the time. My father, you may not have seen different I know, he is a child who doesn't know how to bring up a baby at all. So he often throws me in the company, being a little naughty, it's all a misunderstanding."


Demi clearly doesn't believe it.

After a while.

"When I was five years old, I shaved off the head of a certain celebrity... cough cough cough!"

Mo Chengan was really speechless.

He didn't have any of these things in his memory.

But now he suddenly remembered it again.

"This matter—"

"It's also a misunderstanding?"

Demi froze for a moment, looking at him like a curious baby.

The girl's amber eyes were bright.

It made it impossible for Mo Chengan to lie in front of her.

"It's not a misunderstanding, but she is to blame. She seduced my father in public, and that's fine. After all, the old man doesn't keep his male morals, so I don't care. But later she bullied Ranran in front of me. Who can do that?" Tolerate?"

"That's really unbearable."

Demi thought about it for a moment.

If someone bullies his mother, of course he can't bear it.


Fortunately, she can understand.

Mo Chengan quickly skipped this one and looked directly behind.

"This one is purely out of thin air! Why do I know how to fight when I was only a few years old, and I have beaten many children..."


He is righteous.

"I started to skip grades when I was very young. I only studied for two years in elementary school and two years in middle school. After that, I went directly to a certain university's junior class for four years, and then went abroad to study as a graduate student. I got a master's degree when I was 16 years old. .and then come back and start learning to take over the company.”

After studying for two years, until the day he became an adult.

Mo Junzhe became the hands-off shopkeeper, and directly threw the huge Mo Group to himself.

He almost couldn't stabilize the situation.

But the one who took Ranran to play abroad, on an island that didn't even have a mobile phone signal, lived his fairy life by himself.

Regardless of their own life or death.

"In short, many things are non-existent. You don't have to take it to heart."


Demi breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it is difficult for her to judge the authenticity, but at first glance, she feels a little scary.

But if you think about it carefully, these are not unreasonable things.

And even for so many years, he has not found any sexual news about him.

"Things on the Internet are not trustworthy at all. Just take a look and ask me directly if you are curious."


Demi nodded with a grin.

She actually didn't know how the relationship between Mo Chengan and herself would change this time.

I don't have any confidence in my heart.

He didn't dare to ask about the kiss just now.

It seems that no matter what the result is, I can't accept it.

"Then, go to the meeting quickly. I'll find a book to read."

"You together."

Mo Chengan glanced at his watch, the time was almost up, and he was indeed going to a meeting.

But he didn't want to let her go.

Then he stood directly from the side, his eyes were shining brightly, he held her hand and led her away.

"What am I going to do?"

She really didn't understand.

But Mo Cheng'an is upright and confident.

"You are here to help. Since you are here to be my secretary, of course you have to learn related work. Why, do you want to fish in troubled waters?"

"No... There is Ah Rui. He is so capable, so he doesn't need my help."

Demi knew it.

A Rui can almost handle the tasks that several secretaries should do by himself.

Including but not limited to itinerary arrangement, customer reception and so on.

When Mo Chengan heard this, he looked at A Rui by the door expressionlessly.

"He's sick and going on sick leave."

Ah Rui, "??"

When did I get sick?

"Get ill?"

Demi couldn't believe it.

Ah Rui looks full of energy and looks energetic every day.

But Mo Chengan, who was next to him, led her directly into the conference room.

Ah Rui, who was following behind, was overjoyed.

Sick leave?
He leaned over and whispered in Mo Chengan's ear.

"Sick leave, master."



The meeting begins.

Demi was arranged to sit next to Mo Chengan.

The whole person is in a state of bewilderment.

She couldn't understand most of what they discussed.

So for a long time, I just stared blankly at the person in front of me.

One or two of these people look a bit alike.

As far as the few yellow people she has seen, they all have a big belly when they get fat in middle age, and then a lot of their hair is bald.

At first glance, these people seem to be printed out of the same mold.


There are also young ones.

He's handsome with glasses on.

It's a different type from Mo Cheng'an.

"Who are you looking at?"

The man glanced over, and while others were giving reports, he stared at Demi for a while.

Just saw her looking at the handsome guy.

Follow her gaze.

"Tao Qifeng."

Mo Cheng'an died suddenly.

This made everyone present stunned.

Especially Tao Qifeng himself.

He let out an "ah", he really didn't expect that the president would call his name.

"Tell me, what is the problem with this project?"


There are three topics for this meeting.

He is just a staff member of one of the projects. Because of his good image, he is often called over when reporting.

This time it was just to make up the numbers.

Where would you think, was suddenly asked.

"This project, this... Sorry President, I'm not very clear."

hold head high.

Demi was slightly disappointed.

The little brother who looks so handsome turns out to be not very good at work.

Mo Chengan's sharp eyes just happened to catch a glimpse of the expression on her face again.

Laughed immediately.


Tao Qifeng was stunned.

The co-author didn't answer, but the president was happy?
What is this ghost?

Soon others stood up, "President, there is a loophole in the project report. If this real estate development is selected in winter, a large international sports meeting will be held near that location. The surrounding housing prices will rise accordingly. However, there will be some impact on construction.”

"I'm afraid the construction period can't be compressed so tight."

"The delivery time is already the latest. If it is delayed, it will affect sales. Once the pre-sale period exceeds the time, the price will be hard to say."

"That's right. Take advantage of the current momentum. I think we should hurry up the construction period. As long as it can be delivered on time, this project will be the project with the greatest profit potential in the next two years."

"You know, the current intentional pre-sale alone has reached a height that no other real estate has ever achieved."

Demi didn't figure it out until now.

The Mohs Group turned out to be a real estate developer.

No wonder it is very profitable.

It seems that there are no real estate developers who do not make money.

Just ...

Heart black.

Mo Chengan frowned, looking at the report in his hand for a while.

I never spoke.

Instead, he turned around and asked Demi, "What do you think?"


She was taken aback, "I, I don't understand."

How could she understand these things.

I only vaguely heard them talking about the pros and cons of the project, but I didn't understand the real situation at all.

How could Mo Chengan ask himself.

"Tell me what you think."

Everyone looked at her.

Because Mo Chengan was waiting for her answer.

Even though the people below didn't understand at all, why would they ask an obviously layman girl about such a big matter.

But why does Mo Chengan need to explain to them when he does things.

"Maybe safety is the first priority. If we want to meet the construction deadline, will it affect safety? Like real estate development, if something goes wrong, it will be very serious."

"Hmm. That's what I thought too."

Mo Chengan echoed her words.

But in fact, no one knew what he was thinking just now.

It's just that what is said now is safety first.

"How long is the sports meeting?"

"The time for the official competition is one month, and the preliminary work may still take some time."

He nodded, "That is, it is expected to be delayed for one or two months. Will this little time affect the pricing?"

Take advantage of the situation and look at the person who just objected.

"Your sales department will cause the price of the house to drop because of two months?"

"No, it won't." The sales manager could only deny it.

You know, the development of this real estate is the top priority.

In fact, the Mohs Group has not touched high-end real estate for many years.

Most of their energy is spent on the transformation of the high-tech industry in the past, but the investment there is too large and the cycle is extremely long.

On the contrary, it is a high-end real estate project. For the Mohs Group, the return cycle is faster.

What's more, this time is an excellent opportunity.

The price of that piece of land was not high at that time, but now because of this sports meeting, its value has doubled several times.

"That's it. Next."

There is also a project topic.

Demi was less nervous now that she had the experience of speaking just now.

You can even follow the speaker and listen to some project content.

Although he still half-understood, it was not so blind.

Mo Chengan made a quick decision.

Directly ordered two people to stand up, "Is this the third phase? How much did you invest in all of them?"

"Three hundred million."

"This time. Another [-] million? Add up to [-] million."

Mo Chengan smiled.

"An hour ago, someone came to ask me to apply for an additional 500 million budget. Now you are doing well, and it is [-] million."

"President, those are small projects. Our research and development has reached a critical moment, and results will soon be produced."

"The research and development of high-precision technology does require a lot of investment, but in the past three years, have you handed over a little thing to me? Three hundred million has been thrown in, is there any splash?"

The man's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

He thought it would be easy if he just applied for follow-up funding and brought a report to ensure that there would be research and development results.

But he never expected, but Mo Chengan directly beat him back.

"President, what you are holding in your hand is our achievement report. It is only the most critical step. Once a breakthrough is made, it will be the world's top achievement by then, and the subsequent profits will be immeasurable."

"You mean, is it PKJ's technology?"


Mo Chengan smiled.

Demi could clearly feel that there was some sarcasm in the smile on his face now.

There is also a touch of coldness that no one else can observe.

"pkj technology is the key to the research and development of new energy. I made the layout three years in advance, and you alone have invested [-] million in scientific research funds, and other departments have twice as much. But now you gave me a result ?”

The manager froze for a moment, and promised loudly.

"Up to three months, we will definitely get results!"

"Three months?"

Mo Chengan suddenly laughed.

He slammed the report in his hand on the table.snapped.

"A foreign country has published a report a week ago, and has made the latest research progress on pkj technology. It is currently in the patent application stage! Wait another three months, let people see the jokes of our Mohs Group!"

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