The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2589 Xiaobao Extra Story 170,

People outside kept asking.

The spotlight flickered desperately in front of her eyes, and for a moment, Demi felt that her eyes could hardly be opened.

She could only raise her hands to cover her face and use a mask to cover most of her appearance, in order to calm herself down as much as possible.

"I can answer your questions."

Demi was quiet.

But when the people next to her saw that she had spoken, they took the initiative to stand up to maintain order.

"Miss Demi, please speak!"

Everyone looked over, and dozens of cameras were pointing at her.

At this moment, Earl Glens was standing beside her, really not sure what she was going to say, so he could only stand aside silently, trying to keep his face as calm as possible.

But I was thinking in my heart, if the situation is not right later, I should hurry up and find a chance to make amends.

If Demi really uttered nonsense, she would save her no matter what.

After all, the old lady called to care tonight.

Earl Glens had already made up his mind, so he took this opportunity to use Demi to make friends with the old lady and express his determination.

"It's getting late, and I don't want everyone to waste time here, so I will answer your three questions. The people who will ask questions later, one from the three of you."

Demi was talking about the three standing at the front.

This is also the earliest.

Perhaps they are not the most official media with the largest traffic in Dimak, but they are the first to arrive and have waited for the longest time.

She is willing to give them this chance.

"Who will ask first."

"Me! I'll ask the first one." The man couldn't hide the excitement on his face, staring closely at Demi's eyes, taking advantage of the ten seconds or so, trying to decide his words.

"The video circulating on the Internet is said to be released by you. What do you think about it?"

Demi thought they would definitely ask about the video.

And similarly, she had already thought through the answer in advance.

Then he smiled, his elegant face looked extraordinarily calm.

"This video has helped me a lot. It has allowed criminals to be brought to justice, and it has also dispelled the slander and rumors against me. I am very grateful for it."

"You mean you didn't release the video?" The man asked anxiously, but Demi just smiled, "This is already the second question."

"Then ask it the second one! Did you release the video, Miss Demi?"

The person next to him pushed him away directly, "What are you talking about, the second question is what I want to ask. I won't ask this."

It doesn't matter who released the video, what matters is that it has been reviewed by the court as evidence and confirmed to be true.

So Demi is the victim and Prince Cairns is the perpetrator.

There is nothing to ask.

"Miss Demi, my question is what do you think of Prince Cairns and your grievances?"

Prince Cairns.

Demi chewed on this person's name slowly, taking a short time to conceive in her heart.

The brief silence made the people around them dare not breathe.

I was afraid that I would miss a word of what she said.

"Keynes has been sentenced, and has been deprived of the title of prince and related titles. He is now a criminal who has been sentenced to prison. My opinion of a criminal is the same as that of everyone present. I hate it."

"As for my grievances with him. On this point, I think you should go to the prison to interview him, why he targeted me and harmed me, and why he was so bold and openly defied the law."


But the reporter froze in place.

It seems that he answered many questions with righteous words, but in fact, saying it is the same as not saying it?

Didn't disclose any information? ?
"What are you two asking, there is no hot spot!" Someone behind began to be dissatisfied.

After all, everyone has been guarding for so long, who doesn't want to get something that is conflicting and explosive!

"Miss Demi, what's the matter with your scandal with the Duke of Tulip? Are you two together?"

"Yes, yes. The Duke is so prominent, is it for you or for whom?"

"Miss Demi, can you answer our question?"

Everyone is yelling.

But Demi just smiled and said nothing.

She raised her eyes and looked at the other person beside her, "The third question, what do you want to ask?"

At this time, the people around became quiet.

Everyone looked at the person who was about to speak.

Someone couldn't help reminding.

"Ask about the Duke."

"Don't ask about the video. She must know who released the video."

"Don't waste everyone's chance, ask some key things."

The man was annoyed.

"No. Both of you have used up your chances, so don't bother me now, okay? Of course I can ask whatever I want! The people behind are the same, if you have the ability, you should come ahead of time and wait to occupy the front seat."

He directly blocked the others from speaking.

On the other hand, he tidied up his clothes carefully and looked at Demi seriously.

"Hello, the question I want to ask is, what is your relationship with the new Duke Tulip and what do you think of him?"

"Not yet."

Several people whispered beside them.

Demi didn't mind.

She stood quietly by the side, and through her eyebrows and eyes, it could be seen that her expression was very peaceful, with almost no emotional ups and downs.

It seemed that this question made her feel more relaxed than the previous ones.

"The duke has helped me more than once. The last time Keynes attacked me, it was because of the duke that I survived. From this perspective, he was my savior.

"Other than that? The relationship between you is just a feeling of gratitude for your savior?" After the man finished speaking, he added a sentence very cleverly.

"It's still a question just now, I just hope you can make it clear."

Demi raised her eyes and finally smiled again.

"Indeed. How to define the relationship between two people is actually a very complicated matter."

At the same time, some media have directly broadcast live broadcasts.

After 2 minutes, there were already many people in the live broadcast room.

Mo Chengan, who was still working late at night, was called over by Ah Rui, and before he could react, a laptop was placed in front of him.

The screen of Demi's interview has been played on it.

She stood in front of the crowd like this, with determination in her eyes.

"What's the situation?" Mo Chengan frowned. Judging from the occasional switching screens in the live broadcast room, he could still see the dark crowd outside.

His face suddenly darkened.

Although before this, I already knew that there would be many people around here.

But who would have thought that there would be dozens or even hundreds of people.

And the girl stood in front of the crowd, her figure looked extraordinarily thin, which made Mo Chengan's heart twitch twice, and he was inexplicably stiff.

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