The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2554 Xiaobao Extra Story 135, Guess

Demi didn't know any of this.

She couldn't guess the old lady's plans at all.

No one would have thought that the old lady would want to find out because she thought she looked similar to someone deep in her memory.

And Demi waited until after the lunch break, and a stylist knocked on the door ahead of time.

There was a lot of stuff beside him.

"Miss Demi, I was arranged by the old lady to come over to help you with the styling."

"come in."

She handed over the photo directly, "I should have communicated with you in advance. I have to follow this look."

The stylist looked at the picture and chuckled, "Yes. They sent a few photos. They said that the theme this time is retro, and I've already been familiar with this set of makeup in advance."

She said something, the purpose of which was naturally to calm people's hearts.

"Miss Demi, let's change our clothes first."

She had brought all the clothes over in advance.

Now it is on the shelf, and the servant pushed it in.

"These are all available. The styles of clothes are more complicated. There are four sets in total. You can choose what you like. The sizes are all prepared according to your wishes."

Demi took a look.

Most of them are beige and linen, and the fabrics are mostly cotton and linen, with less yarn quality, which is indeed the style of the last century.

She took a rough look and spotted the middle one.

"That's it."

It looks a bit similar to the color of the clothes in the photo. Although the style is different, the overall effect should be similar after wearing it.


"Then let's change our clothes first."

Makeup takes a long time, because it takes a lot of time to change clothes.


While changing clothes here, Mo Chengan in the next room looked at the person who walked in, his handsome face immediately darkened.

"what happened!"

The butler led a make-up artist over, followed by several servants.

Not to mention the clothes and accessories in their hands.

"Duke, this is what the old lady asked us to bring to you. There is also an exclusive makeup artist."

Mo Chengan, "???"

"Go out, I don't need it."

His face was green, and he cursed a few words secretly in his heart, but he still had to maintain his demeanor on the surface.

Then he directly frowned and scolded, "I told you, I don't need it!"


"No, but, go out." Mo Chengan directly raised his hand and pointed to the door.

He was extremely angry now, his whole body was covered with a fierce aura, his tone was cold, and even his eyes seemed to hide sharp knives.

The harsh aura made the people present look at each other in blank dismay, and each of them began to stutter.

It was the butler who had the courage to persuade him a few more words, "Duke, the old lady is preparing this dinner, firstly to worry about your marriage, and secondly to connect with each other. She called many young people from Dimak over, you You have to deal with it no matter what.”


Mo Chengan narrowed his dark eyes dangerously, and gave him a cold look.

"Is this necessary?"

"Duke. In the future, you will also gain a foothold in Dimak. Proper contact will help you maintain your relationship..."

Ha ha.

Mo Chengan's face darkened again.

At that moment, Ah Rui realized something was wrong, and hurried over to drive these people out.

"The duke has already said that he doesn't need it, so you don't need to come in again. You will annoy him later, who can afford it."

"Mr. A Rui, these are the old lady's orders. The main character tonight is the Duke. If she and he don't go, it really doesn't make sense."

"But my young master has such a temper. He used to hate others to help him arrange this and that. Now you even deliberately provoke him. Then you will bear the consequences."


The butler wanted to say something more.

But through the half-hidden door, seeing the gloomy man inside, he had no choice but to swallow the words abruptly.

To be honest, she also wanted to persuade a few words.

But the duke has always had a bad temper. Although he hadn't seen him really get angry before, he always had an expression of refusal to be thousands of miles away on weekdays.

How can it be so easy to approach.

"Housekeeper, what should we do? If the old lady's order goes wrong, we can't explain it."

"Yes, yes. I'm trying to figure out a way." The housekeeper was also anxious.

No matter who lived in this castle in the past, they all knew that the overall situation was the most important thing. No matter how rebellious they were, they would still do a good job in their appearance.

But now this guy doesn't want to be soft and hard.

"I see that the group of people next door who are in charge of Miss Demi have been in for a long time, and their makeup is almost done by now. We haven't made any progress yet."

"Miss Demi has a gentle temper. Naturally, the old lady can do whatever she wants. And everyone knows that the old lady likes her very much. There is a high probability that she wants to help her find a suitable husband tonight."


Ah Rui suddenly saw someone drop a book in his hand.

He turned his head in a daze, just in time to meet Mo Chengan's dark eyes.

"Master, why are you looking at me like this? I have flowers on my face?"

Mo Chengan narrowed his black eyes slightly, as if he was talking to Ah Rui, but in fact all his attention was focused on his ears.

He didn't fall behind the voices of the people outside the door.

"How many people are attending the blind date banquet tonight?"

"Like a dozen or so. They're all those who have attended your succession ceremony before. Most of them are girls. I guess the old lady called them over to make up the number of boys, so there are only three or two."

A Rui added with a smile.

"Most of these girls should have seen you at the succession ceremony and admired you very much."

After the words fell, what responded to him was a pillow thrown by the man directly.

"What nonsense."

"It's obvious, I'm not talking nonsense." Ah Rui curled his lips.

After he stopped what he was doing, he noticed someone talking outside.

"Master, are they talking about Demi?"

It seems to have heard the name.

And Mo Chengan stood beside him, his face didn't fluctuate at all, as if he didn't hear him at all.

"Demi will also attend this blind date dinner tonight?"

A Rui didn't understand.

But when he asked Mo Chengan, the latter didn't respond.

This allowed him to go outside.

Just open the door and ask.

"Who were you talking about just now?"

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