The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2567 Xiaobao extra 148, you don't even have anything to say to me?

"What about the others?"

"About Madam's past... I didn't find out anything." When Julian said this, he was somewhat guilty.

She subconsciously raised her head to look at Demi, and found that the latter's face seemed a little darker than before, so she lowered her head in fear.

"I'm sorry Miss, I tried my best to find out. But the people in the castle really dare not talk about Madam. Everyone is very enthusiastic about talking about other things. But once Madam is mentioned, everyone becomes secretive and dare not say anything at all. anything."

After Julian finished speaking, he lowered his head very nervously.

You know, it has been several days since Demi ordered her to do these things.

But it didn't seem too tense.

Even the little news about Prince Cairns can be found on the Internet.

But Demi wasn't angry.

She just smiled, shook her head and looked at Julian next to her.

"In this castle, it would be strange if you could inquire about the secrets related to Madam."


"Think about it. Madam has been running here for 20 years. Even if some people are not hers, they are controlled by others behind the scenes. But they will certainly not disobey Madam's orders. Of course, they must respect her on the surface. "

Demi smiled, lowered her head and took a sip of the warm white water. The smile on her face was clear and light, but it looked very comfortable.

"You're an outsider, you just came here for a few days, and you want to inquire about this kind of thing. It's no wonder they would talk about it."

Julian was taken aback for a moment, but quickly figured out the logic, but he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Then what should I do next? They won't say anything, and it's hard for me to find anything."

"Just let nature take its course." Demi didn't give any further pointers.

"I'm going to live in the castle for a long time, and my father will come in a few days. And the old lady didn't ask people to clarify my relationship with the Duke, so on the surface everyone will think that I have a good relationship with the Duke. Intimacy, even if they don't see each other often now, they will only think it's a young couple arguing."

"With this relationship, it's easier to do a lot of things."

Thinking of this, Demi couldn't help but sigh again.

how to say.

She originally hoped that the relationship between the two people would be clean, but now it seems that things have become more complicated.

It was so complicated that she even started to take advantage of this relationship...

"Miss?" Seeing her in a daze, Julian couldn't help reminding her.

"I'll think about how to do it. The next thing is actually very simple. I want to gain a foothold in Dimak and stabilize my relationship with the Glens family. But at the same time, I don't want to gossip with the Duke." Continue. So during the period before being clarified, try to build up your own advantages."

As for where this advantage should start.

Demi had already figured it out too.

It's the old lady.

No matter what purpose the old lady is showing her to her, or she just likes her, there are many places for Demi to use in this relationship.

She can also start from here.

As long as you can stand on your own, your future life will be better.

It is enough to get back the mother's ashes smoothly.

"Knock knock knock."

While thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Who could it be so late." Julian quickly walked to the door under Demi's gesture, "Who is it?"


A low voice came from outside the door.

Even at a distance of several meters, Demi could immediately recognize that this voice belonged to Mo Chengan.

She was startled and almost lost the cup in her hand.

"How did he come?"

Julian panicked too.

Looking at the thin pajamas that Demi was wearing, and thinking about the oppressive feeling of the man outside, even her voice trembled unconsciously.

"Our lady, she has already fallen asleep. If the Duke has anything to do, just tell me."

"Tell you?" Mo Chengan's tone became a little colder.

By now his face had completely darkened.

Who would have thought otherwise.

Asked her to talk to the old lady in the living room. After she finished talking, she didn't wait for someone to come out for a long time. She even saw the servant helping her move things!

It's so outrageous!
Mo Chengan restrained the anger in his heart for a long time, and then he calmed down and came over.

The servant next to him wanted to stop it, but in this castle, he was the one with the highest position of power.

Except for the respected old lady who came here in person, who can stop him?
This allowed Mo Chengan to stand outside her room unimpeded all the way.

"Demi, I know you're up. Let me in. I have something to say."

He didn't want to waste time either, the old lady had more energy than him day by day, maybe she would rush over when she received the news.

Now is the time when every second counts.

But Demi never answered.

Julian was in a panic.

She could only stammer and explain, "Miss has really fallen asleep, she, she is not feeling well, Duke, please don't knock on the door."

Physical discomfort is the best outcome.

Demi has also used it many times before.

But Mo Chengan obviously didn't believe it.

He even snorted coldly, so loud that even Demi in the room could hear it.

"I'm not feeling well, I'll call the doctor right away!"

"do not!"

Demi finally couldn't hold back and made a sound to stop.

She is really worried.

If the doctor is called again in the middle of the night, maybe there will be some troubles.

So he could only put on a piece of clothing casually, and hurried to the door.

After taking a deep breath, Demi finally worked up the courage to pull the door open.

"The Duke."

She smiled, the makeup on her face hadn't been removed, she just wiped off her lipstick casually, so her face looked paler.

"It's so late, is there anything else?"

Mo Chengan looked her up and down, and found that she had really changed into pajamas, and now she was hanging lightly on her body. Coupled with the exhaustion on her face, no one would be able to detect the fakeness.

"Did you really go to sleep?"

"Uh. I don't seem to have anything else to do when I come back to my room."

The man's thin lips were tightly pursed, almost forming a straight line.

Even the jaw line is tense.

In the end, he could only snort heavily, "You are quite comfortable, without any pressure in your heart?"

"Me? Why should I be under pressure?" Demi laughed, "I'm still a patient, and taking good care of my body is the first priority, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Mo Chengan's voice raised a lot, and he even seemed a little out of breath.

He turned his eyes away coldly, and stared at her with black eyes. Seeing her calm appearance, he finally couldn't help questioning her.

"You have nothing to say to me?"

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