The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2606 Xiaobao Extra Story 187,

It was not until two hours later that Mo Chengan slowly woke up.

The curtains had been completely closed at some point, and the room seemed a little dark.

He could hardly lie down on the small sofa, and when he opened his eyes drowsily, it took a little time to adapt to the current scene.

He knew he was still at Demi's place.

His eyes wandered around until he saw the girl sitting beside him drawing in the corner.

Demi's place is behind him.

Mo Chengan wanted to see clearly what she was doing, he needed to sit up.

"do not move."

Suddenly, the girl spoke, which directly made him stop.

"Don't move, just lie back."

Although Mo Chengan was puzzled, he didn't refute her words, so he lay back down again.

In this way, he maintained the sleeping position before.

From his point of view, even if he tried to widen his eyes, he couldn't see Demi clearly behind him.

"what are you doing?"

The man asked in a deep voice.

Demi muttered, "Drawing."

"Don't move, you'll be fine soon."

As soon as these words were said, Mo Chengan understood.

"Are you drawing me?"

"Yes. I promised to draw you before, but I never had the chance." Demi explained casually, still focusing on her drawing.

It's almost finished.

For two full hours, she was busy with this matter.

So it didn't bother him.

Mo Chengan also looked down at the time on his watch, "I have slept for so long."

"Two hours and ten minutes. Well, not too long."

If she slept for another half an hour, she should be able to finish the painting completely. Now that he woke up and chatted for a while, Demi would be distracted.

Mo Chengan shook his head, "When I take a lunch break on weekdays, I only sleep for four to ten minutes."

He grew up with a strict sleep schedule, because all the rest of the time was also scheduled in advance.

24 hours should be split into 48 hours.

"It's okay to get more sleep."

The girl's crisp voice came from the side, and she didn't give much relief, nor did she think it was a big deal.

Mo Cheng'an immediately smiled.

"That's right. It's nothing more than taking a nap for a while."

He sighed softly, and simply lay down in peace.

Just looking at the ceiling above his head, "I'm probably too tired recently."

The ceilings are old, like the house here.

Looking at it suddenly now, you can still find mottled water seepage marks.

From time to time, there will be some rustling sounds behind.

He knew that Demi was still drawing seriously, and he didn't urge her, but just lay quietly, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

"I never asked you why you suddenly admitted that the video was related to you at the press conference last time."

Even if she left some leeway for her words, she didn't directly admit that it was her intentional design.And Prince Cairns has also confirmed the facts of the crime, and even the investigation can't find anything, so he didn't get involved in the lawsuit.

But even so, it was inevitable to be discussed and criticized by the whole city, and even Earl Glens unilaterally issued a statement saying that he had severed the relationship.

"I don't think about it, it's a fact."

In front of Mo Chengan, Demi doesn't even need to lie.

She smiled, and looked at Mo Chengan helplessly, "Speak as you speak, don't move around."

"Okay, I'm not moving."

Mo Chengan lay down very quietly.

He didn't change his posture, and his hands were still on his side.

"Even if it is the truth, I have been hiding it before, why did I suddenly change my mind?"

He didn't understand, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand it.

After a long time, Demi didn't answer either.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."


She pulled her attention back, "There's nothing I can't say. My father probably thinks that I've been out of control recently, so he wants to cause me a little trouble. Let me be grateful to her, and then listen to his arrangement wholeheartedly. But I don't willing."

Demi paused, and said these words easily.

"He didn't have what I wanted in his hand, and he completely lost his chips. There is no other way but to play family cards. But I finally got free, and of course I don't want to be controlled by him anymore."


Mo Chengan chewed the word slowly.

For him, it was actually a very distant thing.

"So I simply spread everything out and ruined your reputation completely. From now on, Uncle Glens can no longer see any hope in you, and knows that you are useless. He chose to sever ties."

"Yes, break off the relationship." Demi murmured and repeated, even if she said this sentence, she didn't feel any sadness in her heart.

On the contrary, it was calm and breezy.

"Because we have nothing to do with each other."

Apart from the blood of Earl Glens flowing on her body, she really couldn't think of any connection between the two of them.

Another ten minutes passed.

Demi finally said, "Okay, now you can move."

"The last touches are left, you rest."

The man was finally able to sit up from the sofa, rubbed his sore neck from staying in the same posture for a long time, and then slowly got up.

Mo Chengan walked straight towards her and stood behind her.

"It will be fine soon."

Demi thought he was looking at the painting.

Little did he know that what Mo Chengan was looking at was not the painting, but her.

The girl sat on the chair intently, because her attention was focused on the drawing board, so she didn't notice his gaze.

After that, for a long time, the posture remained motionless.

Mo Chengan boldly looked at the girl's facial features openly and aboveboard.

The eyes are big and bright, but the nose and mouth are small.

There is a little bit of flesh in the face, which is not particularly bone-clear, but the whole face is probably the size of a palm, and it is not delicate.

If you look closely, you can still find a small red mole behind her ear.

"Are you satisfied? All right."

Demi spoke suddenly, turned around and met the man's observing eyes.


That's not called observation.

It's blatant.

Mo Chengan never expected that she would turn around suddenly, the eyes were full of aggression just now, and he even couldn't help fantasizing about some weird scenes.

Demi's cheeks were a little red.

He got too close, and his breathing was almost entangled, so he pushed the man along the way, and stood up quickly by moving his body.

"You, come and see."

Demi pretended not to notice the strange look on the man's face the whole time.

She only thought that she was wrong, and she didn't find anything.

Mo Chengan responded, and quickly restrained his explicitness just now.

Instead, quietly admire the painting she drew.

That's what he looks like when he sleeps.

From this angle, only his profile can be seen.

And what Demi focuses on is not the face and facial features.

What's more, his sleeping posture and appearance, coupled with the dim but gentle surrounding environment, make people feel more comfortable.

"very good."

He sighed sincerely.

Because he was able to sleep peacefully on the sofa like this, even he himself had never imagined it.

"Huh, as long as you're satisfied." Demi breathed a sigh of relief.

I was finally able to move my sore neck, put the pen and paint back to their original positions, and turned around to pour myself a glass of water.

"Let it dry for a while, and you can take it away after ten minutes."

"Yes." Mo Chengan subconsciously agreed, and only after he finished speaking did he realize that something was wrong.

He looked up at her.

"I take it away?"

"Enah, I drew it for you, and I will give it to you when it is finished."

Does she want to secretly keep it as a souvenir after she finishes painting?

To say commemorate.

Just now, while he was asleep, he secretly took a lot of photos.

But Mo Chengan's face darkened a bit, his voice was warm and hoarse, with a touch of temptation, "You won't come with me."

The air is silent.

Holding the water glass in her hand, Demi blinked and shook her head.

"Don't go."

She has no such plan.

Mo Chengan also noticed it.

He didn't care about the painting any more, but walked directly towards Demi.

The man's tall and slender body is already extremely oppressive in this room, not to mention his face is gloomy now, and even his aura is constricted.

Demi subconsciously took a step back.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he did not sit wrong, so he tried his best to stop his legs and stand on the spot with his back straight.

"Master Mo..."

She calls his name.

Mo Chengan paused slightly, and finally stopped half a meter away from her.

Demi held the water glass in front of her chest, thereby separating the distance between the two of them, which allowed her breathing and heartbeat to be barely controlled, without exaggerated acceleration.

"I let you go with me, also for your safety."

The man didn't make things difficult for her.

Never coerced.

He just stated the facts seriously, "This place has already been discovered, can it be hidden today, can it be hidden tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Another week."

"The limelight will pass in a few days, and the royal family will hold a celebration soon, and everyone's attention will be drawn away..."

"How are you sure?" Mo Chengan sneered, and parted his thin lips, "If no one else contributes to the flames, their gossip will subside after a while. But how can you be sure that no one will continue to fight in the dark?"

Seeing her lower her head and not speak, Mo Chengan's eyes flickered.

But it didn't stop.

"The second prince loves Keynes so much, do you think he will really support Keynes' severe sentence as stated in the statement?"

"I didn't think so, and I know it's all for the public to see." Demi retorted softly.

She is not a fool.

If he is really so impartial, he will not let his son have been doing evil for so many years.

"But he won't do anything to me at this juncture. After all, the king is old and his health is not good. If the second prince wants to inherit the throne, he will not do anything that will damage his reputation .”

Mo Chengan, you snorted coldly.

"It's not too stupid."

"Of course I..."

Not stupid.

But Demi suddenly remembered that the IQ of the man in front of her was much higher than her own, so she stopped talking immediately.

"But he will definitely not let you go easily, let alone make you feel better. You can't do anything on the surface, but it's easy to arrange it behind the scenes."

"Yes." Demi frowned.

"Besides my father, there should be other people cooperating with the previous press conference. The reporters below are not something he can arrange in two hours."

It was probably planned to make trouble in the first place.

He just heard that she would show up, so he changed the target person.

Seeing her distressed face, Mo Chengan stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

"Since you know everything, why don't you come with me?"

"No way."

Demi shook her head vigorously.

"You have to give me a reason."

After figuring out what this girl was thinking, Mo Chengan was not as anxious as before.

Especially the meal she cooked today really won his heart.

Even his patience has improved a lot.

"Well, I don't know what to say. For example, now that I am on the cusp, if I go back with you, you will be dragged into this vortex again."

"I'm not afraid. Any more?"

Demi bit her lip.

Of course she knew he wasn't afraid.

But...she was afraid.

Afraid of hurting others.

"Also. After all, I'm a single woman, and I've had scandals with you before. If I appear with you again, it will be bad for your reputation."

"Don't talk yet, I have other reasons." Afraid that he would say something surprising, Demi stopped him immediately.

After a little deliberation, several reasons were given.

"Tulip Castle is not safe for me. I know there are people against me. Even if you and the old lady will protect me, it cannot guarantee my safety 100%. And once someone from the royal family comes to look for me, even There is no way to avoid it."

"Father has severed ties with me. If I show up now, it is equivalent to slapping him in the face. At that time, the Glens family will be implicated again. Although there is no father-daughter relationship between me and him, after all, life I have also given me so many years of living expenses to support me growing up. Now that the two are settled, it is best not to disturb each other."

"The most important thing is..." Demi paused, clasping the fingers that fell on her side tightly in her palm, and finally mustered up the courage to look at him.

"I want to leave Dimak."

The half-smile on Mo Chengan's face disappeared completely at this moment.

Because he knew that what Demi said earlier were all concerns.

But the last sentence was a decision made after careful consideration.

The air was extremely stagnant.

Mo Chengan didn't say a word for a long time.

He just quietly looked at the girl in front of him, his thin lips squirmed, and it took a long time before he opened them, barely uttering a few words.


"I haven't thought about it yet. But at the press conference, I admitted that it was related to the video, and I already planned to leave Dimark. I decided to forget all the people and things related to Dimark."

"Ha ha."

Mo Chengan smiled mockingly.

"There are so many people and so many things, can you forget them if you want to?"

"I won't forget it right away. But as long as I stop contacting, I will forget it one day." Demi took a deep breath and said all the words directly.

There was determination in her eyes.

"For me, this is where I grew up. But it's also a sad place. My mother died young and my father is now disowned. There are almost no friends and relatives. In general, Dimak has no Anything worthy of my nostalgia. Leaving is the best choice."

Mo Chengan had been staring at her closely, and his tall body stood in front of her, imperceptibly adding a sense of oppression.

It took a long time to speak.

"Nothing to miss? Then..."

And me?

Mo Chengan didn't say these two words.

But he believed Demi understood.

She smiled easily, and looked at him with open hands, "Yes, anything."

With a "snap", the moment her words fell, Mo Chengan's expression also changed.

Demi could even feel the cramped breath lingering around the man.

His entire face seemed to be covered with a shadow, even the black eyes looking at her were covered with a thick coldness.

That cold gaze almost swallowed her directly.

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