The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2552 Xiaobao Extra Story 133, past grievances

"I just heard from everyone that the old lady has always disliked the madam. It seems that the madam didn't hold a wedding with the old duke. The old duke came to visit with her father when he was seriously ill. But somehow she crawled into the old duke's bed , and made the old duke very obsessed with her, so he insisted on marrying her."

"I'm seriously ill..." Demi really didn't understand. The old Duke was almost 50 years old when he died, and the wife was only in her early twenties.

Why bother.

"The old lady was busy with other things at the time, and she never returned to the castle. At that time, the Duke was ill for a long time, and the lady had been taking care of her. That's why the Duke insisted on marrying her."

"Originally the old lady objected, but before she came back, the duke and his wife got a certificate and became a legal couple. This caused the old lady to object and there was nothing they could do. According to the inheritance law, after the duke married his wife, Tulip Castle The titular owner is Madam."

"The old lady must have been very angry at the time."

"Yes. But when the old duke was told to leave, the old lady wasn't around. She almost missed the funeral when she came back. That's why many people complained about it."

Julian told all the news he had heard in detail, "That's why the lady was able to successfully enter the Tulip Castle. The old lady went back to the country in a fit of anger. She never came back for many years."

"No wonder the old lady has been ignoring Madam since she came back." Demi didn't understand the various reasons until now.

Because there is no relationship between the two of them, and there are even some old grudges.

"That's why the old lady wants to destroy the marriage between Dai Gaoli and Mo Chengan while examining Mo Cheng'an's character. Because once the two of them unite, the wife's position will be stable."

"I don't understand these things." Julian knew that Demi was not as weak and weak as he appeared on the surface, and he didn't dare to express his opinions on these things at will.

Demi frowned, "From the old lady's point of view, it's okay not to want them to unite. For the benefit of the wife, she naturally wants Dai Gaoli to marry Mo Chengan, so as to strengthen her position For Mo Chengan, it should be the same."

"But why didn't he admit his relationship with Dai Gaoli?"

She couldn't figure it out.

Someone as smart as Young Master Mo would not fail to figure out such a simple matter.

But he ended up not publicly admitting to anything.

The attitude just now was even more like a denial.

This is really not a good thing for him.

"The old lady's attitude towards me is also a bit strange. If it was just a temporary intention, she shouldn't have paid attention to me just now. She even tried to associate me with Mo Chengan."

"No. It's reasonable to poke and me to talk to him. G or any girl is fine, as long as it's not Dai Gaoli. But her attention to me seems to be a little different."

Demi thought about having a headache.

She pinched her temples subconsciously, only feeling a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Julian hurried over to appease him.

"Miss, these things have nothing to do with you, why bother to think about them so seriously."

"Is it okay with me?"

She shook her head, not thinking so.

"Okay, miss, it's getting late, let's rest first. If there is any problem, it won't happen overnight. The old lady will live in the castle for a long time. If you want to analyze, you still have time to observe slowly."

"Yeah." Demi just lay down on the bed.

She rubbed her aching head and had to admit that she was indeed a little tired today.

Tossed all day.

"Go to sleep too."


The rooms are spacious.

The moonlight outside the window was bright, and the shadows of the treetops being blown by the wind could still be seen, which happened to fall on the opposite wall.

The surroundings are quiet and it is a good time for sleeping.

But for some reason, Demi suffered from insomnia.

She felt that she was gradually becoming unconscious, and began to wonder what she should do.

If he continued to stay here, he would be forced to be involved in the tulip family's internal strife, and Mo Chengan would also be implicated.

My father's patience is about to run out, and the phone calls have been extra frequent recently.

Both inside and outside the words are testing her progress.

If she continued to stay here, in a few days, her father might come to her in the name of visiting.

What should she do?

When Demi was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, she hadn't thought of it at all.

Next door with a wall apart, someone didn't fall asleep late at night.

But Mo Chengan wasn't insomnia, he was talking on his cell phone all the time.

"Ranran, you must take good care of him in this matter! When I promised to inherit the Mo Group as an adult, the condition was that he would not interfere with any of my affairs. How is it now? He actually betrayed me and the boss of the Tulip family Madam discussed it!" Mo Chengan was a little annoyed.

Apart from the anger on that handsome face, there was also a touch of grievance.

"Ranran. But without this, I'm already working very hard. After inheriting the company, I was very busy with things. After he transferred the shares to me, he just let go and didn't care about anything. Now he keeps causing me trouble. "

Mo Chengan complained for a long time.

There was no intention of stopping at all.

But before he finished speaking, there was a sudden scolding from over there, "What trouble have I caused you?"

"No? The title of the Duke of Tulip is a big trouble. It's so annoying."

He has always hated the complexity of these big families the most.

Like how good their family is.

There are not many people at all.

If it comes to family struggles, the old man of the previous generation is the only son.

In my own generation, I finally had an extra sister.

But Mo Weitian, that stupid girl, doesn't care about the company's affairs at all, and the fund left by the old man alone is enough for her to squander her whole life.

This also caused Mo Weitian to have no concept of money at all, let alone any interest in making money.

She only likes objects that can fly into the sky.

Thinking of this younger sister, Mo Cheng'an immediately felt even more headache.

"There is more. Tiantian has been reporting to the space agency for a month. No news has come out. Let me know whether it will be successful or not."

Mo Junzhe snorted softly, "Your sister is so old, do you need to worry about it?"

"Why can't I worry about it. You two only care about playing by yourself every day. If I don't worry about her, who cares about her? Are you counting on you?"

He hit it straight.

Mo Junzhe was not to be outdone.

"Tiantian is my daughter, and there are my good friends in the space agency to take care of her. I have nothing to worry about. On the contrary, you are the one who inherits a title, and it's over when you inherit. Who asked you to cause trouble over there."

"I'm causing trouble???" Mo Chengan pointed his finger back at himself, looking at the man in the video with a look of disbelief.

"Old man, can you be more irresponsible when you speak!"


"The Tulip family is in a mess, okay! If I just inherit the title and don't care about anything else, this group of people will be all fucked up. It's not like I'm going to clean up the mess later. Yes. I'm just cleaning up the mess you left behind! Back then You should let yourself inherit it."

"Hehe. It's a pity that you have already inherited it."

I think he also accepted a love from the Tulip family when he was overseas, and almost agreed to inherit the title.

Fortunately, I ran fast in the end.

It was just a name, and did not participate in the succession ceremony.

Only in this way can we escape this big trouble.

"Old man, don't go too far!"

Laughing so loud!

Bai Xiran who was on the side finally couldn't see it, "It's alright, alright, can you two stop arguing as soon as you meet?"

"Ranran, we haven't met yet."

"Ma'am, I don't care about a little kid." Mo Junzhe directly embraced the woman, hugged her tightly and kissed her, then raised his eyebrows at Mo Chengan in the video, "My wife and I are very happy." I'm busy, I don't have time to take care of your trivial matters. If you have any problems, you can solve them yourself, don't bother us."

Mo Chengan, "????"

"Ranran! Did you hear what he said in human language!"

"Oh, that's right. One more thing, I heard that you had some scandalous news with so-and-so in the Tulip family. If you really like it, then call us and tell us that Ranran and I will go to propose marriage. If you don't like it, deal with it." Point. People from our Mo family don’t like gossip.”

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Mo Chengan a chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

This made Mo Chengan almost out of breath, and his heart was so stuffy that he almost couldn't breathe.


How can there be such a father in the world!

If it wasn't for the fact that he had secretly tested the DNA several times when he was very young, Mo Cheng'an would really suspect that he wasn't his own at all.

Then he made another call.

"A Rui."

"Hmm...Master? Is there anything else to do at this late hour?"

"I can not sleep!"

Ah Rui, "??"

"Then you stay up for a while, I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first."

"If you dare to sleep, I will deduct your bonus!" Mo Chengan gritted his teeth and threatened directly.

A Rui woke up instantly.

But he could only rub his eyes hard, forcing himself to open them so as not to fall asleep.

That was a grievance in my heart.

"You don't sleep if you don't sleep. Why do you torment me? My good young master, if you really can't do it, why don't you go for a walk? I have to work tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Whether you deduct the bonus or not, it is not as important as his sleep now that the sky is falling.

What time is it!


The sound of "beep beep" came from the phone, which almost made Mo Chengan explode.

And the last words Ah Rui said still remained in his ears.

Walking is also a good choice.

Walk more, come back to sleep when you are tired.


So Demi sat by the window, looking at the familiar figure strangely, walking around the yard downstairs in her pajamas at one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Now that he is wearing thin clothes, it can be seen that his figure is actually very thin, and he is not as strong as he usually feels.

And there is a sense of alienation in the whole person.

This temperament seems to be more obvious in the middle of the night.

Demi was watching him from the second floor. From a distance of more than ten meters, she seemed to be able to see the man's tightly frowning brows.

He is irritable.

What are you bothering about?

And all of this, Mo Chengan himself is not clear.

He was wearing earphones and listening to the songs in it, but he was thinking about something that made him sober.

For example, how to deal with the tulip mess as soon as possible.

For example, how to make the disobedient girl more obedient.

The two are like this, one upstairs and one downstairs.

One looked at each other with their eyes, and the other thought about each other in their hearts, which lasted for a whole hour.

It's 02:30.

Mo Chengan was really tired.

Or I figured out some things and stopped being bored.

Finally went upstairs to rest.

And Demi finally drew the curtains, lay on the bed and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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