The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2537 Xiaobao extra 118, making mistakes for women

Because of Earl Glens' consent, Demi can live in Tulip Castle to recuperate.

During this time, she never left the room.

Mo Chengan told the doctor, and even told Julian, that she was not allowed to move around until her injury improved.

Even going to the bathroom, Julian helped her get on the wheelchair and walked slowly there.

In terms of caring for people, Julian did a good job.

"Congratulations to Ms. Glens first, the trauma on your body has healed a lot, and almost all the scabs have healed after three days. In addition, the concussion is basically healed. Except for the injury on the ribs, which still needs rest, most of the rest The wounds have healed."

"Thank you." Demi sincerely thanked her, with an obvious smile on her delicate face, she breathed a sigh of relief as she spoke, "Then can I go out for a walk?"

"Of course. Proper exercise now will help your body."

The doctor gave her an affirmative answer, which reassured Demi completely.

She couldn't wait to stand up, "Quick, Julian, take a walk in the yard with me."

For the past three days, she has been very obedient, so she just stayed in the room and didn't go anywhere.

Mo Chengan had told her not to run around, so she took care of her safely, and did not do anything other than ask Julian to find out the news.

Fortunately, after these tasks, the body recovered really quickly.

There is sun outside the window.

It was afternoon, and the sun was shining warmly from the top of the head. Coupled with the sound of birdsong and the sound of leaves being blown by the wind from time to time, the whole world became more comfortable.

Demi moves carefully.

Julian supported her all the way down the stairs from the second floor.

When going out, I took every step very seriously, for fear of making mistakes.

When the servant next to her saw her appear, her face changed slightly, and she immediately avoided the direction.

This made Demi a little confused.

It was difficult for her to understand why these people reacted so strongly.

But a seed of doubt was immediately planted in my heart.

So he went directly to the rest chair in the yard and sat down, looking at Julian, "I asked you to go out to inquire about the news these two days, what did you inquire about?"

"No..." Julian felt very wronged, "Miss, I did insinuate with other people, and I also wanted to ask the castle's impression of you living here. There is also the situation with Prince Cairns. But it is true. Nothing was asked."

Demi looked around.

I only came into contact with a small number of two people in the room before, as well as the doctor, and did not come into contact with outsiders.

This made it impossible for her to judge the situation at all.

But looking at their reactions now, it was clear that there was something wrong.

"You didn't find out. You can only say that the news is indeed related to me, so they will deliberately avoid you and don't let you know."

Julian was stunned, her lips twitched and wanted to say something, but she still didn't say it when she reached her mouth, she could only nod.

"Maybe, you're right."

Otherwise, with her social skills, how could she not find out anything in three days.

This is simply not possible.

The only explanation is that they were told in advance that they were not allowed to disclose any news about Demi.

"Miss, do you want me to ask now?"

Demi shook her head and smiled self-deprecatingly, "What can you get by asking now? You think they'll really tell you about me."

Stop dreaming.

Since someone had confessed, it was either the lady or Young Master Mo, and no matter who made the confession, these people dared not disclose any news.

"What should I do?"

Julian suddenly panicked.

The two of them, master and servant, are now staying in the Tulip Castle, and they are not working every day.

Earl Glens also left two days earlier, and the other guests, after entertaining them for two days, are now going home.

There are only three or two kittens left in the whole tulip castle.

Demi bit her lip, knowing she couldn't go on like this.

"Give me the phone."

She thought of someone.

When she just picked up her phone, she realized that there were many unread messages on her social software.

Most of them are from the same person.

Brushed a full fifty.

Before Demi had time to look carefully, she replied with two words.

"I'm here."

Soon there was news popping up.

"What are you doing? I've been sending you messages for the past few days, but you haven't responded to any of them. I almost thought you were seriously injured and passed out."

The person looking for her was naturally Lilian.

In fact.

In Demi's social software, there are only a few friends.

Lillian is one of them.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of looking at my phone. Plus I'm really resting these days."

"In what age, there are still people who don't read the news..." Lilian complained a few words, but she still chose to talk about the business sensibly.

"All right, all right, for the sake of your sincere apology, I will temporarily forgive you. But you must tell me honestly, since you are fine, why did the Duke stop me from seeing you? No one is allowed People are asking for news about you!"

Demi froze.

The hand holding the phone is a little stiff.

She raised her head to look at the people around her, and quickly replied on her mobile phone, "You are not allowed to inquire about me? Is it Young Master Mo?"

"Who else is there besides him? I just found out now that this is really a tyrant. He said that others are not allowed to discuss your affairs, and they are not allowed to inquire about your affairs. There is really no news from the castle!"

"That's right, he, it hasn't been long since he came to Tulip Castle. But this majesty has not been said, who would dare to disobey an order."

Demi, "..."

"Maybe he is also thinking about my reputation and worrying about gossip."

"Yes yes yes. Aren't you just worried about rumors! But your rumors have not spread, and his own is flying all over the sky."

Lilian was obviously dissatisfied with Mo Chengan for a long time.

When she complained, she didn't show mercy at all, "Demi, you don't know, this time Mo Chengan and Prince Cairns had a complete confrontation. I heard that he went directly to the police station with the surveillance video, and even asked to be a witness. It is said that Prince Cairns fought three times in the castle this time. It was only within a month a while ago, and there are still previous convictions. Therefore, he demands a heavier punishment."

Demi froze.

For a while, I couldn't find my own voice.

"Did he really do that?"

"Then it can be fake." Lilian snorted softly, "Such a man is already in a high position, and he was probably a role that everyone hated before. Now that he is the Duke of Tulip, it is even more so. It is simply Get worse."

"And as far as I know, he is still collecting evidence of Prince Cairns' previous crimes, saying that he has found some clues. I think Prince Cairns is doomed this time."

Demi's heart clenched. Listening to Lilian's voice, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

It was really hard for her to imagine that Young Master Mo would do this.

Before, he just said that he would show up, but he never expected that he would direct all the attention to himself, so that everyone would target him.

Even Keynes himself may never think of himself again.

"But, if he does this, he will cause a lot of trouble in the future."

"Of course, who doesn't know the consequences. I believe he knows it very well." Lilian snorted softly, her tone aggravated a lot, "And as far as I know, many people in the Tulip family are against He did this because it was tantamount to enmity with the royal family. You must know that the eldest prince is old now, and he may pass away at any time, so he will pass the throne to the second prince. That is Keynes' father."

"However, it's understandable for a hero to feel sad for a beauty. He, Mo Chengan, stands up for his own woman, so offending someone is nothing."

With a "boom", Demi's head froze.

At that moment, it seemed that his blood was rushing upwards, and his whole face suddenly turned red.

"You, don't say that..."

"I'll just say it, why are you stuttering?" Lilian was puzzled.

Demi faltered and couldn't speak for a while.

This made Lilian's impatient person even more unbearable. "This kind of man who is so angry that he becomes a beauty looks handsome, but he doesn't think about the consequences at all. He's just a reckless man."

"Don't say that about him. He is very thoughtful, and this time I believe he has a perfect plan."

"Huh? I didn't say that. He has just inherited the title of Duke Tulip. If the foundation is not stable, of course he must act steadily. Who would mess around like him when he first took office? That's not how it burns."

Seeing that she was silent, Lilian sighed softly.

"I mean, you're really serious. How come you still think about these things. He, Mo Cheng'an, can now go all out to offend Keynes and the royal family because of Dai Gaoli. Why are you still protecting him?"


Demi is stiff!

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