The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2609 Xiaobao Extra Story 190,

Meanwhile, Demi Ben is still looking for a place to move.

She never expected that the house she had prepared would only last three days.

But so far, she hasn't received a reply from there, and she can't leave Dimak now.

Just when she was searching for a suitable location on the Internet, a "buzzing" sound came from her mobile phone, which startled her.

Picking it up and seeing the familiar note, Demi immediately connected.


"It's me Demi, Lillian."

The girl's usual chattering voice came from the other side of the phone, but Demi could only smile helplessly, "I heard it."

"Hee hee, I thought you couldn't recognize my voice. I heard that you are still in Dimak. Where are you? How are you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Demi shook her head, "No, everything is fine for the time being. But you, I can't tell you my location casually, otherwise if you come to find me, you will be implicated again."

The last video was sent by Tuolilian.

Because she has a lot of marketing accounts, it is also convenient to do it.

It's just that things on the Internet are easy to leave traces. The royal family quickly sent people to find the source of the video, and it was slowly picked up that it was related to Lilian.

That's why those people judged that the video was shot by her.

"I'm not afraid."

Lilian snorted softly, "Besides, you didn't do anything wrong. Keynes was originally a criminal. He did so many bad things in the past, but he was not discovered. Now someone has brought him to justice , everyone should be grateful to you. Otherwise, I don’t know how many girls will be brutally murdered by him.”

When she speaks, there is always a sense of taking it for granted.

This made Demi not even know how to refute.

He just smiled, "Others don't think like you."

Even she herself knows that it is always wrong to use violence to control violence, but she will not put herself in danger if there is another way.

"In short, you should keep a low profile during this time. Try not to get involved with me again."

"What? You don't want to be my friend anymore?" Lilian's voice sounded pitiful, so she deliberately talked to her aggrieved, and acted like a baby.

How can Demi not know this girl's tricks.

"No way. If I didn't regard you as a friend, I wouldn't tell you these things. Even if I regard you as a friend, I know that you will worry about me, so I hope you will not be implicated by me." After a pause, he continued to explain , "If someone from the outside world comes to ask you about me, if you can deny it, just deny it."

"I do not want it."

Lilian snorted coldly, "Are friends a relationship that can be denied casually?"

Demi, "..."

If we suffer from secondary illness, we should not suffer from it at this time.

"It's just to reduce trouble, temporarily denying it. In private, we still get along the same way, and after this period of time, after the limelight passes, it doesn't matter."

The arc side has been silent all the time.

Lilian seemed to be seriously thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Finally, after waiting for a minute, I nodded, "Okay, I can reluctantly agree to you. But Demi, I am still very worried about you. You told me before that after the press conference, you will definitely be followed by many people. So I can't show up for the time being, we have to wait for the limelight to pass. But now it has been three days, and the discussion is still very hot."

She is in this line of work herself, and of course she knows the data best.

"Everything else on the hot search list is fake, and I bought a lot of sailors. Only yours has always been true. I don't know who is going too far, and I release some related gossip and corners secretly from time to time. It’s a small piece of material, which causes people to dig it out and discuss it from time to time.”

"Uh." Demi rubbed her forehead, feeling a little helpless.

She can probably guess who is doing these things.

It is nothing more than the father of Prince Cairns, the second prince.

Other people, even if they hate her, probably won't be willing to spend so much energy.

"Since it won't work for three days, then three more days. I don't have so many corners and small things to keep them hot, and one day it will pass."

"You're optimistic." Lilian sighed softly, "But you really don't want to live with me? Although it's not a mansion, it's a good place for me to find after searching for a long time in Dimak. The environment is very comfortable…”

As soon as she finished speaking, Demi was thinking about how to refuse.

But suddenly, there seemed to be a rustling sound on the other end of the phone.

"What's the sound?"

Lilian was also stunned, "It seems that someone... is unlocking the door?"

Her tone was also somewhat uncertain, "But it's already evening now, why would someone come to unlock the lock. No, no, no matter what time it is, no outsiders should come to unlock the lock in my house."

"You go and have a look first, pay attention to safety."


Feeling the seriousness in Demi's words, Lilian didn't dare to joke anymore.

She turned her mobile phone to public so that Demi could hear everything going on here.

Then he walked slowly to the door.

I opened the cat's eye and looked out, and I saw someone talking outside.

"It's not like a lockpicker, it's quite aboveboard." Lilian murmured suspiciously, "Why don't I open the door and ask about the situation."

"do not……"

As soon as Demi finished speaking, Lilian had already opened the door.

Before she could stop it, she heard Lilian talking to someone else.

"I'm Lilian. What's the matter? Who are you?"

"Hey, hey, don't come in casually, this is breaking into a private house."

Demi became anxious when she heard these conversations.

I wondered if I should call the police immediately.

But he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that he would startle those people and make them do something unfavorable to Lilian after he made a sound.

"Lilian, have you seen this? We summoned you according to the law. Please come with us."

"Let's go, where are we going?"

"I'm not going." Lilian said as she was about to close the door.

But it was obvious that they had been on guard against this action for a long time. Someone broke in directly and stopped her action.

"Lilian, you must come with us now."

"Hehe. I won't go!"

People on both sides are tit for tat.

Demi can only worry on the phone.

In fact, the only way she can think of now is to call the police directly.

But even if they call the police, they don't even know where Lilian lives.

There is no other way than to record first, but to continue to focus.

"If you refuse to cooperate, we can only take you away forcibly." The man gave Lilian a warning.

After finishing speaking, he had to move forward, making a gesture to catch Lilian.

This terrified her.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't come here! I am a legal citizen, if you do this again, I will call the police... Stay away from me."


She struggled very hard.

Because of this action, the phone fell to the ground with a "snap".

Lilian didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly yelled into the phone.

"Help me! Help me... um."

The person opposite seemed to notice something was wrong, and soon someone picked up the phone.

"Still on the phone?"

"Who are you? Why did you take Lilian away by force? Let her go, or I'll call the police immediately!" Demi threatened.

But obviously the other party doesn't care at all.

Also laughed mockingly.

"Call the police."

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Demi could only hear the sound of "beep beep" coming from inside.

She reluctantly lifted her lips, and wanted to say something more, but she abruptly took it back.


Invective is meaningless.

The top priority is to find a way to rescue Lilian as soon as possible. Unnecessary tension and fear will only waste precious rescue time.

Call the police first.

That was Demi's first thought.

Even though those people didn't seem at all afraid of her calling the police, what had to be done had to be done.

"You want to call the police? Is this person kidnapped or something?"

"It should be kidnapped..."

"Then who are you?"


Demi answered according to the flow.

The person on the phone kept recording, "Hmm, how long has it been since this happened? Do you have any more information."

"Only 3 minute."

"Uh. I just heard someone take her away on the phone. What else? What request did they make?"


"That's not mentioned."

The operator paused, and did not continue to ask, but changed the question.

"Okay. Where's her address?"

Demi was stunned, "I don't know about this, but you should be able to find it out if you look it up. Her name is... her phone number is..."

"Okay. If you have any other information, please contact us immediately. We will notify you when there is any progress. Please keep your phone unblocked."

She teased a bit.

But he still said "yes".

The person on the phone immediately hung up.

After a long while, Demi did not wait for any response.

Now she can only think hard about whether there is any way to contact Lilian's family.

The conclusions drawn after thinking about it are all.


Demi didn't know anyone in their family except Lillian herself.

In fact, according to what she said, she came to Dimark this time alone, not with her relatives.

As for other friends...

The time the two had known each other was so short that Demi had no chance to get in touch with the people around Lilian.

This put her in a state of embarrassment.

After thinking about it, he called Lilian again.

If it is a kidnapping, there is always a conspiracy.

Surprisingly, the phone was not turned off.

Ten minutes later, it was still possible to get through.

It was only after a while that no one answered, and it was only when Demi was about to call for the second time that she finally heard the sound.


she shouted.

There was a few seconds of silence over there, and then a strange male voice came, "She's inside now, so it's not convenient to answer the phone."

"Who are you? What did you do to Lilian! I warn you that kidnapping is against the law, and I have already called the police."


The man seemed to be too busy and didn't have much time to talk to her.

Hearing these warnings, there was no other reaction.

He just talked to the people around him, "Did I ask you to do that well? Has anyone caught him?"

"I caught it back, and it's locked. It's just disobedient, and it will take a while."

"Okay. Then I'll go and have a look later."

The conversation between these two people is not right at first glance!
Demi was so nervous that her entire body stiffened.

She could only pinch the palm of her hand hard, and it took a lot of effort to calm herself down.

"You can say whatever you want, and you can raise conditions. Don't hurt her!"

The man was stunned for two seconds, as if he didn't understand what she was saying at all, "Who hurt?"

"The girl you just captured back today, I will find a way to satisfy you for any request, as long as you don't hurt her."

"Uh. Okay." The other party continued to talk to the people around him.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't talk to Demi a few words, and hung up the phone directly.

This made Demi suddenly feel like falling into an ice cellar.

Didn't even make a request? ?

Isn't it kidnapping?Was it an acquaintance who committed the crime?

No, it's impossible.

If it was someone Lilian knew, she couldn't have reacted that way just now.

Lilian's voice of fear and panic cannot be faked.

If it was a familiar person, she would not be able to call for help at the last moment.


Lilian let herself save her.

Demi suddenly thought of this, this time she had such a big incident, in fact, thanks to Lilian's help.

The two hadn't known each other for a long time, but she had always been sincere to herself.

No matter what you do, you do it with your heart and soul.

Never had the chance to repay her at all.

Seeing Lilian in trouble now, it was impossible for her to ignore it.

Thinking of this, Demi picked up her coat and went out.

There is another way.

She thought of someone who might know Lilian!
Last time at the succession ceremony of the Duke of Tulip, the man who opened the bets.

Demi still remembered that that person was an offshoot of the Tulip family. It is said that he had some blood relationship, but because he was an illegitimate child, he was not allowed to inherit the title.

Therefore, he has been in charge of the external affairs of Tulip Castle for so many years, and has quite a talent for doing business.

go find him!
It was already dark outside the window, the sky had just darkened, it happened to be late at night, and it happened to rain again.

But Demi went downstairs without hesitation, called a car and went out.

"Tulip Castle."


She hurriedly got into the taxi, but she didn't know that the moment she left, the people watching downstairs were all staring at her, and they didn't even realize what happened.

"Did Miss Demi run away just now?"

"It's indeed her, but I don't know if she ran away. She didn't bring anything just now."

"Okay, why do you still think so much, report it quickly."

The two discussed and moved to the car while talking on the phone.

"Hurry up, hurry up and follow. But don't lose track."

This group of people moved very quickly. Even though the light was dim and the road conditions here were more complicated, they still chased after them.

The other group of people standing outside were not so lucky.

They reacted a little slower, and when they got into the car and chased them out, there was no sign of Demi.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Report it. Demi is gone!"

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