The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2611 Xiaobao extra 192, don't forget to promise me

After getting an affirmative answer, Mo Cheng Anjun finally showed a smile on his face.

Immediately, he walked over from the side, and stood in front of Demi, looking at her with black eyes without blinking.

"Since you agreed, you can stay here with peace of mind. I will solve this matter no matter what."

Demi bit her lip, although she hesitated in her heart, she still nodded.

"it is good."

She was desperate to find this place. If Fei Sen couldn't help, in fact, Mo Chengan was the only one she could count on.

Now that he promised to send someone to find Lilian, there will be news soon.

Thinking of this, Demi also calmed down a little, and subconsciously squeezed herself with her fingers and took a few deep breaths, so as to maintain the ability to think calmly.

Not long after, Ah Rui came back from there.

The phone obviously just hung up, there should have been a message.

"Master, I just received a call from Mr. Peng, and Lilian has been found."

"Found it? Where is it?" Demi was a little anxious and stood up straight away.

She looked excited, but Ah Rui didn't know how to speak.

He heard the deal they made just now.

It's only been a few minutes, if Demi knows that her life will be traded out by such an oolong in the next few months, she doesn't know how she will feel.

He looked at Demi tentatively, then shifted his gaze to Mo Chengan's face, and after a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

"People are safe for the time being."

"That's good."

Demi let out a long sigh of relief.

It took a while to react, and he quickly raised his head and asked Ah Rui, "So where is Lilian now?"

"Ahem. People are safe and the place is known, but it may not be convenient for us to meet. We need to go through some procedures."


What's the meaning.

Demi was a little dazed and didn't understand at all.

She waited for a long time, but did not get Ah Rui's answer.

Immediately a little impatient.

"What's going on? Since she's fine, why can't I see her? Has the person who kidnapped her been caught? Who is it?"

"Ah, I don't know what to say, and the specific situation is not very clear, let's just go and have a look."

Demi didn't understand though.

But the situation at this moment couldn't help her to continue to struggle, so she nodded and agreed.

"it is good."

They were about to leave together.

Mo Chengan would naturally follow.

They also specially arranged for a driver to drive, so that Ah Rui could talk about it in detail on the road.

Just got in the car.

Demi looked at the handsome man beside her, but her eyes only stayed for a second, and then quickly retracted.

He turned his head and looked at A Rui.

Wait quietly for his explanation.

But A Rui has not spoken.

After a stalemate for a while, Demi's cell phone came out with a notification tone.

She opened it without thinking.

There is a sentence on it.

"If you want your girlfriend to be okay, leave Dimak quickly."

It's that simple.

But Demi froze in place.

"This? Is this a threat? They kidnapped Lilian to threaten me??"

Demi's eyes widened in disbelief.

When she found out that Lilian was kidnapped before, she also guessed whether she might be implicated by herself, which is why she was so nervous.

But I didn't expect it to be confirmed now.

The other party not only knew that she knew Lilian, but also knew that Lilian had helped her before, and even knew his mobile phone number!
Who is it?
"What's wrong?" Mo Chengan keenly sensed that something was wrong with her, and directly took his phone to check.

After scanning the line of words above with his black eyes, he finally narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly wrote down the string of numbers.

"Go and find out who this number is right away, I want the relevant information right away."


Ah Rui quickly arranged it.

That's good, at least he doesn't have to worry about how to talk about Lilian.

The compartment suddenly became extremely silent.

Demi has been thinking about who the text message could be, but there are no clear thoughts in her mind.

"The royal family? The royal family asked me to leave Dimak? But it's not right. If it is a member of the royal family, they should hope that I will continue to stand at the center of public opinion and help them influence everyone's emotions. Change some people's views, and then Keynes will In the second trial, maybe the sentence will be changed."

So there is a high probability that they are not members of the royal family.

Pushing it forward, it is very likely that the second prince's competitor, after all, let him leave, the voice of discussion on this matter will gradually weaken, and it will eventually become an established fact.

Prince Cairns' sentence will also not be commuted.


Not very realistic.

Who else could it be?

It didn't take long for the car to stop.

Demi stopped her thoughts and looked out the car window, only to see a towering building, and she was stunned.

"This is?"

"Police station."

Mo Chengan reminded him in a low voice, and took a look at Ah Rui on the way, and probably guessed what happened.

Then he directly parted his thin lips and smiled, and patted the girl's hand beside him to remind her, "It's time to get out of the car."

"it is good."

Demi barely reacted.

She actually didn't understand, why did she come to the police station to find Lilian?
"Could it be that the kidnapper has been found?"

She was suddenly surprised and delighted.


It is very likely that they have already been arrested, and Lilian was also rescued.

That's why they come to the police station.

There was excitement in the air for a long time, and the smile on Demi's face was clearly seen by the two present.

After a while, Mo Chengan said in a low voice, "I remember you promised me."

Demi froze.

When she raised her head, she found that the man had already pushed open the door of the police station, leaving only a long and tall figure behind her.

She didn't have time to hesitate, so she just followed behind and walked in.

"Who are you looking for?"

The people inside looked them up and down, and it could be seen that these people were dressed in either rich or expensive clothes, and their attitudes were not bad.

It's just that it was too busy inside, so no one came to receive it.

Ah Rui immediately made a call.

"Yes, it's me. My Duke is also here. Please send someone out to get in touch. I've communicated with you about the matter before."

The people over there seemed to have a bad attitude, which made Ah Rui's tone a lot heavier.

After a while, he hung up the phone, "Anyway, please hurry up. The Duke is here in person."

Ah Rui specially emphasized the existence of Mo Chengan.

After all, they are not familiar with the place here, and there is nothing to bluff other than the title of Duke Tulip.

Fortunately, within 5 minutes after hanging up the phone, someone came out in a hurry.

"So you are Lilian's family?"

The man looked them up and down, "There are so many, who are relatives?"

Demi stood up directly, "I, I am her friend."

"Friends can't be released on bail easily, you have to show your ID proof of work, and..."

"Okay, I'll give it right away." Demi responded subconsciously.

But after I finished speaking, I realized that it was wrong.


She stopped searching for her bag, and didn't react for a while, "How could it be bail? Did Lilian commit any crime?"

This made everyone present look at each other in blank dismay.

The person who spoke was impatient, "Come here for investigation, the worst is a suspect. Her investigation is almost over, and she is indeed suspected of violating other people's privacy. We have already imposed a fine. If you want to be released on bail, you can get a visa certificate. That's right. , you must provide your identity clearly, otherwise you will not be released on bail."

According to DiMark's law, the person who comes to bail must be innocent.

You have to have a clean identity background, stable income and work, and no criminal record.

The other Demi is okay, but she doesn't have any income and job now, and her previous work experience, plus the recent lawsuits involved, is really not a clean background.


She was suddenly helpless.

He could only subconsciously look at Mo Chengan.

The latter raised his eyebrows slightly, "Need my help?"

At this moment, Demi actually saw the narrowness in the man's eyes.

There was some stiffness in her eyes, and it took a while to find her own voice.

"Hmm. I might not quite fit the bill."

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the smile in his eyes suddenly became stronger.

Then he looked directly at the person next to him, "There is another requirement above, that the person must be a long-term resident of Dimak. I have only been here for a few months and this does not meet the requirement."

"Since it doesn't meet the requirements, what else can I say? Let's replace it. Otherwise, I won't be released on bail."

"This article does not meet the requirements, but as the Duke of Tulip, can he be released on bail?"

Mo Chengan's voice was gentle, and he said this sentence very casually.

The man froze in place immediately.

"Duke Tulip??"

He just received a notice that someone was coming to deal with this matter, and it was someone with status, so let him not be negligent.

But no one reminded him that Duke Tulip came in person.

"Are you really the Duke of Tulip?"

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows, "If it's fake, you can look at the photos in the news."

"Okay. If you are the real Duke Tulip, you can release her on bail, but I have to tell you in advance that she not only invades other people's privacy, but is also suspected of slander and rumors. And the evidence is solid. If it is not the first offense, In addition, there are no particularly serious consequences. Otherwise, this time may be sentenced."

"For the specific situation, we can ask her to come over and communicate with us in person after the formalities are completed. Don't worry, we will take good care of her when we go back." Demi explained for a while without thinking, anyway, get rid of her first. Comes out always first.

But she hasn't reacted until now, Lilian was obviously kidnapped, but why was she arrested by the police in the end?

And looking at the crimes he said, plus the evidence given now, all the logic is very clear, it seems that the investigation has been carried out a while in advance.

Just when she couldn't figure it out, Mo Chengan had already signed and paid the money, and Lilian was brought out after a while.

As soon as she saw Demi, she rushed over directly.

"Demi! Woohoo, I knew you would come to save me."

"I'm terrified, these people are so vicious... they insist on saying that I broke the law..."

The staff next to him pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and spoke seriously.

"Lilian, it's not that we have to say that you broke the law, but that you did break the law."


Lilian didn't dare to speak anymore.

You know, this is one of the people who just investigated him, very fierce.

There was more embarrassment in the air.

Demi quickly took her to a corner, "Why did you have these things happen? They said you invaded other people's privacy, suspected of defamation or something."

"Ahem!" Lilian covered her mouth and coughed twice, looked at her, then at Fei Sen and Mo Chengan who were standing not far away.

He asked in a low voice, "Why are they here?"

"I asked them for help. You asked me to save you on the phone, but I didn't even know what happened to you. I thought I was kidnapped. So..."

"So you went to find the Duke!" Lilian's eyes lit up, and she hugged her tightly, "Demi, you are so kind to me. Sure enough, my vision of people is not bad."

"Then what happened this time?"

"Oh, it was just an accident. You also know that I have a lot of marketing accounts in my hand. I broke the news before, so it attracted other people's attention. They sued me with a grudge. Don't worry, I will learn from it next time." lesson."

Demi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that you learn from it."

"Of course. After that, these accounts will definitely not be linked to my name."

Demi, "..."

"Let me tell you first, I'm not even qualified to release you on bail. This time, the Duke personally bailed you out. If there is another time, please find a good person in advance."

"Don't worry." Lilian looked at Mo Chengan who was going through the formalities over there, then turned around and winked at Demi, "Hey, so you and the Duke, are you two reconciled?"

"No." Demi directly denied.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt sad.

"Not only did they not reconcile, but now it has become an even stranger relationship."


Lilian's face was full of excitement, expressing that she wanted to know.

But Demi just had a bitter face, unable to speak at all.

She couldn't just say that she was too anxious just now, so she made a deal with Mo Chengan in order to find out your whereabouts earlier.

Now I want to be his exclusive servant for three to six people.

"It's all done." Ah Rui came over with the document, handed it to Lilian directly, and said with a smile on his face, "Be careful, you must not implicate yourself in such things. Find out in advance Lawyer next time."

"Okay, I'll make a note of it, and I'll find one tomorrow."

Several people were talking and laughing.

But Demi looked at Ah Rui even more sadly.

Thinking about it now, in the car just now, Ah Rui kept hesitating and hesitating, but she knew the truth when she got to the place.

It turned out that it was not because the matter was too serious to speak out, but because this was a big oolong!

Demi felt aggrieved in her heart.

"Let's go. In order to thank you for saving me, today I will host and treat you to dinner." Lilian beckoned them out.

Obviously she was the one who was arrested, but she is also the happiest person now.

Mo Chengan and the others followed behind.

When the man walked past Demi with his long legs, there was a smile on his face, and he whispered in her ear.

"Don't forget what you promised me."

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