The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2548 Xiaobao extra 129, live together

Demi's wrists were clasped.

At that moment, she couldn't resist at all, she could only watch the man hold her hand and stand up slowly.

Then he reluctantly lifted his lips and wanted to speak, but when the words reached his lips, Mo Chengan snapped back.

"You don't want to offend a 90-year-old man?"

Demi froze.

Suddenly remembered what was written in the information, the old lady has always seen his wife uncomfortable, so she has not returned to Tulip Castle for many years.

But as long as she is alive, the most respected woman in this castle will only be her.

The madam is far inferior to her prestige.

"Check it out, I'll go and see her later." The old lady shouted behind her.

He is obviously getting older, but he still looks full of energy.

Demi had no choice but to be led by Mo Chengan, and when she reached the door, she quickly let go of her hands, pinching her fingers together impatiently.

"I'm really fine. The doctor has checked it. You don't have to do anything because of the old lady's joke."

She looked calm and breezy, and even spoke in a soft tone.

But only Demi knew that she could no longer keep calm in her heart.

Mo Chengan was standing two steps in front of her, without urging her.

The clean white shirt and the special decoration on the neckline gave him an aristocratic atmosphere.

Even now, Demi thought, if he had a cheap ring, he would be said to be made of diamonds.

"I don't want to talk to you either, but there's nothing I can do. The old lady has explained it to me." Mo Chengan smiled, with a very light and calm curve on his thin lips.

It looked like she was smiling, but there was no emotion in those dark eyes.

Demi stiffened slightly.

"The old lady was joking."

"She doesn't have to make fun of you."

Mo Chengan directly refuted.

The implication is, what value are you worthy of the old lady doing this for you?

In fact, Demi didn't even understand it herself.

She and this man just met for the first time today, and it was just a one-sided relationship, so it doesn't deserve such attention.

"Could it be because...I smashed her through the side door and let her be blocked by you, are you unhappy?"

Mo Chengan, "How is it possible?"

He directly denied it, "You don't need to make excuses for yourself anymore. You know, since this old lady told me to do something, I have to do it well. You should have heard the probation period she said just now, right? Can I Seating the position of Duke Tulip depends entirely on her face."

If that person is really unhappy, he might go directly to the king and demand that his title be withdrawn. This person who is older than the king will probably be granted no matter what he says.

And the rumored 90-year-old lady is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Even his wife has been based in Tulip Castle for 20 years, but she can't shake the other party's status.

This made Mo Chengan a little irritable.

He frowned, looking at the girl in front of him who was still hesitant, a flame of ignorance suddenly rose in his heart.

"Is it so difficult for you to stay here?"


"Anyway, I won't let you go until the old lady nods her head." Mo Chengan directly issued an ultimatum, apparently too lazy to argue with her.

Then turned around straight away, "Let's go?"


Demi let out a long sigh, her face full of helplessness.

She looked up at the slender body in front of her, and suddenly didn't even have the courage to lift her feet.

After finally making up my mind to leave, I also did enough psychological construction.

The moment she got in the car, Demi felt that although she was uncomfortable, she had made a fairly correct decision.

But he was stopped before he went out, and now he has to continue to live in the castle, what's the matter?

Her whole face crumpled.

The slender body in front of her kept blocking her view, making it impossible for Demi to see where she was.

Until he suddenly stopped outside a door.


A familiar voice sounded from above her head, Demi raised her head, saw the door, and then looked at the familiar room inside.

She shook her head almost subconsciously.

"Not here."

"What's wrong?" Mo Chengan's eyes were gloomy, with some displeasure.

Because she repeatedly refuted herself, even her voice became a lot more depressed.

"I can't live here."


He squeezed his swollen temples, trying to keep himself calm.

Mo Chengan had to admit that this woman really had the ability to make him angry.

"You want to leave, you can. I agree. Now the old lady asks you to stay. If you want to leave, go and tell her."

"How can I tell her, how can she listen to what I say." Demi felt aggrieved.

The old lady was simply relying on her own age, and decided everything by talking to herself, and would not talk to other people at all.

Mo Chengan cast her a cold look.

"That's your business."

"Yes, yes. I will find a chance to discuss it with the old lady later, but I can't live in this room now."

Demi squeezed her fingers, and finally said her request.

She raised her eyes and looked straight into the man's eyes, "This is your room. I was moved here because I was injured and unconscious, and I can't move around, so forget it. Now I am in good health." It’s not good, you can get out of bed and walk around, and live in your room, what will others think.”

"I don't care what they think."

He is very annoying.

The people up and down in this castle must have hundreds of minds.

In order to deal with them every day, I have to cheer up 12 points, and occasionally I can go back to the room to take a nap, and there is only a short time to relax.

Now she still refuses to live here, even if he wants to deprive him of the little happy time.

This made Mo Chengan almost unable to restrain the anger in his heart.

"This reason is not valid."

"Then... I don't worry."

Mo Chengan's face sank a bit, and he said in a rough voice.

"You stay here, just like before, what are you worried about?"

Just don't worry about it anywhere.

"Lonely men and widows live in the same room, and there will always be people gossiping. You are the Duke and the highest authority in the Tulip family. Of course, you can ignore other people's opinions, but I can't. I am just an ordinary person. Once I get involved in the Duke's scandal relationship, I will also enter the public eye.”

She explained in a low voice, her fingers turning red.

"I am an illegitimate daughter, such rumors are not a good thing for me."

Once there are too many gossips, she will become the kind of fake socialite with a bad reputation.

It was already difficult for her to integrate into the circle of celebrities, and the grievances and grievances of Cairns made it even more difficult for her to move forward.

If there was any further rumors with Mo Chengan, Demi knew that she might have to wear a mask when going out in the future.

"The illegitimate daughter, the illegitimate daughter, what age is it? Why do people still talk about the illegitimate birth of aristocrats every day?"

He complained coldly.

Really angry.

But after he finished speaking, seeing the girl's aggrieved and helpless face, he could only swallow the remaining dissatisfaction.

Mo Chengan knew better than anyone else how much the girl in front of her had suffered because of her status.

And she is indeed the illegitimate daughter of Earl Glens.

Up to now, the name of the young lady of the Glens family on the top of her head may have given her a lot of pressure.

In a stalemate between the two sides, one side will always be defeated.

a long time.

Mo Chengan finally let go of his clenched hands, his black eyes slowly swept across her face, and his voice was warm and deep.

"Then where do you want to live?"

Demi thought she heard the question wrongly.

She quickly raised her head and looked at him in surprise and joy, "You agree?"

"Otherwise." Mo Chengan snorted coldly, and deliberately looked at her with the tip of his nose, "If I don't agree again, you might cry on the spot."

"No way." Demi denied vigorously, "I won't cry."

She wasn't one to cry, either.

If I really cried when I was wronged, I don't know how many kilograms of tears I would have shed in the past so many years.

Mo Chengan shook his head, pointed to the side casually, "That's it."

Anyway, there are a lot of guest rooms on this floor, and some guests would arrange rooms before, but almost all of them have left now.

And those elders are all old, and most of them like to live on the first floor, and they don't want to climb stairs.

next door?

Demi blinked, "Is it still too close?"

"Talk nonsense again, you can go directly to the old lady to arrange it." The man lost all patience and said harsh words directly.

"Okay, okay, the next door is the next door, I can do it." Demi dared not talk about the terms.

As long as you don't live in his room, everything is easy to talk about.

What's next door.

It's just that the distance is closer, the sound insulation is worse, and it's just a little bit easier to bump into when you go out and come in.

She watched the servant open the door of the guest room, and saw the crisp and clean decoration inside, and she was relieved.

Although back again.

But it's all because of that old lady.

And it seems that she is just a whim, maybe she will change her mind in a few days.

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