The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2622 Xiaobao Extra 203, relationship progress

"Yes yes, and a soup. Nothing else."

The chef walked towards her while chatting with her, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Miss Demi to be able to cook Chinese food. Yesterday I heard that you were going to cook for the old lady in the kitchen. I broke a sweat."

Demi smiled, and the special mask on her face made her voice less clear when she spoke.

"You should have concerns. But I've been doing these things almost every day recently, and I'm still very proficient. Don't worry."

She is not good at other dishes. She has read many recipes, and there are many complicated and more gorgeous dishes.

But she didn't try these, one is because there are many inappropriate ingredients here, and the other is that there are not so many special tools and time.

The most important thing is that Demi herself is not good at it.

Demi never dared to boast. After all, most of the dishes she knew were taught to her by her mother when she was a child.

And my mother's cooking skills are mostly derived from my grandmother.

Thinking about it now, although my grandmother looks like an oriental face, judging from her name, it seems that she also grew up on Dimak's side.

Whether the craftsmanship is good or not, or whether it is professional or not, is also questionable.

Up to now, Demi is still very worried. Did Mo Chengan find it unpalatable when he gave it to him?

It is completely inferior to Ningcheng's local craftsmanship.

"Garlic, please help me get some minced garlic, thank you."

"It's fine to cut the tomato into chunks, just moderate, not too standard."

"Well... I'll cook the ribs first, can I use another pot to fry other dishes later?"

She arranged it methodically.

After all, the time is only these two hours, and it is quite tiring to cook six or seven dishes.

Demi is not complacent, and really feels that she can easily handle it alone.

That's a big table dish.


After her busy work was over, it was already past five o'clock.

Demi rubbed her sore shoulders, looked up at the chef who had been waiting beside her, "Is there still time?"

"It's just right. Usually dinner starts at six o'clock, and now it's five forty. Miss Demi, please take a break, and I will arrange for others to deliver it."

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work."

Demi breathed a sigh of relief.

She took off the apron and washed her hands again before finally leaving the kitchen for the dining room.

The time was right, but Demi didn't go back to her room to tidy herself up.

I just tied my hair again, and went to the restaurant to wait.

Since it was a meal she cooked specially for the old lady, of course she had to do her best.

Even the dishes on which the dishes are served are specially prepared, and the blue and white glaze is completely different from Dimak's popular style today.

But when a whole set of dishes is served on the table, it has a special charm.

In order to present a sense of atmosphere.

Even the original long European-style tables in the restaurant were replaced with solid wood tables at some point.

Even Demi herself had no idea that someone could be so thoughtful.

Even the tables have been changed in advance.

It took her a long time to react, and she stood there in surprise for a long time.

"Who replaced this?"

The servant next to him was helping, but when he heard Demi ask, he immediately looked over.

"The duke ordered it."

"He said that these arrangements looked clichéd and a bit boring. So he gave us a picture and asked everyone to arrange it according to the picture. So it became like this."

Pure solid wood table.

Demi was somewhat flattered that the wood seemed to be quite expensive.

"How could he think of these..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a deep and familiar voice came from outside.

Mo Chengan had already left his room at some point, and arrived at the restaurant a few minutes earlier to wait for the meal to open, and he was extremely punctual.

"Why can't I think of it?"

The man walked straight towards her, and seeing that she was still standing there in a daze, he stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder.

Then subconsciously frowned.

"How long have you been soaking in the kitchen?"

"A little over two hours." Demi replied truthfully.

After I finished speaking, I realized that the man had been leaning against her and seemed to smell it.

"What, what's wrong?"

This made her a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing. I just feel that you don't need to do these jobs."

Only now did he know why at home, the old man often said that Ranran told her not to go to the kitchen all the time by herself.

I thought it was because I disliked Ranran's cooking.

Now that I think about it, it's not because of this.

But the smell of oily smoke in the kitchen is extremely strong. When handling ingredients with hands, you will also touch a lot of grease, and there is still some smell left on your body when you come out of it.

If things go on like this, the hands will be rough.

Their Mo family is not an ordinary family.

Special nannies, chefs, and even nutritionists were hired.

Naturally, there is no need for the wife to cook in person.

But Mo Chengan didn't talk about it, he quite liked seeing the smile on the girl's face with a sense of accomplishment.

Fortunately, Demi didn't notice anything wrong.

If he knew that Mo Chengan had noticed the smell of oily smoke on her body, he might have thought that he was rejected by others.

"Sit down first. The old lady should be here soon."

"it is good."

Demi obediently sat down beside her, her palm subconsciously flattened, and landed on the solid wood table, sliding gently over it to feel the texture on it.

Finally couldn't help but speak.

"Duke, is this table expensive?"

"It's okay, it's just ordinary mahogany." Mo Chengan glanced casually.

"Enah. It's the furniture of this color in this restaurant, wouldn't it be a bit out of place?"

After all, the entire castle has a long history, and after a series of transformations, it is now a pure European style.

The original furniture is very gorgeous, carved with exquisite patterns, and even the wall lamps are very old.

All kinds of decorations are full of details.

But what about now...

It cannot be said that it is not good-looking, it can only be said that it is not as good as before.

Mo Chengan didn't care about these things.

"Don't you want to learn Chinese food for a long time? Don't you girls take some pictures after cooking? Don't you need a matching background?"


She hadn't thought about it.

"Now that I've said this, I've been meaning to ask you a question."

"Duke, tell me."

Demi lowered her head and didn't say anything unnecessary. Her amber eyes were wide open and she looked at him quietly, her whole face was full of clarity.

This made Mo Chengan unable to look away.

But he still nodded and found his own train of thought.

"You obviously use social software, but you never post a status, why?"

If it's because it doesn't interoperate with domestic software, it's fine.

But Mo Chengan has already checked her ins and so on, there is no activity in all accounts, and the last update was several years ago.

Demi was taken aback, a little surprised.

"Is this important?"

"I'm just asking casually. If you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it."

Demi nodded without thinking too much, thinking that the man was probably curious.

Then take the initiative to explain.

"The INS is actually in use, but after the incident with Prince Cairns more than two years ago, I haven't updated it. After all... If you want to hide in Glens Castle without being discovered, of course you can't be more high-profile. "


"What about the others?"

Nothing dynamic.

Mo Chengan frowned, "Ordinary girls who cook delicious food, or go to a beautiful place, participate in some activities, don't know how to take photos and post their status? Why are you not interested at all?"

He never even saw her take a picture.

Demi blinked her eyes.

"I don't have this habit. I feel that only I know how to live my life. It is meaningless to tell others."

Mo Chengan was slightly taken aback.

He suddenly became sober.


He found that the girl in front of him was much more sober than he thought.

The atmosphere around the table suddenly relaxed a lot.

When the old lady came over, she saw the two of them talking and laughing, and her mood improved a lot.

"What are you two talking about?"

She leaned over and looked back and forth between the two faces like a curious baby.

The look on his face was extremely ambiguous.

Demi was a little embarrassed at once, she moved a little to the side, and said in a low voice, "No, just, just some everyday things."

"Oh? Everyday things can make you blush, right?"

"No." Demi subconsciously denied.

She stretched out her hand and covered her face with her backhand, but she didn't react at all. It turned out that her face was already red.

He looked at the old lady with ambiguous eyes.

Looking at Mo Chengan again, the latter's eyes were full of jokes.

This made Demi panic immediately.

"I, I, I really didn't blush. It may be because I have been busy in the kitchen for a long time, and it was a little hot."


The old lady didn't expose her, just smiled and pretended not to know anything.

"You know, it's twenty degrees outside right now. Everyone's still wearing sweaters."

She was wearing an off-white knitted sweater, and she looked gentle and clean, with a particularly clear breath.

Demi lowered her head, not daring to continue this topic.

Seeing the servant bring the last dish, he hastily opened his mouth.

"Old lady, all the dishes are ready, why don't you try it first."


An assortment of dishes on the table, although not gorgeous and delicate, but it is also full of color, fragrance and taste.

The old lady picked up the chopsticks and started to use them less skillfully.

"Did you do all of this yourself?"

"Well. Everyone helped me a lot when preparing the dishes, thanks to them."

Demi offered to help the old lady pick up vegetables.

"Try this first."

She sandwiched a rib.

"I deliberately stewed it for almost two hours. The bones and meat have already fallen off, and you should be able to bite it."

"Okay, okay, then I'll give it a try." You must know that at the old lady's age, most of her teeth have fallen out.

She wears dentures now, and usually pays attention not to eat too hard things.

But now put this rib in your mouth.

After a little sip, the bone fell out by itself.

After spitting it out, taste the meat slowly. It is tender and soft, and it tastes really good.

"How?" Demi was a little nervous, pinching her fingers together.

I was afraid that cooking for the first time in Tulip Castle would displease the old lady.

But it was obvious that she was worrying too much.

The old lady directly compared her thumbs up after eating.


"I didn't expect Demi to have this skill. I have to taste the rest of the dishes."

The old lady's mind became active, so she wanted to pick up other dishes by herself.

However, I am really not used to using chopsticks, so I can only ask Demi to help.

"This is ground three delicacies. You know all the ingredients in it. They are all vegetarian dishes. They are just fried without any oil."

"This is delicious too! Very fresh."

One material can't make too many tricks.

But the old lady's evaluation of her is getting higher and higher.

Words of praise came out of the old lady's mouth again and again as if they didn't want money.

"That's great, our Demi."

"I didn't expect you to be able to cook Chinese food when you grew up in Dimak. It turned out that I didn't discover your treasure before."

Demi blushed at the compliment.

She could only help the old lady pick up vegetables all the time to relieve her emotions.

"Okay, okay, eat quickly, both of you. Don't just watch me eat alone. There are so many dishes, Xiaobao, you have to eat hard. After all, this is specially prepared by Demi for me. You today It’s my light.”

Mo Chengan slightly raised his eyebrows and looked over, taking advantage of the opportunity to drink a bowl of soup, "It's not the first time I've eaten it."


The old lady suddenly became a little strange, "Demi, you were in Glens Castle before, and you were still in charge of cooking for him?"

"No. I went to find her two days ago, and she made it for me in the rented room. Well, there is one more fried pork with garlic sprouts than today."

"What's that?" The old lady became impatient all of a sudden, looking at Demi and asking.

The latter was stunned, and could only explain in a low voice, "It's, it's a very simple dish, because I don't have any ingredients today, so I didn't prepare it..."

Demi explained seriously, not wanting the old lady to be angry.

"It's just an excuse. That dish is not easy to cook." Mo Chengan said suddenly, and the old lady who had just been comforted became excited in an instant.

"You... Demi, you cook such complicated dishes for him, why don't you cook for me?"

"No!" Demi's eyes widened.

Just staring at Mo Chengan with wide open eyes, "Don't deliberately provoke me here. Was that specially made for you? Obviously I wanted to eat by myself, so I asked you to eat with me because you didn't leave there. And this dish No matter how complicated the dishes are, just stir-fry them.”

"Then why don't you do it for the old lady." Mo Chengan really meant to stir up trouble.

Although the atmosphere at the table is very active now.

But Demi was caught in the middle, still full of grievances.

"It's just that there are no ingredients... It's not easy to buy. In Dimak, except for ordinary people, who would eat them. Many dishes can't be bought at all, okay?"

The most common ones are egg tomatoes and spinach.

Because they are often used for breakfast.

But other side dishes, like Dimak, are hard to find. Last time she saw someone selling them in the nearby supermarket, so she bought them temporarily.

With this explanation, the old lady was barely appeased.

Mo Chengan finally lost the interest in continuing to tease her, and started eating on his own initiative.

"Old lady, don't believe his instigation, he's just a wicked person. Childish!" Demi gave Mo Chengan a hard look, and at this moment she didn't realize that her behavior was completely out of the category of master and servant.

The old lady next to her understood immediately, nodding her head while smiling quite satisfied.

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