The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2462 Xiaobao Extra 43, Design

It was the only way Demi could think of.

When she ran into the racecourse in a panic, the race had just ended.

Nana deservedly won the first place. When she was looking around happily, she found that she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

Immediately a little unhappy, staring at Nicole, "Where is brother Xiaobao?"

"I don't know, Miss Nana, he left after the game and hasn't shown up since then. By the way, Demi didn't show up either."

Nicole mentions Demi casually.

Sure enough, after hearing that Demi was not there, Nana's expression changed immediately.

"Did she take brother Xiaobao out again? Was it on purpose?"

"It's possible, but I don't dare to say it. In fact, everyone thinks that Young Master Mo treats Demi differently than other people. When the housekeeper said to change people, Young Master Mo also disagreed. Now both of them happen to be outside. So is it possible that they took this opportunity to seduce Young Master Mo, and then..."

Nicole didn't say anything more.

But she secretly observed Nana's expression, she could see that she was getting more and more angry, and hurriedly took the last dose of strong medicine.

"Maybe what's going on right now..."

"She dares!" Nana was so angry that her entire face was almost trembling.

She couldn't imagine the picture.

Brother Xiaobao belongs to her, how dare she dare to be such a lowly person as Demi!

While speaking, Nana couldn't care about anything else, and walked outside directly.

Still holding the phone in his hand, he kept dialing Mo Chengan's phone number.

"No one picks up?"

"Damn it, is it really what Nicole said, they are now..." Nana didn't dare to think about it, and ran straight away.

Someone shouted from behind, "Nana, where are you going in such a hurry? Nana?"

But there was no response at all.

The man smiled, with obvious complacency on his face.

"Look, I just said that this trick is feasible. Does Demi really think that if I promise her not to tell the prince, she can sit back and relax?"

"Miss is still the best, so I will find a way to lure the prince to the stable so that they can meet."

"Hmph. The little bitch Demi wants to fight with me, and she doesn't see if she is worthy."

Naturally, the taunts of the two would not fall into the ears of the third person.

The other side.

As soon as Nana ran out, she bumped into Demi who was coming.

The latter was out of breath, and the expression on her face was even more urgent than she is now.

"Miss Nana, it's bad!"

"What's wrong, who are you cursing?" Nana was relieved when she saw her well-dressed appearance, "Speak well."


Demi quickly calmed down and briefly described what had just happened.

"The result now is that Young Master Mo was taken away by the police."


Nana was taken aback, "He was taken away by the police!"

Her face was full of astonishment, and she immediately became nervous, "How can this be done? That's brother Xiaobao, what if I get wronged inside."

"Quick, I have to go back and ask Dad for help immediately. No, I'll call Dad now!" Nana anxiously took out her mobile phone to find Earl Glens, and hurried out to find the driver.

Quickly confessed, "I'll just go back and find my dad. Demi, hurry over there right now and make sure Brother Xiaobao is not injured. If he loses a hair, I'm the only one to ask!"

Demi nodded and got into the other car directly.

She was actually more worried than Nana.

You must know that this is Dimak, even if Young Master Mo is in Ningcheng, he is unfamiliar with the place after all, he has neither his property nor any acquaintances.

If something really happened, it would be too late for others to help.

Demi clenched her palm tightly, and now she doesn't know what to do...

"No, something must be done for Young Master Mo."

"We're not going to the police station, we're going to the hospital."

She makes up her mind quickly.

Even if I rush over now, I can't help much. The police are probably still taking notes, and they will wait for the other party's statement.

And the most important thing is the situation of Prince Cairns.

If the injury is serious, I'm afraid things will get worse.

But the situation just now doesn't seem to be too serious.

In that case, what I have to do is to keep an eye on him and not let him frame Young Master Mo.


When he arrived at the hospital, Prince Cairns was already receiving treatment.

Several doctors surrounded the small bed.

Wearing a white coat and a mask, he has a serious face.

"Your Highness, the main part of your injury is your eyes, and the rest of your body is not obviously injured. A little bit, there may be bruises on your waist."

"I know, isn't this just asking you to look at my eyes? Check it quickly, it hurts!"

He didn't really feel any pain, but he felt that he should yell more to make the situation look more serious.

"The injury on the eye has already been treated. I can only apply some medicine on the weekend, combined with the medicine taken internally. It will be almost fine in about a week. Fortunately, the eyeball was not injured."

"What do you mean?" Keynes suddenly changed his face, "You mean I'm in such pain, but it's not serious at all?"

"Uh. Yes." The doctor was puzzled.

Isn't it bad if it's not serious?Why are you still angry.

Cairns sat up directly from the bed, pointed to the red and swollen eye sockets, "I hurt, can't you hear me! Help me re-examine immediately, I am seriously injured!"

Demi watched from a distance, and there were two bodyguards around her, so she couldn't move forward.

But as soon as he appeared, he was seen by Prince Cairns.

Pointing at her from a distance, "Bitch, how dare you come here! Let me tell you, if I lose my eyesight, I will dig out your eyes to pay for it!"

He screamed wildly.

The surrounding doctors and nurses subconsciously retreated to the side, not daring to respond.

At this time, the bodyguard had already spotted Demi not far away.

Walked directly towards her.

"It's you who hurt His Royal Highness, why don't you hurry up and apologize."

Demi lowered her head and forced her lips to smile.

There were 1 people who were unwilling in their hearts, but they still took the initiative to walk over, with a low eyebrow and pleasant appearance, "Your Highness, as long as you are fine, today's conflict was just a misunderstanding, I came here to apologize to you."

"Oh, apology? I'm hurt like this now, you just apologize to me and it's over?"

Demi had a faint smile on her face, "Don't worry, we will take care of the medical expenses."

After saying this, Keynes laughed wildly.

"What is the medical bill?"

He directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Demi's chin fiercely, "You know what I want, if you are willing to obediently go back with me and take good care of me, maybe I can spare him. Otherwise... let him be in prison Live the rest of your life!"

Demi grabbed her mobile phone tightly, lowered her head and did not speak again.

He just stood up and turned around silently and walked out.

The processing room became quiet again.

Cairns watched the girl's leaving back, and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and help me check the injury!"

"This... Your Highness, do you think it's serious?"


"Yes, then we will arrange to be hospitalized immediately. How long do you think is suitable?"

Keynes was stunned for a moment, and immediately made a decision, "Half a month!"

"Okay. Hurry up and help His Royal Highness go through the hospitalization procedures,"

Demi silently put away her phone and left the hospital in a hurry.

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