The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2598 Xiaobao extra 179, failure

She stood up quickly.

Instead of letting Earl Glens stand in front of him, he raised his face and looked directly at the person opposite.

"You just want an answer you want, don't you?"

The girl's face was cold, and she could vaguely see the indifference and stiffness on her body.

And the corners of the smiling lips raised slowly, without much reaction for a long time.

Almost everyone present would see the girl's amber eyes full of sarcasm.

"Demi, what are you doing? Listen to Dad and leave quickly."

"No need." Even though Earl Glens was extremely anxious, Demi still didn't have much expression on her face.

She just stood there and quietly looked at everyone in front of her.

Then raised his head.

"This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to hide."

"I want to take revenge on Prince Cairns. He has his own fate. If you think that I played the video, then I did it. What about the evidence? Cairns has been sentenced to prison and no evidence can be found. Can you let him out?"

Just a joke.

Demi curled her lips coldly, her aura was more severe than ever.

"The woman who was subjected to domestic violence killed her husband by mistake after she resisted, and was convicted of homicide. But those who commit violence for a long time will not accept any punishment at all. Prince Cairns has been rampant for many years, and Dimak's law is useless. Now a sinner After being sentenced, there are so many people calling for his injustice. It's ridiculous."

She didn't say anyone was funny.

But when those beautiful and deep eyes were quietly looking ahead, everyone who was caught by her gaze felt guilty at that moment.

He didn't even dare to look at her directly.

Everyone in the entire convention center is now frozen in place.

"Demi, do you know what you're talking about!" Earl Glens couldn't believe it. He turned his head and widened his eyes, which were full of surprise.

How dare you!
Demi slightly raised her eyes to look at him, and there was only a coldness in her amber eyes.

"I will take responsibility for what I say."

She smiled, even though she had just said such a powerful remark, she didn't have any guilt or evasion.

Some are just calm.

"Hurry up, report it! Send it out without missing a word. We don't want to comment on it, and leave it to everyone to discuss freely."

"Glenn Stemi admits that she sent the video through her hands. Just use this title and post it now."

Everyone moves very quickly.

Everyone around has a variety of emotions on their faces.

Excited, excited.

And contempt and sympathy.

Dudu will not care.

Demi didn't expect these things either.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left from behind.

The people behind finally reacted.

"Hurry up, she's leaving!" someone shouted, and immediately everyone put down what they were doing and rushed forward in a hurry.

And Demi is just now leaving her seat.

The host saw the scene becoming chaotic and wanted to stop it, but couldn't stop it at all.

"Everyone, restrain yourself."

"The press conference is over, please leave automatically!"

No one will talk to him.

All eyes were on Demi.

They were like cats who had seen a fishy smell, and their eyes were shining when they saw Demi.

Hope to get more useful information from her.

And no one will pay attention to her own feelings.

"Demi, don't be afraid, Dad will save you." Earl Glens was pushed around, and finally came to Demi's side with great difficulty, and made a serious promise next to her.

"Don't worry, these people won't hurt you. Dad will protect..."

"No need..." Demi shook her head, her clear little face showed obvious indifference.

After a while, he finally raised his head and looked ahead.

In the corner over there, there was always a long and thin body standing.

Of course she recognized who it was.

And it was just a glimpse, and he didn't continue to look at it, nor did he give any distress information.

Mo Chengan slowly lowered his eyes.

He naturally saw the girl surrounded by the crowd, but he also saw the calmness and peace in her eyes.

"Let's go."

"Master, why don't you go and help?" Ah Rui was puzzled.

It was a small conflict just now, and it was fine with Adralev by his side.

But the security guards in the convention and exhibition center are obviously not enough manpower, so pushing and shoving like this is easy to cause accidents.

Mo Chengan turned around indifferently.

"She doesn't need it."

That look was already very obvious.

She didn't want anyone's help, or rather, she didn't want his help.

Mo Chengan turned around and left without any superfluous expression on that handsome face, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

Never looked back.

A Rui could only keep up.


Demi was pushed and shoved by the crowd, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the leaving figure.

For some reason, she felt a long sigh of relief at this moment.

Memories flooded in like a tide, and those emotions hidden deep in her heart were finally free from restraint and reservation.

He directly raised his voice to speak...

"Get out of the way!" But someone spoke before her.

As soon as the angry voice came out, the people next to him were scared away.

The group of reporters surrounding Demi, as well as some people who were trying to make trouble, stopped almost at the same time.

Demi froze for a moment, then looked up at the person walking towards her.

Soon the look on his face was restrained.

Not Mo Chengan.

Somehow, it made her less nervous.

Adralev walked directly towards Demi, grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind.

And beside him, there were two tall and burly bodyguards, and now they stood up and stood in front of the crowd.

"Scared, Miss Glens, I'll take you out of here."

"Thank you."

Demi followed him out of the convention center.

It wasn't until I got into the car that I finally felt at ease.

Adralev looked out the window, seeing the situation that had been brought under control, the smile on his face became more gentle, "Let me re-introduce, I am Adralev. This is my business card. The security company. To be honest, I am responsible for the security of the exhibition center this time. I have already taken sufficient preparatory measures, but I did not expect that there will still be mistakes. I am really sorry to have surprised you."

Demi shook her head, the smile on her face was clear and faint, and her voice was gentle and polite.

"Thank you just now."

"This is my responsibility. If you are injured, I'm afraid my company will not be able to continue."

He said softly, making fun of himself a few words.

"I never expected that these people's combat effectiveness is so strong. I have arranged twice the number of people according to the preset situation, but it still almost made a mistake."

Because the focus of his work is mostly outside the convention and exhibition center.

After all, there are many Keynesians or fans who will try their best to get in.

But it's different inside.

In fact, most of the people who were able to get inside to interview had been checked.

He also said he would cooperate.

I didn't expect it to get out of control.

"In the end, I didn't expect you to say something like that in the end. Maybe everyone was frightened."

Adralev looked at her, only to realize that she had been looking out of the car window and hadn't answered his question.

"What are you looking at?"

"No." Demi shook her head and forced a faint smile on her cheeks again.

Then he looked forward, "Could you please take me back? My car seems to be surrounded."

"of course can."

"Glens Castle? Or tulips?"

"Neither. It's another apartment. After such a big incident, it is natural to change the place."

She gave the answer as it should be.

Then he gave the location of an apartment.

Adralev was a little surprised.

"This seems to be..."

"Is the slum right?" Demi took the initiative to express his doubts.

"Uh, it is indeed in my impression." Adralev did not hide his worry, "Will it be unsafe for you to go there now?"

"As long as Adralev doesn't reveal my location, who would have thought that the daughter of the count's family would live in a slum."

The man froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand the logic.

But he quickly nodded again, "Okay. I promise not to reveal your location, but as far as I know, it's not safe there, or can I arrange two people to protect you?"

"No." Demi refused bluntly.

"The place I went to is okay. It's two blocks away from the crime-prone location in your impression."

She made it a commonplace.

Usually Adralev even thought he heard it wrong.

"Can't you go back to Glens Castle? You are the daughter of the earl now, and you are attracting attention. It's really not safe outside."

No return.

Adralev would not know the reason for her refusal to go back.

Only Demi knows.

Because my father is probably furious right now.


After Demi left, Earl Glens was not embarrassed by others.

They knew too well that they would never get any useful news from him.

They bypassed this person directly.

This also allowed Earl Glens to leave the convention center with ease.


As soon as he got in the car, he couldn't help but cursed.

"Count, should we go back directly now or..."

"Of course I go back, otherwise where else can I go?!"

He was full of anger, and he had been planning for so long, who would have thought that this would be the result.

"Damn it, Demi is a slut. She must be crazy for daring to be obedient!"

Even if there is no suitable way to deal with it, it is better to remain silent than it is now.

She even publicly admitted that the video was sent through her hand.

This time the pot was completely fried.

Wait until you get back to the castle.

The uncles were already waiting in the living room.

Seeing the appearance of Earl Glens, he immediately went forward.

"What the hell is going on here? Haven't we all matched up in advance? Why are the questions different and the answers even more different!"

"Why did Demi admit it directly? It's okay for her to admit that she ruined herself, and the reputation of our entire family."

"You are talking." The uncle grabbed Earl Glens's arm and insisted on him giving an answer.

But the latter was full of anger, and now he just turned his head coldly.

"You are old, don't get too excited."

He turned his head and ordered the people below in a cold voice.

"Send Demi to me right now!"

The housekeeper seemed to be stunned when he heard the order, "But Miss Demi didn't come back."


Earl Glens couldn't believe it, "Didn't you come back?"

"Where can she go if she doesn't come back!"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, Miss Demi is indeed not at home now."

The housekeeper just talked about the matter, and after finishing speaking, he stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

Now it's Earl Glens' turn to blow his hair.

"No. Where can she go? After such a big incident, do you still want to play disappearance with me?!"

The others looked at each other and could see the urgency in each other's eyes.

"After beating her up, she ran away directly? You go and find her. We must ask about this matter."

"That's right. I thought I went to the press conference to explain clearly, but who would have thought that she would admit it voluntarily! Now everyone knows that our Glens family has a girl who designed the royal family. Everyone has to use colored glasses wherever they go. Watch us."

"I will never let Demi off easily. She must give us an account of this matter."

"Must! Otherwise, the reputation that our family has accumulated over the years will be cut off."

Earl Glens' face was gloomy.

He wanted to refute the man.

He said in his heart that the Glens family had been in decline for more than ten years, so they still had a good reputation.

I just endured it abruptly.

He made a phone call directly.

Surprisingly, it was connected?

"Demi, where are you?"

The people around immediately fell silent, and urged Earl Glens to open the release.

Their expressions became more and more anxious.

"Hurry up and talk! Everyone is waiting for you to come back and give an explanation, but you don't even go home?"

"Yeah. Demi, what do you mean? You made things worse and ran away! How do you ask us to help you clean up this mess."

Demi ignored them, but sat quietly in the chair, and finally spoke after they had finished talking.

"Will you clean it up for me? No one asked you to clean it up for me. If my father feels that his reputation has been damaged, he can blame everything on me. Anyway... I'm just an illegitimate daughter you temporarily recognized. Going out of line has nothing to do with you, Earl Glens."

Earl Glens was stunned.

The eyes of the person next to him lit up.

"That's right. Why didn't we think of it. Demi was originally an illegitimate daughter, and it didn't take long to recognize her. Her upbringing was not brought out by our family."

"Then let her leave the Glens house and have nothing to do with us from now on."

"Yes, yes, this works!"

A few people have made a decision after you have said something to me.

Earl Glens' face was still gloomy, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

damn it.

How did they know what he was planning? Demi was very popular with the old lady now, and there was a Tulip Duke who was always paying attention to her.

This is an opportunity for him to come back, how could he let it go so easily!

"Make a decision soon?"

"Yes, hurry up and make a statement. Just declare that she has nothing to do with our family in the future!"

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