The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2646 Xiaobao extra 227, never agree

The old lady's voice fell, and the scene was extremely quiet.

No one spoke for a full minute, and everyone's eyes were filled with shock, but no one could speak.

They looked at each other and could see the disbelief in each other's eyes.

And more, it is everyone's fear of the development after the old lady announced the news.

There was an atmosphere of unknown meaning in the air, and the faces of the people present became very strange.

For a long time no one even dared to speak.

They stood by the side, as if they were severely stimulated by someone, and their faces were all pale.

"Since the DNA test results show that Demi is the blood of my Tulip family, it is natural to recognize it." The old lady had a smile on her face, regardless of what other people were thinking.

After all, she decides what to do, how others think, and what does she have to do with herself.

"Next, please be a witness. I want to restore the surname of the Tulip family for Demi. From now on, she is the legitimate daughter of my Tulip family, and she also has the right of succession."

"Old lady, be careful." Finally someone couldn't help but speak.

"The duke has just inherited the title for less than three months. If you are like this now, don't you..."

Embarrass the duke?

But obviously, the old lady didn't care at all.

"How could it be? I just recognized the blood of the Tulip family. What does it have to do with the Duke? The Duke will never think that Demi, a weak little girl, will threaten your status."

Mo Chengan finally spoke, his handsome face was raised with a hint of sternness.

Thin lips raised slightly, "No."

There was a stiff look on his face, and from a distance, his black eyes were fixed on the girl standing beside the old lady.

Demi is now the most confused one in the audience.

She didn't understand from the beginning to the end, how could things suddenly develop to this point?
An hour ago, everyone was shouting and beating her, and everyone said that her methods were harsh and her reputation was ruined.

But now, an hour later, she stood beside the old lady, became the daughter of the Tulip family, and became the number one heir.

What's this all about.

"Old lady, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run." Only those who were older and slightly older dared to speak.

So many people followed suit.

"Yes, yes, after all, it is not as good as before. Even DNA is easy to fake, old lady, don't be deceived."

Ha ha.

The old lady felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the two people who were talking, "So you are saying that I am old and confused now?"

"Hmph! I'm just older than you, but I know better than you! Demi is the descendant of my benefactor, of course I have to take care of her. As long as I live, she will always be the most honorable young lady of the Tulip family. .”

He paused, as if he felt that his words were not threatening enough.

"Even if I die someday, this will become my will. Anyone who refuses to accept it will be against me!"

The old lady thought for a while, and felt that she was old after all.

In addition, the physical condition is not very good recently.

If something happened to pass away unexpectedly, this group of people who were obedient and disobedient did not know how they would treat Demi.

The follow-up... really needs to be discussed in the long run.

"Okay. You have already witnessed my decision, and there is no need to say the rest."

The old lady is eloquent now, and will not give others a chance to refute.

After she finished speaking, she let someone help her to walk down.

Then he took Demi and walked towards the crowd.

"Come on, Demi. You will call me grandma from now on. Grandma will introduce you to the Tulip family today. They are all your elders, and they are all very nice."

She spoke with a smile.

Others couldn't laugh at all.

It is good to have an extra direct heir, except for dividing the wealth in their hands, it is of no use.

What's more, a Tulip Duke has just appeared, and now there is another one...

Their days are really coming to an end.

"This is Earl Boleyn, your distant cousin. Of course, he has little connection with our Tulip family's surname now. He married into the Boleyn family. He didn't have any children of his own."

Demi, "..."

She nodded in greeting.

"This is Baron Saiman, I think he is your elder brother. It's just that the blood relationship is far away... Let's just call him that."


Dimak's tradition is that people who do not have the same surname are not considered relatives.

Many of these people present still had the surname Tulip.

But in terms of blood relationship, it is already very far away.

It's just that everyone is enjoying the blessing of this big family, so no one wants to put aside the name of Tulip.

So in the city of Dimak, people from all walks of life are controlled by the Tulip family.

After recognizing a few people, the old lady suddenly pressed her head.

"Why am I a little dizzy?"

Her face suddenly turned pale, and she looked extremely tired.

Demi subconsciously supported the old lady.

Up to now, she has been in a very dazed state. Everything that happened today is almost like a dream.

"Old lady, what's the matter with you?"

"Help me to rest. Recognize next time."


Demi breathed a sigh of relief.

She quickly helped the old lady back to her room to rest.

Everyone around gave way to them.

And when passing in front, Demi could even feel her hand brushing the corner of the man's clothes, just enough to smell the faint mint fragrance on his body.

"Go back to the room and wait for me."

Mo Chengan whispered in her ear.

The voice was very low, just enough for her to hear alone.

But Demi didn't dare to answer, she just lowered her head, and together with the servant, helped the old lady to leave in a hurry.

The man behind him kept looking at her, and his dark and deep eyes still fell on her from a long distance away.

Even through the thick cloth, the hot feeling can still pierce into her skin, burning every inch of her skin.

For a long time, no one outside spoke.

It wasn't until the figure of the old lady completely disappeared from everyone's sight that exaggerated discussions suddenly appeared.

"What's the matter?"

"A descendant of the Queen of Thorns has emerged in a good way. The old lady must have been deceived."

They didn't dare to guess that the old lady was messing around.

It can only be blamed on others.

Like Demi.

For example, some disobedient others.

After all, the old lady can only be deceived, not on her own initiative.

Someone hurried to Mo Chengan and his wife.

"You two, things have come to this point, are you still indifferent? That Demi is notorious, and the scandalous news with Prince Cairns has caused a lot of trouble. Now there is even a rift with the royal family. The old lady not only does not distance herself from her , but still want to recognize her as the daughter of the Tulip family. What is this all about?"

Mo Chengan's face was gloomy, there was no expression in his black eyes, and his whole body was somewhat indifferent.

He didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to ask.

He could only look at the smiling lady.

"Ma'am, you have to take care of this matter. The blood of our Tulip family is already weak, and now this kind of thing happened..."

"What should I do? You just saw that I didn't know anything about the old lady before she made her decision."

"That can't make such a woman the daughter of the Tulip family!"

And he is also the first in line of succession.

This is what scares them the most.

After all, Mo Chengan had only inherited the title not long ago, and everyone hadn't even figured out what he was thinking, but seeing that he didn't take much care of the Tujinxiang family's affairs recently, they were somewhat relieved.

But if there is one more person, how much property will they have to share?

Will he try to take away the power of the Tulip family?
After all, it was rumored on the Internet that the woman named Demi was cruel and scheming, so she was not someone to mess with.

Madam smiled, her brows relaxed, "I can't control this matter. After all, Miss Demi is not only loved by the old lady, but even our Duke takes good care of her. If I come forward to stop this matter , isn’t it against the old lady and the Duke? I can’t bear the consequences.”

"How could it be, ma'am, we all see your devotion to the Tulip family..."

Halfway through the conversation, the man suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"The duke also takes good care of her?"

He subconsciously looked to the side.

It happened to meet the man's calm and unwavering eyes.

At that moment, everyone froze.

Mo Chengan slowly parted his thin lips, and there was a very faint arc on the end of his eyes, revealing a slight smile.

"Why don't you continue talking."

"Duke, I didn't know that you also..."

How can he go on with this?

Although there were rumors that the Duke and Demi had an affair, what everyone thought was that it was an affair after all.

When it comes to this kind of big right and wrong, every man will choose interests.

Who would affect the power position in his hands for a woman!
But now, the man only turned his eyes coldly, and there was an invisible sense of oppression.

Mo Chengan smiled and finally stood up.

The slender figure stood among those people, even though there were people close to two meters tall among them, they still couldn't hide the aura of a man.

He stood in the middle of the crowd like this, his cold black eyes slowly swept across the audience without saying a word.

"I'm tired too, you guys continue." After waiting for a long while, everyone realized that the words Mo Chengan said were only perfunctory.

And after he finished speaking, he turned around and left his seat.

"What... the duke, what does this mean?"

"Why did you just leave! Didn't he even say a word about such a big incident?"

The people below were outraged.

"What kind of Duke Tulip is this? As an outsider, does he have a sense of identity with our family? Does he have any respect for the glorious Tulip!"

There were so many people that it was impossible to tell if it was people protesting.

Or maybe there are so many people protesting that everyone starts to feel righteous indignation.

"I absolutely disagree with an inexplicable woman becoming the eldest lady of the Tulip family! Absolutely."

"Me too! We offshoots don't even have the right to inherit. We have been exiled abroad since we were young and have no access to any family core. But now a woman who appeared from nowhere wants to become the number one successor of Duke Tulip." an heir. I refuse to accept it!"

"Who will be convinced? It doesn't matter if the Duke is an outsider. This was decided 20 years ago when the old Duke was seriously ill. We juniors can't say anything! But now there is a strange woman who is notorious. Disgusted. Letting her surname be Tulip, wouldn’t that lower our class and ruin the reputation of the Tulip family!”

"The old lady is old and confused, but we don't!"

"Let's join hands to ask the old lady to take back this decision." Someone shouted, and soon a lot of people responded.

"I agree! I will sign the joint letter, and the old lady is not allowed to be so capricious."

"Add me."

"And I!"

So most of the people present were responding to the proposal.

They began to discuss who would write the joint book.

After all, God has been too powerful for a long time, and no one wants to be the first bird.

"Madam. We can find Madam."

Mrs. Tulip froze for a moment. She had been sitting by the side watching the show, but when she was caught by the cue, the sarcasm on her face was almost suppressed.

"what are you guys saying?"

"Madam has worked diligently in Tulip's house for 20 years, so she can't just watch these fruits being taken away by an outsider."

"And Ma'am, in our minds, you are the one who is truly suitable to control the Tulip family. If it weren't for the blood relationship, you are now the next Queen of Thorns."

They are all good people, and they are well versed in all kinds of speech skills.

Mrs. Tulip smiled, almost getting lost in the group's rainbow farts.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, she quickly pulled away from the compliments of the group, and slowly stood up, "Although I have married into the Tulip family, I am an outsider after all. Now the old lady is in charge, and the Duke is also responsible for the usual affairs." Deal with it. I'm an idler, and I really shouldn't get involved in these things. That seems too ignorant."

After she finished speaking with a smile, she gave Dai Gaoli a look.

The latter immediately supported his wife, "My sister was not feeling well a few days ago, and she was still seeing a doctor. Now that the wind blows again, I'm afraid she will have to recuperate for a while."

Dai Gaoli was worried, and took the initiative to explain to the servant next to her, "Call the doctor over early tomorrow morning. My sister still needs to prescribe medicine for her illness."


Mrs. Tulip was a little surprised when she heard this.

There was some unclear relationship between that doctor and her.

Dai Gaoli knew this before, but she didn't want her to take the initiative to call the other party over.

"Ma' can't ignore it!"

Someone shouted from behind.

But Madam still kept walking, never turning her head to look at them.

Just kidding not.

The old lady made a decision, and Mo Chengan didn't object. If she jumped out and resisted, she would be the first bird before she could figure out what other people were thinking.

Maybe it will be abolished by the old lady and the Duke working together to find a reason.

Taking advantage of the fact that I still have some authority in hand, what I should do is to transfer assets as much as possible and preserve my strength.

Madam has already thought about it in her heart.

The muddy water of Tulip's family seems to be beyond his control.

"Tomorrow morning, the doctor must come over."



Demi accompanied the old lady back to the room.

Not long after helping her to sit down, the old lady's complexion improved a lot.

Then sat up directly.

"Come here, Demi, sit down and tell grandma about this matter to you."

"Old lady, your face..."

It seems that compared to when I was outside, it suddenly became better.

The old lady smiled, "What's the problem? I'm fine, I just pretended."

How can such a face be pretended casually.

But Demi didn't expose her lie, she just sat quietly beside her, "Actually, I also want to ask, is what I just announced outside true?"

"you do not believe?"

The old lady was a little surprised. Seeing her serious expression, she couldn't help laughing, "That's right, you are like everyone else, you don't know anything. It's normal if you don't believe it."

He reached out and took hers.

"But Demi, grandma won't favor you. I've been paying attention to your life experience since I first met you. After discovering that your mother and grandmother both have some hybrid genes, I became even more suspicious."

"As far as I know, the Queen of Thorns had an affair when she was young. That man was from the East... It's just that she became the Duke of Tulip and was trapped in this castle and never left."

"But this is really ridiculous." Demi felt that her words were already very euphemistic.

What she even wanted to say was a few words from the Arabian Nights.

"My mother was a commoner, and her family was not well-off since she was a child. That's why she went to work as a servant in Glens Castle. In the end, she became someone else's lover."

Even more than 20 years ago, this kind of thing would have been criticized.

"And I am an illegitimate daughter. I never thought that I would have such a life experience."

Demi smiled wryly.

"To be honest, those are people from more than 100 years ago. Is it my ancestor? How much does her identity have to do with me now?"

The old lady was a little surprised by what she said now.

After a pause, he opened his mouth slowly.

"You're sober."

She looked at Demi quietly, with some relief in her eyes.

"It is precisely because I know your character that I will announce this publicly today. Demi, as long as it belongs to your identity, no one can take it away."

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