The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2594 Xiaobao Extra 175, time bomb

"Because the impact on public opinion caused by this incident is too great, everyone joined together and decided to hold a unified press conference. Make a clear explanation at once." Earl Glens explained in a low voice. "Since you have thought it through, Demi, let's go together this time. Explain the matter clearly. No matter what, you can't let outsiders tarnish your reputation!"

"Yes, yes, we also support it."

"It really can't go on like this anymore. Everyone's life has been affected, so there must be a way to deal with this matter in the future."

"Let's unify the rhetoric, just what Demi said just now, is it feasible?"


Earl Glens glanced down at his watch, "There are still two hours before the press conference, so Demi will go and pack up first. Let's take a moment to add up and set off in an hour."


So everyone up and down the castle got busy.

Earl Glens is calling the people at the press conference and asking them to rearrange the process.

Originally, they were not very willing, but when they heard that Demi was going to appear, they immediately moved away from the time.

"Are you sure she's really going to be there?"

"Of course. I'm her father, and I know best what she's going to do."

"Okay, okay. How about this, we will set aside 10 minutes for Demi to be interviewed. I will send the interview questions to your mobile phone immediately."


Others were gathering, musing over the holes in the statement.

"According to what Demi just answered us, if they say that Demi is deliberately hyping up, they want to take this opportunity to marry into a wealthy family."

"Then I don't even want the Duke of Tulip. In Dimak, who else is richer than him? Besides, if I really want to climb the dragon and become the phoenix, can't Prince Cairns do it? Even if he has so many women, it's clear. His fiancée was only announced in the past two years."

Someone has written down what Demi just said, and now it is printed on paper.

"Does anyone else think that Demi did too viciously this time? She hurt both Prince Cairns and the royal family? Or asked her to take this opportunity to curry favor with Duke Tulip."

"Duke Tulip confessed to Demi in front of everyone, there is no doubt about it."

"Yes. So this statement is also not valid."

Regarding Julian's remarks, what he just said is also fine.

"Julian blatantly served as a witness for Prince Cairns in court. Now all the things she did will be blamed on me. Then I am wronged?"

"Slap Julian to Prince Cairns and let her become an accomplice with Prince Cairns. So everything Julian does has nothing to do with Demi."

After discussing this, several people immediately felt refreshed.

"That should be fine."

A long time passed, and it was bustling everywhere.

The housekeeper watched this scene from the side, and heard the young servant beside him sigh,

"It's been three days, and now it's the most harmonious one."

"Indeed. Go and see if Miss Demi is packed? It's almost time."

"Okay." The servant took the order and was about to go upstairs.

But the butler suddenly stopped her.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

The servant did not suspect him.

After a while, the figure of the butler appeared outside Demi's room door.


Demi has changed her clothes, her hair and makeup have been re-done, and she looks fresh and clean.

"I'm done, ready to go."

"Mmm. Miss is well dressed today, and she is also very beautiful." The butler praised her sincerely.

You know, at this moment, Demi is wearing a white dress, her hair is tied behind her head, the makeup on her face is just right, and her whole body is transparent and clean.

Especially those amber eyes, because the eye shadow was used just right, which made those eyes extraordinarily charming.

"Is there anything wrong?" Demi blinked and just looked at the housekeeper.


"But you've been staring at me since the beginning, which is kind of weird."

The butler shook his head and quickly smiled.

"Very beautiful. You look as beautiful now as your mother did back then."

Demi froze suddenly.

She was going to go out directly, but when she heard these words, she stopped in an instant.

"My mother? Do you still have an impression of my mother?"

"Of course." The butler smiled, and walked over to help her tidy up her skirt. "You know, your mother is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in working in the castle."

Demi directly lowered her head, "If it wasn't because she was so beautiful, she wouldn't have been favored by her father..."

"Hush. That's not her fault. She came to Glens Castle to work just to find a way out. At that time, your earl was still young, with a flamboyant and flamboyant nature. At that time, the Glens family was also in full bloom. So There were some uncontrollable results."

The housekeeper sighed, "It's also my fault that I didn't stop it in time, and that I ruined your mother's life."

"They were together at the time, and you knew that?"

"Well. I stayed in this castle for too long, too long, so long that I can hardly remember the exact time. So I know everything that happened up and down here."

Demi still felt very sad at first, but after hearing this sentence, she immediately raised her head.

"Then do you know where my mother's relics and ashes are now?"

"The relic is probably in the attic, the locked room. The count didn't allow other people to go in later, and the key was only in his hand. But I think there is nothing left now, when your mother left I only brought a little clothes with me, and I have been living with you since then. You should have seen everything she can leave behind."

"Well. There is nothing at home except a few clothes. My mother doesn't seem to have many hobbies of her own. In those years, she spent all her energy on teaching me."

There was a very faint obscurity in the air.

The butler looked into her eyes and seemed to hesitate.

"And the ashes you mentioned..."

Demi's eyes lit up instantly, "Do you know where the ashes are? My father said that there was nothing in the cemetery where I worshiped before. If he hadn't told me, I would have never known about it. But he didn't want to Give me the real ashes."

"How can he give it to you? There is nothing to give at all..."


Demi froze suddenly.

It took a full minute before she could barely react.

So he lifted his lips and forced a smile on his face.

The whole person looked a little confused, "No, what do you mean there is nothing to give? Butler, what do you mean by that?"

Looking at the stiffness on her face, the housekeeper finally couldn't bear it.

So he forced a smile and stretched out his hand to caress Demi's face.

"Your appearance now is really similar to your mother. Especially these amber eyes, which resemble her very much."

"Steward, don't talk about this. What happened to my mother's ashes?"


The butler slowly spit out two words.

The air stiffened instantly.

Demi didn't respond for a long time.

She lifted her lips, "What is Yang?"

"After burning it clean, it floated in the wind and drifted away with the wind."


Demi froze completely.

The smile on her face had completely disappeared at this moment, and her whole body seemed to be stabbed by something, and even her heart was hurting.

"Father said that the ashes are still there. They are just kept by the wife..."

"He didn't lie about that. It was indeed Madam who took care of the funeral, and it was Madam who decided to take you back."

"Yes, yes. Although my wife hasn't been at home very much these years, she is not very nice to me. Before I had an accident, she agreed to take me in."

A little hope rose again in Demi's heart.

"So she can't be so cruel to my mother, right?"

It's been a long time since I asked.

The butler never said a word.

There is no answer to this question.

Silence spread in the air.

For a moment, Demi felt like her heart was going to explode, as if she couldn't breathe.

She reluctantly lifted her lips, " mother's ashes are long gone?"


Looking at her pale complexion, the butler couldn't help but say a few words of comfort.

"As you know, Dimak's customs are different from those of the outside world. Many places still retain the old traditions. There are also cases where people have to scatter the ashes after death... It's not a big deal."

The steward explained in a low voice, "I'm telling you this not to make you sad. I hope you won't be kidnapped again because of your mother."

"You are an independent person. If she is still alive, she will also want you to do whatever she wants."

Demi just shook her head.

Her eyes were red, but she still tried her best not to let the tears fall.

There was a sudden stiffness in the air.

Demi didn't say a word for a long time, she just pinched her palms desperately to calm herself down.

After a while, I finally heard an urging voice from outside.

"Miss Demi, the Earl invites you to go down."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." The butler replied on her behalf, "Your mother is a very kind woman. There may be some unfavorable relationship between him and your father, but she has devoted all her love to you. She What I hope most is that you can grow up healthily."

"I know." Demi sniffed hard, trying to look up at the ceiling, trying to keep her tears from falling.

But no matter how hard she tried, her voice was still trembling.

"My mother is very kind to me. She is the most important person in this world. Now that she is gone, even her ashes are..."

"Demi, raising ashes is not too much in Dimak. Many people will throw them into the sea in order to save money from the cemetery."

"But my mother, the education she received is the tradition of the oriental people."

Demi wanted to cry, but dared not let the tears fall.

"She said that grandma taught her a lot of things that Dimak didn't have, and told her that it is very honorable to keep the other half of her blood in her body, so she should cherish herself."

"These things were also told to me exactly by my mother. She told me to live a good life and do what I want to do. Never feel that I am inferior."

But these years.

She was always the little girl who was bullied.

"In the past two years in the castle, I have been working hard to find a way out. I also worked hard to keep a low profile, just to fulfill my mother's wish."

"That's right. In any case, as long as you live a good life, it is the best reward for her."

Demi nodded.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and they were about to fall.

"Miss Demi, the Earl said that time is too late."

Another person came outside.

The moment she heard the voice, Demi raised her head directly, and forced her tears back.

Turned around and walked out the door.

"Understood, I'm going down now."

The butler didn't follow.

She just walked behind silently, watching Demi's figure going downstairs without saying a word.

There are always complex emotions in the eyes.

It wasn't until Demi got into the car and stood in the castle that she could no longer be seen, did she finally let out a long sigh.

"Did you see that? She's grown into a pretty good looking girl."


Demi sat silently in the car.

Beside him is the Earl of Glens.

He is now holding the newly prepared manuscript in his hand, and he is talking to Demi question by question.

"Are you clear about what I just said? If someone still asks about Julian's is indeed very possible. Because she disappeared after Prince Cairns was tried. Because of the disappearance, there is no way to testify, so It's easier to be suspicious."

After a pause, he spoke again.

"So if they keep asking how Julian is doing. You just keep saying what you said today."

"If you really think there is something wrong with Julian's behavior, you should also go to Prince Cairns. Maybe the surveillance video was originally in his hands?"

Earl Glens repeated earnestly, "Have you written it down?"

After he finished speaking, he raised his head, only to find that Demi had been looking out the window the whole time, looking absent-minded, as if she wasn't listening seriously at all.

"Demi? Did you hear that?"

After shouting several times in a row, Demi finally turned around and looked at him.

Her eyebrows were curved, and there was a smile in her eyes.

But that smile was so cold that it made people feel cold all over.

"What, what's the matter? You look a little bit wrong today."

Demi looked at him with a half-smile, and said after a while, "Dad, it's been such a long time. I've done most of the things you asked me to do, right? Although the relationship with the Duke is not good now , but there is an old lady taking care of me in Tulip Castle, she likes me. You have been in touch with her all the time, and you should have benefited a lot recently."

"How can you talk about this at this time? Get over today's affairs first, and discuss other things after you go back."

"I'm idle now. I remember everything you said just now. Don't worry." Demi's face was cold. "I just want to know, when do you plan to return your mother's relics and ashes to me?"

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