The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2668 Things seem to be developing in a strange direction

He seemed very angry.

But Demi doesn't understand why now.

Just kept looking back, still thinking about Christine.

"Duke, please wait a moment."

Demi was a little anxious in her heart, looked back and found that Christine was still entangled by those people and couldn't get away at all.

He quickly grabbed Mo Chengan's hand.

"I said, please wait a moment!"

The man stopped slowly.

Turning around, Jun's face was deep.

"What else to do?"

He was really impatient.

The displeasure was written all over his face, which was very obvious.

This man always likes to be angry, and Demi didn't dare to speak too much, so she could only lower her voice, trying to make her attitude look gentler.

"Christine hasn't caught up yet, we should wait for her."

In fact, she didn't want to leave at all.

Although Demi doesn't like this club, and she doesn't have much interest in equestrianism.

But if Christine liked it, she couldn't stay longer.

Mo Chengan felt that something was wrong for no reason, staring at the woman in front of him, he only felt that her current focus seemed a little crooked.

But for a while, I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Slowly narrowing his black eyes, he looked at her, and seeing that she didn't seem to want to leave, his face became more serious.

"Are you worried about Christine?"

After waiting for a while, Mo Chengan finally asked this sentence.

At that moment, even he himself felt something was wrong.

A sentence subconsciously appeared in Demi's mind, "Have you empathized?"

As if he had already noticed?

As if aware of Demi's different attention to Christine now, Mo Chengan's face became gloomy again, "Christine is my guest, Demi, it's not up to you to comment on how to arrange her. .”


He was afraid that he would snatch Christine away?

Demi felt sorry for her.


It would be too inappropriate for a good and beautiful girl like Christine to fall in love and suffer from love.

She should be an eagle soaring in the sky, and she should live in a free and boundless vast sky.

"But Duke, after all, Christine is a guest of Tulip Castle, we came together, of course we have to go back together."

Demi was worried about leaving Christine alone in the club.

"She wants to show off, accept interviews, and how to manage the character design is her business. Do you want to interfere?"

In fact, Mo Chengan was already very unhappy at this meeting.

But suddenly I heard Demi speak.

"But will she be bullied?"

Mo Chengan's expression froze.

At that moment, I almost didn't laugh out loud.


"Kristen is such a delicate girl. Those men surrounded her, and now they all look like wolves and tigers. Maybe they really want to swallow her up."

Demi looked worried.

Looking at Christine who was surrounded by people from a distance, he felt extremely worried.

"She might not even know how to refuse them..."

Mo Chengan, "?"

"Do you know the same person as me?"

This girl Mo Weitian has been lawless since she was a child, and the old man is even more used to her, giving her whatever she wants.

In addition, she has a wild temper and has her own ideas no matter what she does, so no one in the family can restrain her at all.

This makes Mo Weitian's dictionary never contain the word compromise.

In her life, she would never allow herself to be wronged at all.

"No, I'm still worried. Duke, you go back first, and don't worry about me."

After Demi finished speaking, she must let go of her hand and ran outside.

Only Mo Chengan was left alone in the wind.

"Cough cough cough..."

I don't know when someone passed by next to me, and I happened to see this scene.

Seeing those strange scenes and the conversation just now, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

But Mo Chengan quickly turned his eyes across.

"To shut up."

He immediately fell silent.

Can't be offended, can't be offended, as expected of Duke Tulip, his temper is really...


Demi has hurried back.

Pushing the others away, they stopped in front of Christine.

"Is your interview over?"

"It's over."

Demi nodded, and stood in front of Christine just like the managers of those celebrities.

"Then let's go back."


Christine looked at her posture at the moment, confused.

"Why, Christine, don't you want to go back?" Demi thought for a while, guessing that she really likes equestrianism, so she changed her way a little more tactfully, "There are too many people today, many of them still On the way here for fame. If you stay here, you may not have fun. Why don’t you go back first and come back another day.”

"Oh, I didn't say I wouldn't go back."

Christine laughed, and suddenly felt that her cheap sister-in-law was a little cute.

"It's because they dragged me to take a group photo to sign, so I was delayed for a while. Now that you have said so, let's go quickly."

She has nothing to miss about these people.

In short, the reputation has been played out.

I don't believe that guy won't hear the news!
I don't know what he will think when he finds out that he is so popular.

Thinking of this, Christine smiled again, turned her head and followed Demi out.

"Christine don't go—"

"I haven't had a photo with you yet!"


Several people chased after him and shouted.

Christine just turned around and blew a kiss to them.

"Hey, see you next time!"

Anyway, her goal has been achieved, and the limelight she wants to show off is enough.

When he walked out, he saw Simon being supported by someone, and the look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

It really kills three birds with one stone.

By the way, it can also let the future sister-in-law see clearly what this Simon is like.

"Hey, brother... Brother Xiaobao, are you still here, waiting for us?"

A long and tall figure stood at the door.

When Christine walked over, she saw the man standing still, with his hands folded on his chest, and there was an air of alienation in his whole body.

The eyes he looked at the two of them were even more frighteningly cold.

"Cough cough!"

Christine just ignored it.

With a heartless smile, he got into the car directly.

"Actually, I haven't been here for long. It's only noon now. Why don't we go back and go somewhere else?"

"Okay, okay!" Demi agreed without hesitation.

Look at Christine's eyes bright.

There was still a little excitement, which made Christine a little confused.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and looked at the man next to her.

"Brother Xiaobao, why don't you take us there? The one named Simon just now said he wanted to take me to play something I haven't played before."

"I'm very busy." Mo Chengan glanced down at his watch.

He was already busy.

If it wasn't for not wanting Demi and Simon to be alone, they wouldn't have come out at all today.

But now that we have come here and the goal has already been achieved, there is really no reason to continue.

"But I want to go to play. I finally came to Dimak. How can I stay at home without playing anything?"

Christine complained under her breath.

"Besides, there is really nothing fun at home."

Mo Chengan's face was gloomy, and he just gave her a look.

"You came to Dimak to play?"


Unprepared, Mo Chengan glared at her, which made Christine shrink back subconsciously.

There is such a shyness in my heart.

Even the voice of speaking has lost a bit of confidence.

"Don't you just want to play for a while, look at me while I am playing, and things are not delayed."

Mo Chengan, "Hehe."

"I just want to go to the playground. I heard that Dimak's jumping machine is the best in the world. Don't you all have any interest?"

"Yes, yes! I will go with you."

Before Mo Chengan could answer, Demi responded enthusiastically.

She was originally sitting in the passenger seat, but now she turned her head to look at Christine with sparkling eyes.

"I know where it is. I went there once when I was studying. But at that time, the jumping machine was not as high as it is now. It was redesigned a few years ago, and it was only raised. I just went to experience it."

"You also like high-altitude sports?" Christine won't be sleepy after saying this!

She stretched her neck straight forward, and put her hands on the back of the seat, "Hey, I haven't told you about this, have I? Actually, I'm interested in these sports, but I rarely meet people like me. A girl who is interested in high-altitude events. Demi, it turns out you are so compatible with me!"


Demi responded, covering up all the guilt in her heart.

She dare not admit that she has always been afraid of high-altitude projects.

Although he is not afraid of heights and not too timid, he is still an ordinary person.

But now, in order to win the favor of her idol, she simply went all out!
"Then let's try it together."


Two people can shoot together.

He didn't think about Mo Chengan's attitude at all.

The latter's face was particularly gloomy, and he just stared at the two women in front of him.

"Aside from the jumping machine, are there other exciting sports in the playground?"

"You can also bungee jump."

Demi explained carefully.

"There are some high-altitude projects, and there are high-altitude crossings. Walk over the cliff with a safety rope."

"Dimac's specialty, the cliff swing."

"Well... and hot air balloons. I don't know if you like it or not."

"Forget about hot air balloons. The hot air balloons in this kind of amusement park probably fly very high. It's not interesting. I'm a little interested in the cliff swing you mentioned. Let's try it together later."

"Okay, okay."

Demi started to get agitated again.

Little stars almost popped out of those eyes.

Mo Chengan felt a heart attack.

"You've never said you liked these projects before."

"That was before, but it's different now. I'm happy to have someone to play with me now."

Demi made random excuses, which were grandiose anyway.

It was at this time that he realized that Mo Chengan's face was not happy, so he took the initiative to persuade him a few words.

"Well, if the Duke is busy, go home first. Just ask the driver to take you back. Christine and I can take a taxi there by ourselves."

"Let the driver pick it up at night."

She has it all planned.

Mo Chengan's expression froze severely.

"You have already made arrangements for co-authoring, just let me know."

"Ha. Can't you say that? It's the Duke who said that you are very busy. We two idlers can't affect you just because we want to have fun. Besides, Christine is a guest, so it's hard to come Dimak once. Since you don't have time to entertain her, of course I will serve as a landlord instead of the Duke."

"I've never seen you talk so much before."

Mo Chengan was already very upset.

But Demi's reasoning now is very smooth, and there is no point of rebuttal at all.

So he could only take a deep breath and looked up at her.

"Are you sure you want to entertain my friends instead of me?"


if not.

The only selfishness she has is that she wants to get closer to her idol, nothing else.

Looking at Mo Chengan, he still didn't quite believe it.

Demi raised her hand directly.

"There is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth, I really have no other thoughts."

"And don't worry, no matter what kind of relationship you two have, I will definitely not destroy it."

She thought that Mo Chengan was afraid that she would hurt Christine.

I tried to explain.

"Kristen is a very good and beautiful girl. In my opinion, she is more than enough to match you, the Duke. I don't know how to make that kind of green tea, and use some shameful tricks behind the scenes."

Mo Chengan, "..."

His head was buzzing.

Even Christine lifted her lips, but didn't say a word for a while.

"Demi, what do you mean by that?"

"I won't spoil you and I will help you, as long as you are sincere to each other. No, as long as you are sincere to the Duke, Christine, and you really want to be with him, not for any other reason."

She looked extremely serious.

Let the brother and sister look at each other, and they can see the surprise in each other's eyes.

and also……


"But I, I actually..."

Christine couldn't tell.

She could only look at Mo Chengan as if asking for help.


The woman you chose, I can't figure it out now.

Because things seem to be going in a very strange direction.

Little did they know that Mo Chengan's face was cold and still, he raised his thick eyelashes, and his eyes, which were as black as ink, narrowed.

But he snorted coldly.

"very good."


"Really good?" Demi smiled with relief.

"I thought you wouldn't be happy if I said that, as long as you all believe me."

There was a little more ease in her eyes.

He turned to look at Christine.

"Don't worry, I'm not very familiar with the playground over there, but I've played it a few times before. I can be your guide."

"Hmm." Christine was speechless.

She can't even speak a word now.

"elder brother……"

He could only gently push Mo Chengan's hand.

The latter looked cold and silent, and didn't say a word.

"What should I do?"

It seems that the direction of development is different from what she expected.

"Okay, this is the fork in the road. Let Christine and I get off here. Let the driver take the Duke back."

Called to stop the car.

Demi opened the car door and stepped out.

Christine looked at the gloomy face of the man beside him, his face was green.

"Brother, what should I do, brother."

Mo Chengan turned around slowly, staring at her closely, "What do you think?"

"You came up with an idea, quickly find a solution for me!"


Christine was pushed out of the car.

She looked at Demi standing there excitedly, and suddenly lost interest in going to the playground.

"Come on Christine, the car will be here soon."

The taxi was parked nearby, and the door opened just in time for the two of them to board.

After driving for a while, Christine found a chance to speak.

"That... Sister Demi, what did you mean by those words just now? Why do you want to fulfill brother Xiaobao and me."

"Huh? Isn't it good? You don't like him?"

Demi thought of a reason.

"You don't like him, is he coercing you?"

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