The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2476 Xiaobao Extra Story 58, helpless

Serious men are the most handsome.

She couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Young Master Mo was already handsome, the unbelievably handsome kind.

Now I am sitting in front of the computer and looking at the information, frowning and thinking carefully, as if I have encountered some difficult problem, and I will bite my lip from time to time.

This cute little gesture made him look very different from his usual "Do Not Enter" appearance.

Not only did he no longer feel indifferent and scary, but he was more like a boy next door.

It's like the elder brother next door when I lived with my mother before, he looks gentle and tolerant.

"Have you seen enough?" Mo Chengan said suddenly, his low and gentle tone made Demi startled, and she quickly reacted, and immediately lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Mo, I lost my mind for a while."

"Hmm. Tell me, why did you lose your mind?"

She froze, speechless for a while.

Looking at Mo Chengan's teasing expression, he didn't know how to answer.

I can't say that I just watched him lose his mind...

"Master Mo, I've already made the bed."


He didn't speak, and there was no order for the next step.

The scene froze again.

Demi scratched her head, originally thinking of going to the corner alone and forgetting about it, but suddenly remembered Earl Glens' explanation, and finally plucked up the courage to walk towards him.

"I, Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Mo Chengan was a little surprised, his brows slightly raised.

"you help me?"

He suddenly thought of something, and directly handed over the information in his hand, "You grew up in Dimak, right?"


"Besides the local lingua franca and English, will they know these characters?"

Mo Chengan pointed to a series of Arabic characters on the document for her to read.

Demi leaned over and studied it carefully.

"No, it doesn't matter. I'll check it out myself. You can do whatever you want."

"I will." She looked away.

When she raised her head, she met the man's dark eyes.

Mo Chengan was also stunned.

Because the light in the girl's eyes surprised him, or the fact that she could read colloquialism was surprising.

"You can?"

"Well! These are the characters passed down among the ancient nobles. In the past, many people used this writing system to distinguish themselves from the common people. But now few people know how to use it. This information should be some records of family inheritance. text, so the version at that time is still preserved.”

"Yes." What Mo Chengan got was the important records of the Tulip family.

He has roughly read the translated version, but it is obvious that the repairers later omitted many records in order to save trouble.

Demi took the information, sat down beside her, and began to study it seriously.

"The first page is about the first Tulip Duke. He used to be a brave general who made great achievements in battle, so he was made a duke by the king at that time. He was given a fief."

Mo Chengan was a little surprised, "You can really understand."

"Yeah, my mother taught me when I was a child." Demi answered smoothly.

Didn't find anything wrong with it at all.

On the contrary, Mo Chengan immediately stopped what he was doing, "Your mother seems to be a servant in the castle too?"

"Yes. She worked in the castle when she was young, and then she left because she was pregnant with me."

"So how can ordinary servants understand the words circulated among the nobles?"

Demi hesitated, blinking her eyes.

"This, I don't know either."

If Mo Chengan had reminded her, she would never have thought about this question, "Maybe she learned it by working in other noble families before?"

This statement is obviously not established.

Because, although this can explain the way her mother might have learned these words, it cannot explain why an ordinary woman who has left the castle still teaches these words to her daughter?
As a commoner, Demi should never use these words in her life if nothing else happens.

"Master Mo, is there something wrong?"

Mo Chengan shook his head, lowered his eyes and continued to read the information, put away some thoughts that he had just thought of, and ordered in a deep voice, "You continue."


"The first Tulip Duke had four children, one of whom..."

She translated a lot and read some.

Mo Chengan listened carefully, "Check to see if there is any record about why the title of Duke Tulip will never be lowered under hereditary succession."


The general rule of succession is that the next generation inherits the title to a lower level.

Gonghou Bozi was passed down from generation to generation.

This is the case with the Earl of Glens family, and now he only has the position of earl. If he has no merits, the title passed to his children will be useless.

But the tulip family is different.

It has been more than one or two hundred years since the knighthood, but it is still a duke title, and the rights and treatment enjoyed have not changed.

Regardless of whether the royal family changes, the respect for them remains the same as always.

"Look slowly, don't rush."

"Okay." Demi was sitting next to him, looking very serious.

She quietly looked at the thick documents in her hand, and suddenly thought of something and said in a low voice, "Master Mo, can't these people directly ask the people in Tulip Castle?"


"Oh. Then you suspect that they don't want you to inherit the title, and are worried that there will be problems?"

Hearing this, Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows slightly.

After a pause, his lips finally curled up, and he smiled quietly, "I can't see that you are quite clever. How can others not notice what you can see."

"As far as I know, there are indeed some people who don't want me to inherit the title of Duke Tulip. Even if I inherit it, the title will continue to be retained."

Demi shrugged, "It's understandable. Because after you inherit, no matter how much interest you have afterwards, it belongs to you alone. Even if they redistribute, some people's interests will definitely be lost. But if you don't inherit, there will always be The interests of the people may be damaged, but those who hold power, they will still try to hold what they have in their hands."

After she finished speaking, she realized that Mo Chengan had been staring at her.

Then a little stiff.

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows, and looked at her with a half-smile, "It's okay, just keep talking."

"So what you are thinking about, Young Master Mo, must be how to inherit the title safely and smoothly. And after inheriting the title, try to appease the original members of the Tulip family."

"But it's actually impossible."

"How should I say it?" Mo Chengan stood up from behind the table, walked in front of her, leaned against the table, and looked at her.

"Because some people in the Tulip family support you and some oppose you, even if they don't do anything. Some people will be dissatisfied because of the re-division of interests. And these people don't know what you think yet. If they think you will take away For their interests, it is possible to do things that endanger you."

"But at the same time, the other part of the vested interests will try their best to protect you and support you in inheriting the title."

After Demi finished speaking, she realized that the air was quiet.

She blinked, and when she raised her head to look at Mo Chengan, the latter didn't speak, instead there was a faint smile in his eyes.

And that touch of appreciation is also particularly obvious.

"Master Mo, did I, did I say something wrong?"

Seeing her nervousness, Mo Chengan took the initiative to reach out and pat her, "No, your analysis is very correct."

It's so true that it's surprising.

"Then, in your opinion, what should I do?"

Demi thought for a while, and now she is not so nervous, but can seriously think about the problem.

"I can't think of a particularly good solution, but the first thing to do is to figure out who is really supporting you and who is fake."

Hearing what she said, Mo Chengan became more and more interested the more he listened, "Continue."

"Because the person who opposes you is most likely to be against you. If you don't hide it, he is a wolf on the surface. But those who seem to help you are not necessarily good people. It may be a wolf pretending .It’s just hiding deep, just to give you a fatal blow at a critical moment. Compared with the bad guys on the surface, these people behind the scenes are more terrifying.”

"Yes. What you said is very correct." The smile on Mo Chengan's face became more and more obvious.

There is something else in the eyes he looks at the girl now.

And it is even more certain that Demi's background may be unusual, otherwise, how could an ordinary maid have such insight.

"As for the solution, I think Young Master Mo must be well aware of it. I don't know the specific situation of the Tulip family either, so I can't help you."

"You continue to translate. Find the thing I just said."


Demi sat obediently at the side, flipping through the thick document seriously.

The two of them were busy with each other's affairs, and it passed several hours like this.

Until the time came to twelve o'clock in the evening.

The clock in the living room outside would strike punctually at twelve o'clock, and the sound disturbed the two people who were working hard.

Demi reacted quickly.

She got up straight away, "Master Mo, it's already late, you need to rest."

"Yeah. I've read all of this."

It has been a while since he left Ningcheng, and the big and small things in the company are now piled up like a mountain.

The old man only cares about himself being chic and happy, and now he is playing with Ranran, and he doesn't know where to play, and he can't see anyone at all.

And Mo Weitian never cared about anything in the company.

Forget it.

That girl Tiantian, it would be nice not to cause trouble, what else do you expect.

The whole family is up and down, and no one can help him at all.

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