The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2626 Xiaobao extra 207, don't be kidding

The man seemed to be stunned, he never expected Mo Chengan to speak like this, and he didn't react for a while.

After a while, he finally spoke, "Hi Miss Demi, I've heard of your name before. It's better to meet you than to be famous, you are like a fairy."

Demi felt embarrassed for a moment.

I just feel that when this person speaks, he really makes people feel very comfortable, and the compliments and compliments come out very naturally.

She could only salute and thank you in a low voice.

"The seats have been arranged, please come inside."

Mo Chengan nodded, and quickly raised his long legs and walked inside.

Seeing his eagerness, Demi quickly followed.

There was some icy and cold smell in the air, and Demi silently followed behind the man, only feeling that his back was a little dark today, but she didn't understand why the good boy was upset again.

And Mo Chengan walked straight in, and after being led to his seat, he sat down directly.

"Duke, I'd better wait in the lounge."

It was said to be a tea party, but it seemed that the people who came didn't have female relatives, most of them were in suits and leather shoes, and their attention was always drifting this way. It seemed that they wanted to do business with Mo Chengan.

But the man just raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, then pointed to the chair beside him.

With a gentle voice, he only uttered a short and crisp word.



She wanted to say something more, but when she lowered her eyes, she met the man's dark, ink-colored eyes, and the coldness without warmth in them.

Demi didn't dare to have any hesitation, and immediately sat down without thinking.


She obediently sat beside Mo Chengan.

After a while, people began to slowly come to say hello.

"Duke, I'm Earl Hela. I met you once at your succession ceremony. I don't know if you still have an impression of me."

Mo Chengan nodded slightly, "I am deeply impressed."

"Really? That's my honor." Earl Hela became excited all of a sudden, and took Mo Chengan's hand and shook it vigorously a few times.

The man let go of his hand slowly, with a distant but reasonable smile on Jun's face.

"Count Hella is a well-known philanthropist. I have heard your name in Ningcheng. It was my father who mentioned it."

"So that's how it is! I really didn't expect it to spread so far. How does your father... how would you evaluate me?"

It could be seen that he cared a lot about Mo Junzhe's evaluation.

Mo Chengan nodded, and replied with a smile, "Naturally, I appreciate it very much. Father thinks that in a high position, he can always think about the people at the bottom. He said that you are a person with great love."

"Thank you!" Earl Hella was extremely excited.

"I really didn't expect that I could get such a high evaluation from Mr. Mo. I really... don't know how to describe the feeling now. Anyway, I am really grateful to Mr. Mo."

"This time I came to Dimak. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will try my best to support charity."

Earl Hella felt a little flattered already.

He looked at Mo Chengan seriously, "I heard earlier that you have been having some conflicts with the royal family, and thought you were as flamboyant and ignorant as you were 20 years ago. Now that I think about it, there must be other reasons. I saw you in person today, and saw you again." After seeing the legendary Miss Glenn Stemi, I realized that the rumors cannot be completely believed."

Demi was suddenly cueed and stood up immediately.

However, Earl Hella said seriously, "I had misunderstood Miss Demi before, but now I see you in person. I realize how wrong I was. If I have a chance, I must make a formal apology to you."

"No need, no need, I don't think..."

"Just tonight." Mo Chengan directly interrupted Demi's words.

She was stunned.

A few polite words from others, how can I make people apologize directly.

Count Hella was also taken aback, but quickly realized, "Okay, if the Duke needs it, I can formally apologize."

"That's not necessary. It's just that we will all attend the charity dinner tonight. If it's convenient, Earl Hella can arrange it for me. Take it as an apology."

He made a request.

Demi didn't understand for a long time.

Earl Hella's expression changed from previous suspicion to a smile.

"Yes, yes. It's simple. I'll just make a phone call later and explain it to you. Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Mo Chengan thanked him politely.

"It should be. It is a great honor for me that you will also attend this charity dinner. I believe that the fundraising activities will go on more smoothly."

After he said hello, he saw that other people were coming, so he wisely didn't continue talking.

Just say see you tonight.

After the two sat down for a while, other people came over.

These people seemed to be here to discuss cooperation, so Mo Chengan only said a few perfunctory words in a formulaic manner, and then quickly stopped the greetings.

The combined time of the three of them was not as long as Earl Hela's talking alone.

It took a while to rest.

Mo Chengan pointed to his arm.

Demi immediately understood and reached out to rub him under the table.

"Duke, you seem to have a different attitude towards Earl Hella than other people."

"Hmm, did you notice it?"

Demi didn't poke.

He just smiled softly, "The difference is a bit too obvious."

"He's worth it." It was also rare for Mo Chengan to be interested in mentioning the same person more than once.

"Count Hella has devoted his whole life to charity, and almost emptied his family. He will hold charity dinners like this almost every month, because the frequency is too frequent, and gradually fewer people will participate. Until now There is not much money raised after the event.”

"Is that so? Look at the charity fundraising reported outside. Some celebrities will be invited to stand on the platform, and the proceeds of the fundraising will be donated. It can not only gain fame, but also complete charity."

"Those..." Mo Chengan shook his head.

"They are all vested interests. It would be nice to donate half of the proceeds. But Earl Hela, it is 100%."

Mo Chengan was unbearably patient, "This is also the reason why he emptied his family. In the beginning, many people were willing to come to gain this good reputation. Later, they gradually found that not only did they not get any benefits every time they attended, but they had to pay for it themselves. Pay out of your pocket. After all, you have participated in it and it’s not justified if you don’t donate. So now there are very few people participating.”

"It's a lot tonight."

After reading the information, Demi naturally knows that there are dozens of people in today's auction and the participants.

"Well. So he just came to thank me specially."

Mo Chengan wasn't humble either.

He also directly admitted this matter.

He smiled, and his handsome face was suddenly radiant.

Can't take your eyes off.

"The celebrity effect is like this, and the new Tulip Duke has rarely appeared in front of the public since the last incident. Others have no chance to contact. After finally going to Earl Hela's charity dinner, his participation requirements are not Gao. Naturally, everyone is willing to bring something to the auction, as long as there is a chance to get to know you."

Demi can easily dissect everyone's psychology.

For this, Mo Chengan nodded in appreciation.

"That's right. Charity can be done for a while, or for a year. But it's hard to stick to it for a lifetime."

Demi could hear that he actually disdained those so-called "philanthropists" in his heart, but for Earl Hela, there was always a hint of appreciation in his words.

Looking at the man's handsome profile, she suddenly felt that she knew this man a little better.

"Remember to prepare tonight."

get ready?
Demi didn't get it at the time.

After all, when Mo Chengan and Earl Hella asked him to help arrange the arrangement, he didn't understand those words.

Just hearing Mo Chengan speak, he nodded without hesitation.


She has no extra thoughts.

I thought that after the tea party was over, I would go and ask him what he wanted to prepare.

But Demi never expected that this tea party would take two hours, and Mo Chengan hardly stopped for 5 minutes during the whole time.

There are always people around him who come to say hello and chat.

Talk about various things.

From time to time, a waiter would come to deliver things, and the surrounding area was so lively that there was no room for her to intervene.

For a moment, Demi really felt that she might as well stay in the lounge and there was no need to follow Mo Chengan.

Not only is it useless, but now it's actually a little sleepy.

But Mo Chengan didn't allow her to leave.

And from time to time, when someone came to say hello, they would introduce her to her.

The expression on everyone's face is also different.

But most people, even if they were a little surprised when they saw Demi, concealed it very well.

No one would really say she has a bad reputation or anything like that.

It took a long time before Demi was finally freed.

Because almost all the people in the tea party came to visit Mo Chengan once.

It's nothing more than trying to get acquainted.

Demi yawned secretly while there was no one around, and leaned back, looking a little tired.

"Tired?" The man looked towards her slowly, with concern in his eyes.

"A little."

She quickly sat up straight, but she didn't dare to say that she was tired in front of him.

After a while, he turned around and looked forward until he saw someone walking in over there. At first glance, he looked familiar.

It's just that Demi still didn't recognize it at first glance.

Mo Chengan followed her attention, glanced over there, and then quickly retracted it again.

He turned around and called the waiter over.

"Send some fruit."

"There is still some time on the way to the charity dinner later, you can take a rest in the car."

"Okay." Demi nodded seriously after thinking for a while.

She is indeed very sleepy now, if she doesn't sleep in the car, it will be even more troublesome if she doesn't fall asleep at the charity dinner later.

It is true that there are these considerations, but Demi herself has never thought about why she can be so comfortable in front of Mo Chengan now.

She seems to have stopped deliberately keeping a distance, and the more she does this, the more embarrassing it will be.

"It's almost time, let's go first."


The driver was already waiting at the door in advance.

When they saw them coming out, they immediately went forward.

Opening the door, the two got in the car one after the other.

When I left, there were many cars following behind, all of them came to pick up people.

And the person in charge obviously had a clear understanding of the priorities, giving priority to letting them leave first.

As soon as the car left, the people behind couldn't see them, and soon someone started talking in a low voice.

"Isn't this the woman who made a lot of noise in the news? What's going on with Duke Tulip? Why are you still getting involved with her?"

"Who knows. Maybe they just have different tastes."

"How else can I put it, she is really powerful. She can make the Duke of Tulip become obsessed with her, and after doing such a big thing, she can still retreat completely, and she can easily get the Duke of Tulip into her pocket .”

Several girls gathered together and discussed in low voices.

They also came to the tea party.

But obviously, because of Mo Chengan's appearance, no one would pay attention to them anymore.

Everyone knows that the upstart who is now Dimak.

No, it should be said to be the upstart of the entire kingdom.

Even if there is some criticism in my heart, who dares to talk about it outside.

Do you really not want to hang out in Dimak?


Inside a Rolls Royce.

Demi sat on a comfortable chair with her face tilted to one side, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Realizing that she was asleep, Mo Chengan immediately signaled the driver to turn down the music.

Then even the visors were all closed.

Demi fell asleep.

So she didn't know that a scorching gaze fell on her cheek unscrupulously.

Compared with the usual restraint.

The current Mo Cheng'an is very similar to the night when Demi got drunk, because she didn't know anything about it, so she could not hide her thoughts at all.

You can do it without hesitation.

The girl has only light makeup on her face now.

In the dimly lit carriage, I couldn't actually see her expression very clearly, but I could vaguely tell that her eyebrows and eyes were very beautiful.

For a long time, there was some ambiguity in the air.

The driver closed the baffle wisely, so that he couldn't see the situation behind him at all.

And Demi was still fast asleep.

She wouldn't even know that there was a man who almost couldn't help himself and wanted to take advantage of her while she was asleep.

Fortunately, it finally stopped.

At that moment, the girl's eyelashes trembled, because the car stopped suddenly, and she felt a little bit about to wake up.

This frightened Mo Chengan.

He sat up straight without hesitation, and didn't dare to look at Demi again.

It's just that the corner of the eye still drifts there from time to time, and only after making sure that she doesn't mean to wake up can I enjoy the girl's sleeping face with peace of mind.

Because the side face is leaning against the chair, half of the face is covered by the hair.

What is exposed is the particularly beautiful nose and eyes on her face.

Even when she was asleep, her thick eyelashes covered her eyelids, and her whole body exuded a peaceful atmosphere.

Unlike the usual jumping-off appearance, she is extremely cute now.

For a moment, Mo Chengan almost couldn't bear the impulse in his heart, wanting to wake her up immediately, and tell her that he was full of love.

The car jolted a bit.

Demi woke up in a daze.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked to the side.

At first glance, it was still a dim compartment, and because of the lack of light, I didn't even realize where it was for a while.

After a pause, I finally understood.

"Still on the way?"

"Hmm. It's a bit far away." Mo Chengan tidied up his clothes as if nothing had happened, and sat up straight again.

"Earl Hella holds charity dinners every time in a remote place."


Demi didn't understand.

"In my impression, such charity dinners are for the convenience of celebrities and rich people. Most of them are chosen in some private mansions or high-end hotels."

"Because of lack of money." Mo Chengan gave an extremely strange reason.

Seeing Demi's suspicious expression, he explained in a low voice.

"Count Hella is too short of money. Most of his residence has been auctioned and donated. He lives in an old villa. The price of renting a luxurious hotel is very high."

"But in a more remote place, it's not necessarily the case."

While speaking, Mo Chengan opened the car window.

A resort hotel has appeared right in front of it. It doesn't look luxurious, but it can be seen that it has been carefully arranged.

The bright lights can be seen from a distance.

There is some lavender scent in the air, and you can see a large purple ocean in the distance from a long distance.

"Wow." Demi's eyes lit up.

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