The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2499 Xiaobao Extra Story 81, Opportunity

at the same time.

Inside Glens Castle.

Demi sat by the window sill, silently looking at the back of her hands that had been rubbed with medicine.

The burn on the back of her hand was not serious, it was just that she covered the few splashed drops with her hand.

Although the wound is still aching, it is gradually healing after treatment.

Thinking about it now, if she hadn't reacted quickly at the time, she would be the one lying in the hospital disfigured now.

Demi didn't change any posture for a long time, she just looked at her palm in a daze.

The sound of "knock knock" sounded.

The door was knocked.


Since Nana was disfigured and hospitalized, the attitude of the servants in the castle has improved a lot.

Even Julian would salute obediently when he saw her now.

Because everyone knew that Earl Glens valued her very much.

But this emphasis is over today.

"Count, what's the matter?"

It was the Earl of Glens who entered.

He looked serious, and after walking towards her slowly, he handed over an identification report in his hand.

"The result is out."

Demi reached out to take it, and as expected, she saw the contents of her blood test on the piece of paper.

There are very clear instructions above.

No signs of pregnancy.

"I'm not pregnant." She smiled, and she was actually relieved, but she still had a regretful expression on her face, "I'm sorry."

Earl Glens couldn't blame her anymore, he just lifted his lips and managed to find his own reason, "But Demi, if you are not pregnant, we will have no leverage to negotiate with the Mo family."

"Hmm. I'm sorry about that. Or you could try something else..."

After a pause, she quickly changed the subject, "But my mother's ashes have been delayed for so long, and now the results are out. They should be given to me no matter what."

Lord Glens shook his head.

"Count, what do you mean by shaking your head? You don't want to repent, do you?"

"I'm not going to repent, but I can't get the ashes."

"The Earl was joking." There was coldness in Demi's eyes, but it still didn't show on her face.

She looked at Earl Glens quietly, as if she was describing a very common thing.

"Buying and selling is a matter of course, isn't it? What's more, we have already negotiated before. Except for not signing an agreement, these terms are no different from your business. I have completed all the conditions you put forward, but you promise me conditions?"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her.

As if weighing her state of mind at the moment.

After a while, I finally said, "It's not that I don't want to give it to you, but I don't know where the ashes are. At that time, Madam was in charge of the aftermath, and I didn't intervene."

"You let Madam deal with the aftermath!!" Demi couldn't believe it.

When her mother died, she was too young to handle it by herself.

Nor is it allowed to handle itself.

So Earl Glens showed his face to complete the formalities, and at the same time, someone quickly resettled himself, transferred to another school and gave him a living allowance.

In the end, it was this person who informed her that her mother had been buried in a certain cemetery.

Over the years, she still goes to worship from time to time.

But who would have thought that it turned out to be fake!

"Earl Glens, don't you think you have done too much! My mother has been with you for many years, even if, even if she has a shameful status, at least she should be given dignity."

"What can I do? Madam has always been strong. After she found out about this matter, she used it against me. If I don't agree to let her handle it, she will threaten me."

"Demi, would you have to make the same choice as me?"

"Besides, even if Ma'am didn't do a good job in other things, she still settled you down, didn't she? She has been giving you living expenses to support you to finish your studies. Later, you were allowed to hide in Glens Castle when something happened. To you It can be considered as benevolent and righteous!"

"Really?" Demi suddenly smiled.

That exquisite face was full of indifference, "You really think I don't know, Dimak has a habit of keeping mistresses, almost all adults with titles have two or three mistresses behind their backs. And you, except my mother , there are at least two or three more. Maybe there are many other illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters!"

"Nonsense!" Earl Glens denied it.

But Demi obviously wouldn't talk to him, "Is it true that you know in your heart. Mom didn't tell me that she was forced, and things have already been like this. I don't want to go into how you started and ended. .I just want to get back her ashes!"

"Demi, no matter what, you have accepted Madam's favor now, and Nana is still in the hospital. I can't blame Madam at this time..."

"What's the matter?" Demi laughed, "Dimark's law stipulates that illegitimate children also have the obligation to support. So you rented me the cheapest house and gave me enough living expenses every month. It's nothing more than I am afraid that I will go to court and embarrass the Glens family. After all, an illegitimate daughter is almost useless."

She smiled mockingly, "If it's a son, I'm afraid Madam won't let me go easily."

"As for letting me hide in the castle later. If I remember correctly, the Glens family was negotiating cooperation with Prince Cairns' opponent. But if Prince Cairns intervened, you would have no way of succeeding. If you sent me out at that time, you would not be able to It's good, but if Prince Cairns finds out about my relationship with the Glens family, he might get angry and affect that important cooperation, right?"

"In the past two years, I have been very grateful to my wife for taking me in, because no matter what the reason is, it is a help to me. But it does not mean that I should make concessions on my mother's affairs!"

She looked straight at Earl Glenns sharply.

"After fulfilling the conditions promised to you, you should and must give me something!"

Earl Glens was taken aback for a moment.

It took him a long time to realize that the woman in front of him, who was so fierce that he couldn't look directly at her, turned out to be his daughter.

It turned out to be the Demi who has been obedient and never resisted for two years.

He lifted his lips and managed to find his own voice after a while.

"Yes, this matter is..."



He is the dignified Earl of Glens, and Demi is just a humble servant, her illegitimate daughter.

Why should she question herself!
Thinking of this, Earl Glens suddenly became ruthless, and stared at her coldly, "So what do you want? I can't agree, so what can you do!"

Demi, "!!"

"Hehe. Are you angry? But what's the use of it, even if people outside know that you are my illegitimate daughter, as long as I don't prove it to you, you will still be a servant in this castle!"

"Today I can let you live in this luxurious room, and tomorrow I can also let you go back to that dilapidated Datong shop."

"What you should do is please me and flatter me, not accuse me! Demi, no one allows you to question the Earl!"

Earl Glens was awe-inspiring.

For a moment, Demi shuddered, genuinely frightened.

At least that's how it seemed to Lord Glens.

He was very satisfied with Demi's pale face and slightly trembling body.

This proves that she has no ability to resist herself at all, and will only be used by him.

Earl Glens smiled, but he was also willing to beat and beat, "So, as long as you are obedient, I can guarantee that you will continue to live comfortably."

Demi said nothing.

She just lowered her head quietly, restraining all her emotions, trying to keep herself calm.

Earl Glens took a look at her current situation and was content to leave.

Ha ha.

She was just a lowly servant, she said she was an illegitimate daughter, but Demi was right, she had several illegitimate daughters like her!
Just as Earl Glens was about to walk out of the room, Demi's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"So, if I show my worth, you will get my mother's ashes for me."

Earl Glens stopped and looked back at her with interest, "What's your value?"

He smiled, "You're not pregnant, are you? What's the value of you now?"

"Nana is disfigured." Demi's voice was calm, and her raised almond eyes looked straight into the eyes of Earl Glens.

Her tone was as calm as if she was talking about an unusual thing.

"As we all know, there is only one jewel in the family of the Earl of Glens, and that is Nana. And this represents the image of the Glens family. She is the one who attends the important events of the entire Dimak and even the royal family. But now, she is disfigured .”

"It was still disfigured by sulfuric acid, which is not a big or small scandal. The Earl probably wants the disfigured Nana to continue to show her face."

This matter has also become Earl Glens's heart hate!
He hated Nana for not living up to her expectations.

But he has no better way.

He just stared at Demi with a gloomy expression, "What do you mean by all this? Now that medical technology is so advanced, Nana can definitely perform surgery, and she will return to normal sooner or later."

"Sooner or later? How long is it? It will take months to heal her wounds alone. After such a long plastic career. Can you afford to wait?"

Earl Glens' face darkened completely.

"Go on."

"What I mean is, if you still want to continue to be connected with the Mohist family, you shouldn't take action now."

"As far as I know, the Glens family has an invitation letter for the Duke Tulip's succession ceremony. And when Nana can't attend, you should quickly find a substitute instead of doing nothing."

Earl Glens reacted quickly.

"You mean yourself?"

"Who else is more suitable?" Demi stood up slowly.

At this moment, her face was still pale, and there was little blood on her lips.

But suddenly, his temperament seemed to change.

At that moment, Earl Glens even saw in her a temperament that only a superior person had.


It seemed that she was the noble one among the two!
"It's a very simple matter. I will attend instead of Nana. Earl, you just need to give me a legitimate identity before that."

She smiled, approached Earl Glens step by step, until she stood in front of him, and raised her face confidently, "Before the lady comes back, this should be an easy task for you Right? After all, only if I attend can I have a chance to get close to Young Master Mo and maintain a relationship with the Mo family."

The Earls of Glens in front can ignore it.

But the last point alone is what he has always valued the most!
Xiaobao is the heir of the Mo family.


He is now the nominal power holder of the Mohist Group.

His good friend, Mo Junzhe, had started traveling with his wife a few years ago, and rarely showed up again.

And the other heir of the Mo Family Group is Mo Weitian, the daughter of the Mo family.

It is said that this person has no interest in the Mo Group, and he rarely shows up on weekdays, mostly studying his hobbies.

The only person he can seize the opportunity is Mo Chengan!

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