The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2580 Little Treasure Extra Story 161, Who would have thought that you are so scheming!

The people in the trial looked at each other, and after discussing with each other, they decided to adjourn the court again.

"Second adjournment, the trial time is to be determined. Bring the evidence up for review."


Almost the moment the evidence was presented, the outcome was sealed.

But this time, the defendant can no longer have any chance of turning the tables.

The lawyer sitting next to him took the mobile phone handed over by the assistant and flipped through the video inside.

Be careful not to miss a single frame.

Almost when he saw the first 5 minutes, he was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

"Keynes the fool!"

The lawyer cursed and walked back and forth several times while grabbing the phone.

"How dare he leave such a big loophole, and dare to tell me that he is in love with the victim?!"

"Looking at the video, it is true that he unilaterally wants to violate the other party. What else can we do now?"

"What can I do now? If I had resigned myself to my fate, I could have commuted my sentence for at least five to ten years. Now I'm fine. I refused to repent and wanted to defend my innocence. Now that the video is released, his atrocities are so obvious. It has aroused so much pressure from public opinion, the judge will only impose a heavier sentence."

"Damn it. My career is going to be ruined by him!"

There are two types of lawyers.

One is to strive for results that are beneficial to the parties within the scope of the law.

The other is to only accept cases that are sure to win, and just get a commission.

He is the first.

Because he is a professional lawyer, he knows that there is no way to win the case for some crimes, but if he uses his expertise to win a light sentence that others cannot win, he will be successful.

And the second prince sent him here because he understood his son's nature.

It is also because the future royal family needs a lawyer like him.

But now, everything is ruined!

In the auditorium, Mo Chengan wore headphones and quietly watched the entire surveillance clip.

Not a single frame is missed.

It started when Demi entered the room, and when Cairns committed violence.

He saw how Kynes slapped her and kicked her.

I saw how Cairns pushed her out so hard that she hit the foot of the bed so hard that she broke three ribs.

He also saw how Demi tried her best to resist, even though her body was covered with bruises, she still refused to submit.

Even the blood splattered next to it was exceptionally clear.

It wasn't until he entered that the video stopped abruptly.

Mo Chengan was staring at the phone screen, but his thin lips slowly raised a curve.

That is sarcasm.

He doesn't feel any joy or excitement right now.

Instead, his whole body was cold, and even his body was full of loss and fear.

"A good one won't lose."

Mo Chengan did not continue to listen to the trial results, because with the appearance of this video, the results would not have changed in any way.

He left the court directly and drove to Tulip Castle.

On the way, he took out his mobile phone and called A Rui.

"Pull the car on the road and wait for me."


Ah Rui received the news in the car, although he didn't understand the reason, he still obeyed obediently.

On the only way back to Tulip Castle, he chose a secluded location and stopped the car.

Demi didn't ask much.

She is calmer than anyone else now, even after Ah Rui stopped the car and went directly to the side of the road to wait for Mo Chengan, she never had an unnecessary reaction.

until a message pops up on the phone.

Lilian sent a voice message.

"It's done, I did everything you said, and nothing happened."

"Thank you."

"Hey, why don't we say thank you. Everyone is still very clear-headed, and Prince Cairns didn't have time to respond because he was too hasty. The navy I prepared didn't come in handy."

Lilian actually breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I was able to prove that Keynes was indeed guilty. He should stay in there for a long time."

"Lilian, it's really thanks to you this time."

"It's okay, it's okay, my friend should have done it. Besides, I just sent the video for you, and I didn't find the original video. Anyone can do this well."

"It's your servant... you should deal with it as soon as possible after you get back."

She reminded her, although she felt that with Demi's thoughtfulness, this reminder was quite redundant.

After a while, Demi saw the results of the trial on her mobile phone.

After the technical analysis of the video was quickly completed and it was confirmed that it was real, judging by the clarity of the picture, no more evidence was needed.

"The defendant intended to rape women, his behavior was brutal and his confession attitude was extremely bad. In addition, he knew the law and violated the law, and used his privileges to try to escape legal sanctions, which caused extremely bad effects. Therefore, the court decided to give him a severe sentence."

"Sentence the defendant to 20 years in prison!"

"Wow! It's so ruthless, it's 20 years! If I remember correctly, it's an attempt, right? It's the first time in history that the sentence has been extended to 20 years."

"It's unprecedented! Now the royal family's face has been lost by Keynes, and I'm afraid even the second prince's reputation will be affected."

"If I were the second prince, I would like to push Cairns back into my mother's womb now. What a fool."

Countless people post and discuss on the Internet, and talk about it at any time around.

Some people even started to make all kinds of satirical cartoons and animations for this purpose.

The stalks circulating on the Internet have gradually been replaced.

Everyone knew that this incident would eventually become a topic of discussion after dinner, and the image of the royal family suffered a devastating blow.

And this time, no one can escape the influence.

Including Demi.


She sat quietly in the car, flipping through her phone to see the processing results on it.

There are many, many people on her account waiting for her reply.

But Demi didn't react.

She just silently flipped through the trial results over and over again, reading word by word again and again.

until the door is opened.

A cold figure sat in.

The air in the compartment instantly became oppressive, and the surroundings were cramped and cold.

Demi slowly put the phone away.

"Didn't the Duke wait for the result at the scene?"

"The video has been released, isn't the result obvious?" Mo Chengan said sarcastically, looking at her with disbelief in his eyes.

Then I looked him up and down, "I really didn't expect that you still kept this backhand. What should I tell you now? Praise you for being brave and brave, and use your body as bait? Or should I praise you for being independent?" Be brave, set up traps step by step, and finally achieve the result of a severe sentence."

Demi heard the sarcasm in his words, so she lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Now you look gentle and quiet, harmless to humans and animals. Who would have imagined that such a person can actually do something that uses his own life to design others!"

"Who would have thought otherwise!" Mo Chengan almost shouted.

He had struggled to restrain his emotions for a whole day, and at this moment he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and spewed out directly.

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