The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2527 Xiaobao extra 108, what do you want to do with him

"It's my responsibility, what's wrong." Mo Chengan replied directly, without giving the other party a chance to refute.

Then he stood up directly, and looked at Earl Glens casually with downcast eyes, "As for you, uncle, if you are worried, you can stay here temporarily, and I will arrange someone to take care of you."

"No, no, it's not necessary." Earl Glens actually wanted an affirmative answer.

It would be best if Mo Chengan made a serious promise.

But obviously, the man would not give him this answer.

After a while, both of them were silent with each other, and Earl Glens couldn't open his mouth to mention his request.

He wanted to, but he also knew that Demi's identity was very different from Mo Chengan's, so it was really wishful thinking for him to promise something now.

"Well. It's getting late today, and it's a long way to go back to Glens Castle. Uncle is drunk, so let's rest here first. Tomorrow, the police should have come to a conclusion, and we can discuss whether we can discuss it by then. Late."

"Yes, yes, this is the best."

Earl Glens also knew that worrying is not the solution to the problem.

Instead of eagerly asking for something, it is better to wait and see what happens.

"Then I'll send you to rest."

Mo Chengan directly waved for someone to come over.

Even though he hasn't taken over all the power of the Tulip family yet, in name, everything in this castle has been taken over by him.

From the current point of view, everyone still has some superficial respect for him.


Wait until Earl Glens leaves.

Only then did Mo Chengan slowly walk back into the room.

Julian has been taking care of him and has not left. Even the doctor is still there, preparing the medicine needed tomorrow.

Seeing Mo Chengan coming in, he immediately opened his mouth to greet him, "Duke."

"How about it?"

He just stood outside the bedroom door and glanced from a distance, and he could see Demi who was already fast asleep on the bed.

"Just woke up for a while, and now I have fallen back to sleep. The trauma on my body is quite serious. I initially suspect that Miss Glens may have broken one or two ribs. I'm afraid it will take a while to recuperate."

"so serious?"

"Uh. In fact, the trauma is fine. I'm afraid that what happened today will cause her mental harm. She just woke up and almost had a convulsion. I'm afraid she will need a psychiatrist to treat her later."

Damn Keynes!

Mo Chengan clenched his palms tightly. He really wasn't hard enough to beat Cairns today.

If he had known that Demi had been beaten like this by him, he should have beaten Cairns to half-mutilation on the spot!
"Duke?" Seeing him in a daze, the doctor didn't speak for a long time, then walked over and asked again, "Duke, can't I handle it?"

"What?" Mo Chengan finally came to his senses, raised his hand to press the center of his brows, his voice was slightly hoarse, "Say it again."

"Yes. Miss Demi has been traumatized both mentally and physically, and she should not be stimulated anymore. Now she can only rest slowly. And she can't leave people around her."

In other words, she now needs someone to accompany her 24 hours a day.

Julian hurriedly said, "I will take care of my young lady."

"You?" Mo Chengan finally looked at her squarely, but there was some displeasure in his eyes.


He didn't trust this woman very much, even if Demi brought her here in person.

There was no change on Julian's face, she had figured it out now, this man was beyond her comprehension.

Miss Nana, who Xiao missed Master Mo before, is still lying in the hospital, not to mention her disfigurement.

And this time, what Demi did made Julian feel unbelievable.

She never expected that Demi, who usually looks weak, would be so ruthless!

And she is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to herself.

"Don't worry, Duke, I will definitely take good care of Miss Demi. If she suffers any injuries, I am willing to accept the punishment."

Mo Chengan shook his head, not paying attention to her at all.

"You all go out."

"What?" The doctor was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a long time.

On the contrary, Julian understood. He widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

But soon understood what he meant.

He wanted to take care of Demi himself.

For a moment, there was actually a touch of jealousy in Julian's heart.

But it was only for a moment, and then she became more sober.

Demi can actually let the Duke do this for her, and other women have no chance.

"Okay duke, then I'll wait outside the door. If you need anything, please call me immediately."

"Go away."

Julian, "Yes."

Seeing this, the doctor finally understood, "Then Duke, if Miss Glens has other problems, you can call me again."


After the two left together, the room fell into silence again, and Mo Chengan finally got up slowly and walked towards the bedroom.

He didn't do much, just stood quietly by the door and looked at the girl lying on the bed.

Julian had just helped her change her clothes and remove her make-up, and now the girl was sleeping with her eyes closed, her long eyelashes casting a thick shadow over her eyelids.

And her delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she had a bad dream.

After Mo Chengan hesitated for a while, he finally pushed open the door and walked towards her.

He first stood on the bed for a while, looking at her sleeping soundly, and didn't do anything.

But all of a sudden, Demi's eyebrows became tighter and tighter in her sleep, her bloodless lips twitched, and she uttered a few unknown syllables.

Like scared.

Only then did Mo Chengan lean over and sit down by the bed, and slowly stretched out his hand towards her.

Thick palms gripped hers.

The breath in the air seemed to have changed at that moment, and some power seemed to be gradually transmitted from his palm.

Until I saw Demi's tightly frowning brows loosen a little bit.

She seemed to be really comforted, even in her sleep she felt that sense of security.

So the dream that had been restless for a long time was finally clear now.

Demi calmed down.

Her face looked much better than before, even though she was still pale, there was hardly any blood on her lips.

But in the end, it was calm.

At this moment, Mo Chengan finally smiled, and slowly parted his thin lips that had been tightly pressed all the time. In the end, he didn't say a word, but just sighed.

He hesitated.

After waiting for a long, long time, he stretched out his hand, landed on the girl's forehead which had been smeared with ointment, and stroked it lightly.

He didn't dare to use force, for fear of hurting her.

Now take a closer look.

The girl's originally clean and delicate cheeks were covered with more than half of the scars.

The bulge on his forehead was even more shocking.

"Demi, if you wake up, you will want me to deal with Cairns."

This point, Mo Chengan has been seriously considering it in his heart.

If you want to convict, even if the other party is a prince, even if he is the tenth heir in line, there is no way to escape legal sanctions.

Attempted strongman, the sentence in Dimark is heavy.

Coupled with the things he committed before, it is easy for him to stay in it for more than ten years.

But such things will greatly affect the image of the royal family after all. In order to protect their reputation, the royal family will also find ways to interfere.

So it will be difficult.

This made Mo Chengan not sure what the girl in front of him needed.

Or maybe she already has a mind of her own?

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