The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2576 Little Treasure Extra Story 157, If things can't be done

"Sit here." A Rui arrived at the scene early, had already chosen a seat, and told them to come over.

In fact, it's pretty empty all around.

Apart from them, there were only a few people sitting on the other side in the spectators.

The other party also smiled at them, as if greeting them.

And Demi didn't know anyone.

But Mo Chengan seemed to know him.

Seeing her suspicion, the man asked her to sit down and explained in her ear, "They are all from the second prince's side, one is a consultant and the other is a housekeeper. That woman is Cairns' sister. Well, he Mother won't be there."

Of course, Mo Chengan believed that the second prince's mother might already be waiting outside.

If successful, she would appear in public to hug her baby.

If you lose the case, you will leave directly.

The second prince is a strong candidate to inherit the throne, because the eldest prince before him has no direct descendants, and he is very old.

The king is very likely to hand over the throne directly to the second prince.

Demi's phone has sent a message.

She asked Lilian to help arrange it.

"I have found people and sailors according to what you said. But Demi, do you really need to do this?" Lilian naturally knew the consequences, and even she, who was always fearless, now I can't help but be a little worried.

Demi only replied with a "hmm".

After a pause, he finally reorganized his language.

"I will keep you informed of the progress of the trial at any time, and once there is a result that is not conducive to us, it will be released immediately."

"Okay. I'll do as you say, but only if you really can afford the consequences."

"What are you talking about?" Mo Chengan suddenly looked down at her with a smile in his eyes, "You look very relaxed."

"Whether I am relaxed or not will not affect the outcome of today's trial, so why make myself so nervous."

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, surprised by her answer.

You know, the former Demi often became extremely nervous, and she was cautious even when she spoke on weekdays.

Today is very different.

But Mo Chengan didn't delve into it.

He just nodded and said, "Your mentality is better than mine. You must know that this time, the public opinion has caused a lot of trouble, and the whole country, no, the whole world knows it. If I lose the lawsuit in the end, I will A fact of slandering the prince is left behind. This is really not a good thing for me, who just took over the title."

"I won't lose." Demi suddenly smiled and looked up at him.

The man was slightly startled, and suddenly laughed, "Just now I said that the result will not be affected by you, why are you so sure now?"

Demi's amber eyes flickered, and the moment she lowered her eyes, the long eyelashes covered her, just covering the guilty conscience in her eyes.

Turning his head immediately, "I believe I won't lose, after all, the law will be on the side of justice."

"hope so."

As soon as Mo Chengan finished speaking, the court had already started preparing for the opening of the court.

The judge enters.

He winked at Ah Rui who was next to him.

The latter quickly understood.

If the trial is fast, it may take an hour or two. If it is slow, it is normal that the trial cannot be completed for most of the day.

And what Ah Rui needs to do is to make all emergency plans in advance no matter what the outcome is.

The process moves quickly.

The judge also knows the importance of this case and has done a lot of homework in advance.

"What does the defendant say about this complaint?"

"Our client was wronged, and I applied for a defense of innocence." When the lawyer stood up and said a few words in the defense of innocence, many people present were stunned.

There were voices of discussion around.

"The lawyer in Keynes wants to plead not guilty? Why?"

"Back then he committed violence, but many people saw it. We are all witnesses..."

These people were summoned in advance because they were also at the scene at the time.

On the contrary, it was Mo Chengan and Demi, both of them looked relatively calm now.

There was a flash of surprise on the latter's face, but he soon understood.

Since receiving Mo Chengan's call last night, Demi has already made preparations for this.

For Mo Cheng'an, what can make him worry must be incredible evidence.

And Demi quickly checked the rhetoric on the Internet, and of course knew where the evidence came from.

"Duke. If the gun is pointed at me later, you can push me out."

Demi reminded in a low voice, raised her head and met the man's gloomy gaze, "What did you say?"

Mo Chengan couldn't believe what he heard.

"You want me to push you out to face Cairns?"

"I mean, if it's impossible, I can temporarily attract his attention. You still have time to find other evidence, don't you? We can't both be involved in the whirlpool of public opinion."

In fact, Demi knows better than anyone what the end result will be.

She also knows very well what kind of reputation will be waiting for her after her choice is made.

"Don't talk nonsense." Mo Chengan didn't take what she said into his heart at all.

This is absolutely impossible for him.

If Demi could be pushed out, he would not have strongly demanded to sue Cairns in the first place.

There will be no request to continue the trial.

Demi's red lips twitched, and she wanted to say something more, but Mo Chengan didn't give her another chance.

He could only bite his lip and remain silent for a while.

"Then forget it first."

Anyway, after waiting for the results, he will make the right choice himself.



The judge quickly called for evidence from both parties.

Naturally, the public prosecution has found surveillance evidence at that time, and there are many witnesses.

"Yes, I was also at the scene and saw Demi being taken out of the waiting room by the Duke with injuries all over her body."

"I saw it too. The two of us stood together at the time, and the picture we saw should be the same. But I noticed the Duke's angry expression, and the blood on the back of his hand, plus what I heard about Prince Cairns before. Howling, guessing that the Duke beat up Prince Cairns. Of course, it must be to rescue Glenn Stemi."

"I, I was the staff in charge of the temporary lounge at the time. Miss Demi went in first, and then Prince Cairns also appeared. Not long after that, the figure of the Duke appeared. It was in this order, and there were no time intervals between them. It's long, especially the time interval between Demi and Prince Cairns is very short. It's hardly 3 minutes."

It is reasonable to say these words.

The lawyer also stood up, "Yes, we claim that Prince Cairns sent someone to keep an eye on Glenn Stemi, and that's why he followed her into the waiting room in such a timely manner."

After speaking, the defendant's lawyer immediately refuted it.

"Because of this, we have evidence to prove that it was Glenn Stemi who took the initiative to lure the client into the lounge. would she explain that she didn't close the door]!"

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