The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2586 Xiaobao Fanwai 167, nothing to think about

Speaking of this, Mo Chengan finally drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

He really had no intention of tasting tea, so he got up directly, "For anything else, I'm sorry I have no comment. I still have some things to do, so I'll go back first."

Mo Chengan greeted him politely, but without waiting for the old lady's reply, he turned around and left, leaving only that tall and indifferent figure behind.

"Impolite guy." The old lady snorted softly, obviously displeased.

Looking at the teacup he poured directly into his mouth, he felt even more upset.

"I wasted this good cup of tea."

"Old lady, it's getting late. Drinking tea at night is not good for sleep." The servant reminded in a low voice, wanting the old lady to go to rest earlier.

She is her age, although everything seems to be fine.

But naturally, we must pay attention to various situations all the time.

But after a while, the old lady still didn't say a word, but her face was dull and she looked very unhappy.

"I'm just worried about Demi."

She sighed softly, "But that child is also obviously stubborn. If I ask her to come and live in a tough way, I'm afraid I will really have a rift. At that time, the gain will outweigh the loss, but what can I do to let her come over by herself?" .”

"Let me tell you, old lady, Glens Castle is Miss Demi's home. There is no reason why someone doesn't live at home, but always stays at other people's homes. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless they are really married to the duke, and they have a husband and wife relationship. Then of course they are husband and wife, and they will live with us."

Hearing this, the old lady glared at her immediately, "What nonsense are you talking about? Even if Demi is willing, I have to think about it. Didn't you see his face just now? He was full of displeasure, and he even argued with Demi." Angry, you have a small stomach, can Demi marry him and have a good life?"

"The Duke has a cold face and a warm heart. Didn't you just say that it was he who made a lot of efforts to get Miss Demi out of this lawsuit."

"But it didn't get involved in the end. And now, even if the second prince doesn't make trouble for her in the open, what about encouraging other people behind the scenes? It's easy to hide a spear in the dark, but it's hard to prevent it. It's hard to guarantee that nothing will happen."

Thinking of this old lady, she took a few sips from her teacup.

"Ouch, old lady, it's getting late, I'm afraid you won't be able to fall asleep if you drink any more."

The servant wanted to stop it, but was interrupted directly by the old lady.

"I couldn't sleep at first. If Demi's matter is not resolved, I will not be able to sleep well for one day, and if it is not resolved for two days, I will not be able to sleep for two days. Please help me find a way."

"This... isn't this embarrassing me." The servant sighed, but there was really nothing he could do with her.

So he could only sit by the side and discuss with her in a low voice.

"How about we start from other places? For example, Earl Glens?"


After Mo Chengan returned to the room, he sat down at the desk again.

The computer screen in front of him was brightly lit, and there were more than a dozen unread emails on it.

Most of them are extremely important contracts waiting for his review.

But I sat there for a long time, but I haven't finished reading any of them.

Ah Rui couldn't bear to see it, so he finally walked over from the front and stood in front of Mo Chengan, "Master, the vice president has been urging him."


Mo Cheng'an was perfunctory, obviously not intending to review immediately.

Ah Rui didn't dare to urge him anymore, so he could only sit back again.

But halfway through, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked back.

Just stood outside the desk.

"There's one more thing I didn't have time to tell you just now."

Mo Chengan frowned, and signaled him with his eyes, "Hurry up."

"Yes. Earl Glens called. He wanted to inquire about you and Miss Demi. He said that Miss Demi has been in a bad mood since she went back today."


The man parted his lips mockingly, "She doesn't look good? Shouldn't she be very happy, after all, she can be relieved."

"I don't dare to speculate about this, but Earl Glens said that his face was not good-looking. Afterwards, he locked himself in the room and never came out. Hearing his tone, he was quite worried."

"What are you worried about?" Mo Chengan suddenly felt even more depressed.

He just stood up.

He picked up the coffee in front of him and poured it down his throat, trying to keep himself awake in the middle of the night.

"Doesn't she have her own ideas? There is nothing to worry about."

"It may be that there are more and more media outside, so let him worry."

A Rui hinted at what he said, and then made a more obvious test, "The old lady is actually right. The security forces at Glens Castle are limited. In fact, there is no way to take care of such a comprehensive situation. So is it right?" Pay more attention."

As soon as he finished speaking, the air fell silent.

For a long time, Mo Chengan did not respond.

It wasn't until Ah Rui wanted to persuade him a few more words that Mo Chengan finally said, "Need you to meddle in your own business?"


A Rui didn't understand.

"Since she wants to handle it by herself, let her figure it out on her own. Why bother meddling with other things." Mo Chengan finally began to review the files in the computer, and after a while he said directly, "Since you are so free, just leave all these materials Sort it out and send it to me. I won’t waste time reading it again.”

Ah Rui, "??"

"Isn't it?"

The whole person is not so whole.

"Master, it's already night."

"Hmm." Mo Chengan glanced at the time on his watch, it was already 08:30 in the evening.

He directly raised his face and smiled at him, "It's quite suitable. The time difference with Ning Cheng, it just happens to be daytime over there."

Now, Ah Rui didn't dare to speak at all.

He wanted to mutter a few words in his heart at first, but he didn't dare to speak more now.

He could only walk back silently and sit down in his seat.

The whole person grinned bitterly.

It's so pitiful...

Mo Chengan was not in a hurry to read those emails.

He picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Help me keep an eye on the second prince's movements."

The person opposite was stunned.

"Second prince?"

"Is this something I can keep an eye on?" He was a little confused.

But Mo Chengan had clearly thought it over, "Just look at the general trend, there is no need to be too detailed. I also don't want Uncle Peng to be arrested as a spy."

The phone suddenly fell silent.

It was quite a while before Mo Chengan heard the people over there talking.

"I agreed, but I just did my best."


After getting an affirmative answer, Mo Chengan hung up the phone with confidence.

It's just that Jun's face is still gloomy, and his whole body has an ugly aura.

Every word Ah Rui said lingered in his heart.

But now I force myself to forget.

Nothing to think about!

Mo Chengan took a deep breath, and finally opened the email on the computer.start review

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