The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2582 Xiaobao extra 163, follow her

Ah Rui didn't dare to make another sound.

He was suffocating in his heart, and while waiting for the red light, he quickly sent a message to Mo Chengan.

"She's going home."

A few simple words, but with the tacit understanding between the two of them all the year round, Mo Chengan reacted immediately when he saw these four words.

I also know what A Rui means.

Demi is going back to Glens Castle and doesn't plan to come here again.

At this time, he was sitting in the living room of Tulip Castle, quietly looking at the old lady in front of him.

Immediately, he replied a few words casually.

"Let her go."

A Rui was a little surprised.

Based on his understanding of the young master, it must be impossible to let him go so easily.

But I didn't expect it, but I didn't seem to care much?
"It's weird."

Ah Rui muttered to himself a few times, but soon he didn't take it to heart, but seriously drove the car to Glens Castle.

When I got out of the car, I could still see several people surrounded by twos and threes outside the door.

They all carried cameras and microphones, and watched by the door.

"The media is watching, I'll take you in."

"Thank you."

Demi turned her face to one side to cover it with her hands, and after she got in, she quickly walked in under the cover of Ah Rui.

Just arrived in the living room.

I saw Earl Glens sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast.

Among them, the screen will cut to the door of the house from time to time, which annoys him very much.


When Demi's voice sounded from behind, he was startled.

After looking her up and down several times, he finally turned his attention away from the TV.

Surprised and delighted.

"Why are you back?"

"No. Why are you going home now? Shouldn't you be at the court... No, you didn't go to the Duke?"

Demi shook her head, "It's all over, I should go home too, shouldn't I?"

"Go home? What are you going home for?" Glenn's face darkened instantly when he heard this.

"The old lady likes you so much. Last time I went, she strongly invited you to stay there for a while. But now you just ran back?! How do you make the old lady feel?"

Demi didn't pay attention to his scolding.

Just sat down lightly, "I'll call and tell the old lady."

"That won't work either! Hurry up and go back to me now. When you get there, tell me that something is delayed on the road, and there is still time!" Earl Glens was in a hurry.

You must know that the old lady likes Demi too much, this is almost his last straw.

If the old lady is offended at this juncture, their family will really be over.

"I'm very tired now and I need to rest." Demi ignored him, just pushed Earl Glens away from holding her hand, turned around and was about to go upstairs.

"If your father is worried, you can go to Tulip Castle by yourself."

Her face was full of indifference, and her whole body was capitalized with indifferent.

This made Earl Glens almost out of breath.

Without even thinking about it, he chased directly down the stairs.

The fat body is extremely flexible at this moment.

"What are you thinking? Demi. Don't you know your current situation? Although today's lawsuit was won and Prince Cairns was sentenced to prison, what about yourself? Your reputation is also ruined! Now look around , which other family in Dimak will take a fancy to you? Who else would dare to marry you home!"

Earl Glens was so angry that he almost pointed at her nose and cursed.

"Don't think that you are a high-ranking young lady now, and don't think that if the old lady likes you, I will have nothing to do with you! If one day you lose the favor of the old lady and the duke, I will also let you return to your original position!"

The air was cold and still.

The man's cursing fell into his ears one after another, and the buzzing sound was very much like a bee.

Demi's face became more and more wrinkled.

Until she finally couldn't take it anymore, she raised her head and yelled back.

"Do you think I care!"

"What?" Earl Glens froze.

How could he believe that the woman yelling at him in front of him was Demi who had always been docile before.

"What did you say, how dare you speak to me like that?"

"What's wrong with me?" Demi laughed at herself, but her aura was compelling.

Step by step, he approached Earl Glens, forcing him back to a corner.

"Are we really a father-daughter relationship? No, we are obviously just a relationship of cooperation and mutual use. You want to use me to get benefits from the Duke and the old lady, and I use you to get the status of the daughter of the Earl's family. Oh no, it's more accurate To put it bluntly, you need me more. After all, even without this identity, Prince Cairns is now in prison, and I can go wherever I want, no one can interfere. But what about you? If there is no me, the current Glenn Is there any hope at home?"

"Debts are high, how long can you keep your title as the Earl of Glens!" Demi said it all in one breath, "There are more than one or two nobles who have filed for bankruptcy over the years!"

Earl Glens' eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

The person standing next to him and yelling at him turned out to be the submissive Demi from before.

"you you you……"

He raised his finger and pointed at Demi, but his whole body was trembling, and he didn't say a word for a long while.

Demi curled her lips coldly, with obvious mockery in her eyes.

"Earl Glens, although you are not smart, you are not a complete idiot. I hope you can understand who is the person who can save you now!"

She is more aggressive than ever.

At that moment, Earl Glens almost dared not look directly at him.

"I'm tired and need to rest. No one answering any calls until I wake up."

After Demi finished speaking, she went back to the room and locked the door to prevent others from entering.

As for Earl Glens in the corridor outside, he could only lean against the wall slumped, allowing himself to slide down slowly...

There was disbelief in those wide open eyes.

In any case, he did not believe that he would face the current situation.

Even a humble illegitimate daughter can ride on his head.

But what Demi said was undeniably accurate.

Now he needs Demi, not Demi needs him.

After the Prince Cairns incident was resolved, even if Demi had a bad reputation, at least she was no longer afraid of being hunted down.

As long as Dimak is away, she can live well.


After returning to the room and changing into comfortable and lightweight pajamas, Demi didn't lie down and rest immediately.

She made a phone call and went out.

"gone back already?"

The person on the other end of the phone gave a soft "um" and said in a low voice, "I've arrived at home. The things... have also been received."

"Very good. Our transaction this time is completely over. Please disappear within tomorrow."

"I will, I will. You have also seen my father's situation. His legs and feet are not very good. It may take some time to move."

Demi sneered, "Julian, the gold I gave you is enough for you to hire seven or eight people to carry him away. Collect all your hard work and leave Dimak as agreed."


Even though he felt that this was a bit hasty, Julian didn't dare to hesitate any more.

She knew how scary Demi was on the other end of the phone.

Knowing that this woman looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but she is actually thoughtful.

Knowing that she had planned everything early in the morning.

He even guessed that Keynes' lawyer would come to him.

That's why I explained what I said in advance, and I had to refuse it first, and then I reluctantly agreed after I got enough temptation.You must also put forward your own requirements, so that the other party feels that these are what they actively fought for.

Only in this way can people be trusted.

Demi has carefully planned every step of how to say and how to do it in court.

She even told her not to take a nervous look at herself before giving her final testimony.

Julian didn't understand before.

But now she knows.

If you want it to perish, you must let it be arrogant.

Only when the other party completely believes that everything is under their control will they ignore the outside situation.

Only then did Demi have the opportunity to walk out that video in a short period of time, and turned it around at the last moment.

"Miss, thank you."

"Everyone takes what they want." Demi quickly hung up the phone.

She knew Julian was a smart man.


Or it should be said that she is a little person struggling to survive and knows how to obtain the best interests for herself.

There was a whole gold bar in the bag that was delivered to the duke earlier.

This is the "dividend" that Lilian gave her before, which is enough to buy Julian.


Arui, who returned to Tulip Castle, reported the situation almost immediately.

"I just delivered something, and then went home, and there was no movement. When I came out, there were a few more people around outside. I guess I found out that she didn't go back to Tulip Castle."

"We have also received contact calls from more than a dozen media, all wanting to interview you."

Mo Chengan curled his lips coldly, there was only a cold look on Jun's face, "I rejected them all."


Ah Rui agreed at first, but suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help reminding in a low voice, "But if we all reject it, the pressure will be on Demi? Now that the lawsuit is completely over, there is no way for Cairns to go to jail." Accepted an interview. The lawyer was called back by the second prince, and it is estimated that it will not end well. No matter how brave they are, they would not dare to disturb the second prince who lives in the royal family, and our side refuses. The rest I'm afraid they all go to Glens Castle."

"Especially... this time the video came in a weird way. The first person to find out the source will receive a huge amount of traffic. They will not let go of such an important opportunity."

After Ah Rui finished speaking, he raised his head, only to realize that Mo Chengan didn't pay attention to him at all.

As if he didn't hear it at all, he was busy with himself.

After a few seconds of silence, Mo Chengan finally raised his head and glanced at him.

"Are you finished?"

"It's over..."

"Then go out and do what I told you."

The man's tone was very calm, and he could not hear the slightest bit of displeasure.

But Ah Rui felt nervous for no reason.

It seems that suddenly something is not right.

"Did you quarrel with Miss Demi? Are you still angry?"

"Crack." Responding to Ah Rui was the book that was thrown directly at his face.

He quickly raised his hand to catch it, and put it carefully beside him, "Haha, pretend I didn't say anything, pretend I didn't say anything. I'm leaving first!"

The door opened and closed, and Ah Rui quickly disappeared.

He was the only one left in the empty room.

But Mo Chengan had no intention of continuing to work.

He only slowly raised his head and looked out the window.

Looking from a distance from the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can still vaguely see the media packed outside the wall.

Everyone wants to get first-hand information, but also wants to take advantage of it to become famous.

With so many people on his side, one can imagine how many people there would be outside Glens Castle.


"Isn't it independent? Doesn't it need help?"

Mo Chengan coldly parted his lips, murmured a few words mockingly, then roughly closed the curtains, turned and returned to the desk.

Just right, the phone rang again.

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