The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2613 Xiaobao Extra Story 194, for a period of March

The air was instantly cold.

The atmosphere in the entire box became stiff at that moment.

For a long time, no one even opened their mouths to speak. Everyone was shocked by what Mo Chengan just said.

Lilian's face changed on the spot.

Although she was a bit over the top after drinking, her basic thinking skills were still there.

"Wait a minute, Duke, why is Demi going to be your servant? She has long since stopped taking care of you, okay?"

Lilian was a little angry.

In any case, Demi is also an independent person, and she is still a good friend of her own. This time she spared no effort to help her. How could she be allowed to be a servant again!
"I warn you, don't think that you can bully people like this because you are the Duke of Tulip. Demi's heart is for you, but it doesn't mean you have to compromise."

Instead of making Mo Chengan angry, what she said made the smile on his face even heavier.

Are you attached to him?

Mo Chengan slowly fumbled for the rim of the cup with his fingers, looking at her with mocking eyes.

I can really tell.

Who is the heartless person?Who is the one who doesn't miss it?

Lilian frowned, "Why are you laughing!"

Her voice was much louder than usual, and her tone was even more fierce.

It took a while to realize that Mo Chengan's face had also darkened.

There was a stern air all over his body, and he just raised his eyes and stared at Lilian, "Why don't you ask her why she wants to be my servant?"

"Then there's no need to ask, of course it's because you forced her... Is there anyone who can't think about serving others? Don't want to be free!"

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows, and there was some hint in his black eyes, he just turned around and looked at Demi, "She said that, what do you think?"

Seeing Demi's face was stiff and silent, she looked to the other side.

"Lilian, why don't you ask her yourself?"

"Just ask. Hmph." Lilian stood up and was about to walk towards Demi, but her whole figure was already shaking.

Demi said quickly, "I am voluntary."

She was looking for an excuse indiscriminately, "It's because I have no choice but to stay in someone else's shelter temporarily. I don't have a better identity now, so I want to stay by his side in the name of taking care of the Duke and seek asylum."

"Then you can find me." Lilian was very angry.

How could her good friend be a servant for another man, not even the man she likes!
"Is it useful to find you?" Mo Chengan sneered coldly.

There was a sneer in his eyes, and he clasped his long fingers on the table and rubbed it lightly, with a warm voice.

"Miss Lilian, I need to remind you that an hour ago, you were still locked inside waiting for someone to rescue you."

"Then, then I'm coming out now." She was not convinced, "It's just a small problem, and it won't be able to let Demi live. Don't worry, I will call someone from home immediately, and I will guarantee Demi's stay." Safety."

She swears by it.

Demi didn't say anything, but just stroked her forehead helplessly.

Knowing that one of these two people has a stubborn temper, and they are used to being superior on weekdays, they can't accept others beating him like this.

The other one was drinking alcohol, so she completely lost the ability to think. Even Duke Tulip, who usually scares her, is probably synonymous with a scumbag in her eyes now.

Thinking of this, Demi could only stroke her forehead, her head was so big.

"Miss Lilian, you really don't have a clear understanding of yourself. This is Dimak, not your hometown. You can't protect yourself here, and you still try to protect others?"

He paused, and there was some coldness in his voice.

"Also, you haven't even figured out why you were arrested this time. How can you guarantee that there won't be another time? How can you guarantee that they won't imprison you for the second time on the same charge. And if you commit another crime within a short period of time, it's better than now Much more serious."

Even when confronting a drunk, Mo Chengan was clear and logical, and he didn't give up arguing just because she was drunk.

But obviously, the more he talked, the more difficult it was for Lilian to understand.

"What, don't let me protect Demi. Could it be that the way you protect her is to let her be a servant. A scheming man."

Mo Chengan, "???"

He looked directly back at Demi, his handsome face had already completely darkened.

He said in disbelief, "Did I just get scolded?"

Demi was stunned for a while, and there was barely a little more comfort in her eyes, "Don't worry about her, she is drunk now and speaks out of her mouth. Just pretend you didn't hear these things, my lord has a lot of them, okay?"


Mo Chengan stood up straight away.

He was sitting and arguing with Lilian.

Even if the opponent stood in front of him, he still couldn't overwhelm him in terms of momentum.

But now, Mo Chengan's eyes froze, and his slender figure stood opposite Lilian.

She can be crushed in terms of height.

"Uh." Lilian seemed to be taken aback, she almost lost her footing and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Fei Sen who was next to her supported her in time.

"I said Duke, are you going to fight with me now? No, no, you don't mean to say that I want to fight!" Lilian didn't know where she had seen the video, but she also learned The person watching the video spoke with a high-pitched voice on purpose.

This exaggerated voice made Mo Chengan even more angry.

He still wanted to reason, but now he really couldn't control his temper and wanted someone to cover Lilian's mouth.

"Very well, you came here to find fault with me by taking advantage of the wine."

Lilian was just giggling there, completely unaware of what she was thinking.

Or don't think about anything, because alcohol has corroded her mind, and now she is in a daze.

He just raised his finger and pointed at Mo Chengan.

"Hehe, smelly man. My Demi, of course I have to protect it!"

Being scolded by a stinky man one by one.

No matter how well-bred Mo Chengan was, he couldn't bear it.

Besides, he is indeed not a well-mannered man.

It's about to happen right then and there.

"Don't." Seeing that something was wrong, Demi immediately stood up and grabbed Mo Chengan's arm.

Afraid that he would not be able to hold her, he hugged his upper body tightly.

Advised in a low voice, "Don't worry about Lilian, I'll just take her away right away. Fasten, Feisen, take Lilian back to rest."

"Okay, okay." Feisen had watched the play for a long time.

On the one hand trembling, on the other hand, I still have something to say.

As a result, his whole body was a little tangled, and his reason was pulling back and forth.

"I'm not leaving! Don't pull me. Take Demi home with you." Lilian was also stubborn.

Where is Feisen her opponent.

Just as she was about to drag Lilian away, she slapped her right away.

It so happened that it fell on his face, which stunned Fei Sen.

And the perpetrators had no idea what they had done.

Lilian clapped her hands on the dining table, staring at Mo Chengan.

"It's up to you to steal my woman!"

Mo Chengan, "???"

Demi stroked her forehead.

"What kind of third-rate TV drama did you watch?" She complained in a low voice, but no matter what the reason was, now Lilian really angered Mo Chengan.

They can only hug the man.

He raised his head from his side and explained, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, she will definitely regret what happened now when she sobers up."

"What about you? Do you regret it?"

Demi didn't react for a while.

He just quickly signaled Fei Sen to hurry up with his eyes.

It looks like a tall man, not too thin, and there are muscles left by fitness on his body.

But how could he not even pull away a girl.

Feisen naturally sensed the contempt in her eyes.

Suddenly it was called a grievance.

Where is he unwilling to take Lilian away, it is obvious that Lilian is extremely strong when drunk and does not cooperate at all.

He was also worried that he would hurt her with brute force, so he couldn't get it done.

But now there is no other way.

In Lilian's situation, if the provocation continues, the Duke may not be able to bear it, and things will get really serious by then.

A person who had just been released on bail beat the person who released her in less than two hours.

Then enter the palace for the second time, I am afraid that I will be locked up for a long time.

Thinking of this, Feisen covered Lilian's mouth without saying a word, turned around and picked her up.

"Let's go first!"

"Woooooo let me go, what do you want to do? Why carry me... vomit."

This posture of being carried away is really too sad for a person who has been drinking.

After Lilian's stomach was hit like this, she immediately felt extremely uncomfortable.

But fortunately, after the two of them left, the box finally returned to calm.

Demi watched the man around him gradually restrain his aura, and then dared to let go of his hand slowly.

Sitting next to her, she explained in a low voice, "Well... Lilian has this temper. She cares more about me, so she said some bad things out of her mouth. Duke, don't be really angry with her."

"She cares about you?"

"Enah." Demi nodded vigorously, her eyes full of sincerity.

"Lilian is a warm-hearted person, and you know that. Since the day we met, she has been helping me."

Mo Chengan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her for a while.

Looking at the delicate face in front of her, her thin lips twitched, obviously she wanted to say something.

But when it came to his mouth, he still didn't say a word.

Demi only looked at him suspiciously, and was slightly relieved to find that he didn't mean to be angry.

"In short, your lord has a lot. Don't worry about today's affairs with Lilian, just, just because of her treat for dinner today."

Mo Chengan snorted coldly, "As far as I know, she hasn't paid yet."


Demi was stunned.

"So should we pay the money ourselves? Or I will..."

Ah Rui hurriedly stopped her, with the same smile on his face, just a little more snickering.

"You two continue to chat. I just happened to be full too. I'll just go to checkout."

Demi didn't argue about it any more.

The money for a meal will not make Mo Chengan bankrupt.

She just sat quietly beside the man, waiting for the moment when he really calmed down.

Little did they know that Mo Chengan was not angry at all because of Lilian.

He never cared about what Lilian said.

It's about what the woman around her is thinking.

Demi was a very bright girl, he had known that for a long time.

In the past, when I was a servant in Glens Castle, I always pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. I always felt that people and animals were harmless, probably for the sake of making life easier.

But now I let myself go.

For Mo Chengan, what he wants to know most is that Lilian cares about you and wants you to live with her, so you accepted the favor, but you just know you can't go.

Then I care about you, why don't you appreciate it?

"Duke, are you full?" Seeing that the man's face was still gloomy, Demi finally took the initiative to speak, interrupting the embarrassment in the box.

Mo Chengan took a look at the exquisite food on the table, but almost no one took a few bites.

Then he said coldly, "I'm not hungry."

"How can you not be hungry after ordering this..." She subconsciously tried to persuade her.

But when the words came to his lips, he took them back abruptly.

So he sat down next to him and obeyed Mo Chengan's words.

"Okay, we won't eat if we're not hungry. We'll go back after you have a rest."

"Go back? What about you, where do you plan to go back?" Mo Chengan was unhappy, and now that she didn't see his thoughts at all, he became even more unhappy.

So there is no idea of ​​​​converging at all.

The black eyes just stared at Demi without blinking.

"It's just right, we should also discuss the deadline carefully."

Demi was stunned for a second, but she didn't expect him to mention it suddenly.

But in fact, as early as the moment Lilian was rescued, he had already accepted this fact.

He raised his head and looked at him, the amber eyes were extremely quiet, and there were not many ups and downs.

The red lips squirmed slowly before opening.

She said, "Okay."

After a pause, he considered his explanation.

"You are talking about a period of three months to half a year depending on the situation. During this period, I will take care of your diet and daily life, just like I did in Glens Castle before."


Discussing the facts is what Mo Chengan is best at.

Demi tentatively said, "Then today's situation should be easy for you, right?"

After all, it didn't take much effort from the beginning to the end. After making a few phone calls, I probably found Lilian's location, and then came to sign the bail, and the matter was easily resolved.

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows slightly.

For this, he did not deny.

"So we can calculate it according to the easiest time limit, which is three months." Demi's voice was soft and gentle, but the emotion revealed in it was extraordinarily firm.

Three months to half a year.

At this moment, Mo Chengan felt that the time he set was probably too short.

So he could only ask for a three-month deadline when it became easy.

But after all, she is also a reasonable person, so she will not embarrass her in this matter.

"Three months." He repeated slowly.

Demi also smiled, "Duke, do you think what I said is reasonable?"

"Well. That's three months."

The man's black eyes stared straight at her, as if he wanted to look into the girl's eyes and see all her thoughts clearly.

Thick palms fell on top of her head, stroking her hair in Demi's surprise.

The voice is warm and deep.

"For three months."

March is his wife.

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