The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2454 Chapter 2454 Xiaobao extra 35, do you want to be lazy?

"Demi, does it hurt?" Julian came over kindly, still holding a rag in his hand.

The sarcasm in her eyes was undisguised, and she looked very proud when she stared at Demi.

Demi shook her head.

Naturally, she could see that Julian was making trouble, but there was no need to have a verbal dispute with her.

He folded up his sleeves and prepared to leave.


Suddenly came the butler's voice from behind.

"What time is it now, why don't you go back and change quickly. Young Master Mo and the others will leave later."

Demi blinked, not understanding.

"Do you still want to escape your mission? It is your duty to accompany Young Master Mo to the racecourse."

"I can go." Julian almost jumped out in a hurry.

Hastily pointed at himself.

"Demi made a mistake today, and if I go, I'm afraid it will make Miss Nana unhappy again. Why don't I go, I will definitely take good care of Master Mo." Julian seized every opportunity to recommend himself, just wanting to have a chance Can climb dragon and attach phoenix.

You must know that in addition to distinguished people like Master Mo Chengan, there are also famous nobles and rich people in Dimak in your racecourse.

As long as she can fall into the eyes of one of them, she will no longer need to be a servant, but can become a master!
Demi nodded along, thinking that she could seize this opportunity and secretly paint in the house all day.

Now she has to hurry up and practice hard, as long as she waits until the exhibition, she will have a chance to leave here.

"Or let Julian go, I think Young Master Mo likes her quite a lot."

"who do I like?"

Suddenly, a low voice came from behind.

After some distance, Demi froze in place, froze all over and dared not speak.

Mo Cheng'an originally had the kind of temperament that is not angry and self-imposing, even if he just stood there without saying another threatening word, it was enough to make people feel intimidated.

"Her?" Mo Chengan's gaze shifted to Julian next to him.

The latter immediately lowered his head, and a very faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

A little stiff and a little embarrassed, he couldn't help but start to fantasize in his heart, if he was directly attracted by Young Master Mo, he would have a good life in the future.

But no one expected that Mo Chengan's next sentence would be, "Is my vision that bad?"


Demi was speechless for a moment.

And Julian next to him stared wide-eyed, his face full of injuries.

Mo Chengan wouldn't even look at her once.

He straddled his long legs and walked up to Demi, staring down at her.

"Why, you don't want to accompany Master Ben?"

Demi shook her head subconsciously.


She folded her hands in front of her face, how dare she have any extra thoughts.

He just nodded and agreed immediately, "I'm going to change clothes now."

"You only have 10 minute."



Demi hurried back to their dormitory and dug out the two outfits she barely had, ignoring Julian's jealous eyes that were almost on fire.

Then he changed quickly and hurried to the gate of the castle.

An extended car has parked firmly by the door.

Mo Chengan was wearing the custom-made aristocratic costume that he had in the morning, and was sitting near the car door.

The car door was not closed, and Demi saw his frowning eyebrows from a distance.

She hurried over and handed over the mask in her hand.

"Demi, why are you wearing a mask with you?"

"Going back to Miss Nana, I just thought that Young Master Mo might need it. After all, if he appears at the racecourse, he will definitely attract attention."

"It is."

Nana thought about it and thought it made sense.

"Brother Xiaobao is Nana's brother Xiaobao, so we can't let those other people snatch him away."

He took the initiative to hand the mask to him, but didn't notice it at all. Because of his approach, the man frowned again.

"Then I'll go to the car first."

Nana brought a servant with her clothes, and Demi was naturally going to take the car behind.

But Mo Chengan said without thinking, "You sit in the front."

The passenger seat was still empty.

It was supposed to be her place, and the car behind was Nana's car.

Demi sat down very obediently, without saying a word the whole time.

"Brother Xiaobao, what Demi said just reminded me. There are quite a lot of people going to the racecourse this time, maybe there will be a lot of goblins who will take a fancy to you. Don't talk to them."

Mo Chengan didn't speak, but closed his eyes slightly.

"Brother Xiaobao, I'm talking to you. For example, Ruth and Grelia, they all want to post back when they see a man. You must stay away from them."

"Yeah." Xu Shi was so annoyed by the nagging, Mo Chengan finally nodded.

Although it seems a bit forced.

But Nana didn't mean to stop and talk.

"Also, there is a bet on the horse races here in Dimak. I don't know if Brother Xiaobao is good at equestrianism. Can I bet on you?"

Mo Chengan frowned tightly, even through the mask, Demi sitting in the front seat could sense his impatience.

He opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Miss Nana, it's quite busy at the racecourse, why don't you take the time to rest for a while now. Save your energy later so you can perform well and win the championship."

Nana snorted softly, "I can win the championship without resting. None of them are my opponents."

Demi agreed again and again, "Master Mo is here this time, if we can win beautifully..."

"You're right, the time is quite long, I'll take a rest."

After Nana finished speaking, she was finally willing to sit back in her seat.

Demi looked back, and found that Mo Chengan had already pulled off the mask to cover his eyes, and his head was tilted to the direction of the car window. His skillful movements made people feel distressed.

She was slightly relieved.

Although she didn't get along with Young Master Mo for a long time, Demi thought she knew his living habits quite well.

He may have a good personality on weekdays, but once someone disturbs him, he will get angry if he is angry.

When he woke up in the morning, he found that there was a circle of bruises under his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't sleep well yesterday.

After a full hour, the car finally stopped.

The driver reminded in a low voice, "Miss, Young Master Mo, we're here."

Demi also woke up from her lethargy.

Looking up and looking out, the whole world is reflected in a piece of green.

She opened the car door and went down, unexpectedly feeling that the weather was a bit cold in midsummer.

Suddenly realized that this place seems to have reached the alpine area.

"Master Mo, we're here."

Opening the car door, Demi woke up Mo Chengan who was still asleep in a low voice.

The latter took off his mask and breathed the fresh air in the suburbs. His eyes were still sleepy, and his hair seemed to be a little messy, but the lazy look in his gestures made people unable to look away.

Demi lowered her eyes and stood by to let him get out of the car.

Heavy clothes are somewhat uncomfortable, but with a simple movement, the clothes are piled up.

Kind of annoying.

"I'll tidy it up." Demi immediately squatted down and leaned obediently beside him, helping him tidy up the hem of his clothes.

"Trouble." The man couldn't help but spit out a few words.

Thinking that he might come here for a while every one or two years in the future, wearing such heavy clothes, and doing red tape things, made me feel even more depressed.

The girl's delicate voice explained from the side, "This is a one-to-one restoration of the nobleman's clothing. The earl specially made it for the workers before he heard that Master Mo was coming. It actually took a lot of thought."

"So I should still be grateful?"

Demi was helpless, "I don't mean that. I just think that these clothes are completely customized according to your proportions, and they look good after wearing them. They look better than usual."

All of what she said came from the heart.

But Mo Chengan just cast her a glance and walked straight forward, obviously not believing it at all.

In fact, she was brought up under the influence of aristocratic culture since she was a child. Instead of being contradicted by these etiquettes, she will respect and study them.

During the years in the castle, she had also seen many aristocratic princes wearing gorgeous costumes.

But the one who looks the best in it is Young Master Mo.

"Demi, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and follow?" Nana's servant walked past her and urged her in a cold voice.

Demi immediately responded, "Yes."

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