The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2458 Xiaobao Extra 39, as if you don't want to win today

Based on this mentality, every race prepared by the racecourse is actually used for the social occasions of these noble young masters and ladies.

And in the end, it's all about making money without losing money.

Demi still remembered that Master Mo reminded her to remind her to place a bet.

There are very few bets on NO.20 displayed on the screen, and the only ones are probably placed by Miss Nana.

But even if she wanted to bet, she had no capital.

The sound of "buzzing" sounded.

Demi subconsciously took out her mobile phone and connected.

"Hello, our bank has just transferred 100 million euros to you on the entrustment of Mr. Mo, please check."

100 million! !
Demi was taken aback.

"He just turned around after so many?"

"A lot?" The other party was puzzled.

Demi decided not to speak. This person was probably Mo Chengan's exclusive financial advisor. To such a person, 100 million euros was indeed nothing.

But she was still a little flustered.

"Then don't hang up the phone, let me check."

As he spoke, he turned on his phone to check it.

The text message has arrived.

When I log in to the bank's APP to check the balance, there is already a very long number.

Demi even managed to count a few times.

It is indeed 100 million! !
"I received."

"That's good." The other side said that he was about to hang up the phone.

Demi took the time to ask, "Did he say what the money is going to be used for?"

"Mr. Mo only confessed that you should help him win it back."

"okay, got it."

She responded with her mouth, but in fact she kept complaining in her heart.

This time, not only was his wealth and life under pressure, but also the amount of money he had never seen before. Once Mo Chengan didn't get the first place, the outcome would be...

Shaking her head, Demi didn't dare to think about it.

She just took a deep breath and directly confirmed with the staff around her.

"I need to place a bet."

"You?" The man was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

He smiled and said, "Miss Demi, how much do you plan to bet? Do you need my help?"

"no need."

She looked to the side, "I bet NO.20, a total of 100 million."

"Hiss!" As soon as the words came out, the guard of Keynes next to him was stunned, with a look of disbelief.

He gasped, and just stared at Demi intently, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Are you sure? One million?"


"One million euros? Hahaha, don't you be one million Zimbabwean dollars."

These words are meant to be sarcastic.

But Demi didn't take it to heart.

She just stood quietly by the side and remitted the money from the card step by step according to the operating procedures.

It wasn't until the staff was overjoyed and an exaggerated smile appeared on his face that the person next to him was stunned.

"You actually..."

Really 100 million euros!

Who would have thought of this.

And what's even more uncomfortable.

With such a large amount of money, she bet all of it on NO.20.

Isn't that sending money to the organizer?

"Demi, why don't you bet on the prince? You must know that the prince will definitely win the first place, so you can at least make some money back." Although everyone knows that the prince is a seeded player, so the odds are not too high, But even a little bit is a little bit.

Now all bets on NO.20 are nothing to lose!
Even he, a bystander, would be angry when he saw it, but Demi made a bet without changing his face.

Simply too much!
Demi glanced at him, not paying attention at all.

It's not her money anyway.

Besides, if Young Master Mo said he would take the first place, he would definitely take the first place.

She has no reason to believe in Young Master Mo!

"Hehe, you stupid woman, be confident now. There are still three laps, let me see what you do!"


Indeed there are still three final laps to go.

"The No. 17 player Cairns is still far ahead. Although the distance from the second echelon has been shortened, he still maintains the leading position. The current players in the second echelon have changed, namely No. 18 and NO.20 And NO.[-]. And NO.[-] who just caught up!"

Looking at the current situation, the rest of the people still need to work harder.

The commentator's tone was much calmer than before.

After all, after these three laps, there was not much change on the field.

There are not even too many ranking changes between them, and Cairns has always maintained the first position, which makes the suspense of the championship seem to be less.

of course.

This result is not unacceptable.

This is considered a normal result. Those who bet on Keynes will make them lose some money, but the rest will be taken by the dealer.

Since the casinos already do business, since the rules are allowed, Cairns has been ranked first all year round.

Naturally, they should also be allowed to set odds at an appropriate price.

Suddenly someone said something in front of the commentator.

He reacted quickly and raised his voice.

"It seems that there are still many people who are optimistic about other players!"

"I saw on the panel that the NO.20 player riding Elizabeth has just won a large bet! It can be seen that someone is indeed optimistic about it."

"NO.20?" The partner next to him seldom said a word. When he opened his mouth now, it was to sing along, "NO.20 is now on the second echelon, although it seems not far away. But you know, even if you are on the field A distance of one meter is a world of difference, not to mention that it seems to be at least five meters apart now."

"You can't say that. After all, the No. 20 player is participating for the first time, so there are infinite possibilities! I think there are reasons for someone to bet on a large scale. Maybe this is a dark horse."

"That's true. There is indeed such a possibility. Although I am personally more optimistic about Prince Cairns, after all, he is the champion who has won consecutive titles this year."

"Hehe. Then we might as well make a bet. On the contrary, I really admire the NO.20 player."

The two of them sang and talked in harmony for two rounds.

In fact, the purpose is also very simple, it is to bring NO.20 into the public eye and increase the possibility of everyone betting.

as predicted.

Just after the commentator finished speaking, NO.20 originally only had a bet of 110 million, but suddenly it rose to 180 million.

More or less, some people were persuaded.

The two were immediately overjoyed.

You know, these newly increased bets, after the dealer takes all, they can get a commission.

"Okay, there is still the last lap! There are two corners in total, and the players on the field will definitely seize this last opportunity to catch up! Let's see who will stand out in the end!"

"Currently the No. [-] player is still No. [-] Cairns. But we found that the second echelon has gradually caught up."

"It's the No. [-] player who has been following behind! He is Taylor who just came back from abroad this year! Could it be that Taylor is going to challenge for the championship this time?"

"No. It's not No. 20. The one catching up now is... No. [-]!"

The narrator suddenly became a little excited.

He spouted obscenities in his heart, but the tone of his words changed each time, "NO.20 is now only two meters away from Keynes' body!"

"one meter!"

"Now the positions are parallel!"

"He surpassed!" The commentator shouted, spraying mic on the spot.

The whistle has already been blown on the field, and the time and position of No.1 have been displayed on the big screen.

"It's really a dark horse that appeared in NO.20 and won the first place!"

"My God, this is unbelievable."

No one knew what happened, but in the last half lap, NO.20 easily surpassed the No. [-] player!

After a long time, the audience on and off the field barely calmed down.

Seeing this scene, Demi pressed her chest hard, her eyes glowing off the field.

Master Mo is really number one!

He really did what he said!

"Let's replay the scene just now to see how the No.20 player surpassed!"

The screen is still playing the time of the final crossing the line.

And on the racetrack.

Twenty people have now reached the finish line.

Cairns had already dismounted and asked the staff to take the horse away to cool down.

And he himself looked in another direction.

"who are you?"

Keynes stared at him with a sullen expression.

You know, he is still the first person who can surpass him in this racecourse.

Mo Chengan just looked at him coldly and ignored him.

On the radio, the narrator revealed his information.

"From the registered name of the NO.20 player, it seems that he is an oriental person. The specific information is unknown, but I think he has attracted everyone's attention now, and I believe we will learn about it soon. his."

"Let us congratulate Mr. Mo, the NO.20 contestant!"


According to Keynes' understanding, it is naturally difficult to tell which character his surname is.

But obviously, he had never heard of it.

Then he stared at him very gloomyly, "You are very good, I won't give you a chance to beat me next time!"

Mo Chengan walked straight out of the racecourse, looked around, but did not find that familiar figure.

His face immediately darkened a lot.

It just so happened that Keynes had a bad tone, so he replied unceremoniously.

"Say it like you don't want to win today."

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