The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2449 Makes People Appetite

"You can."

He doesn't pick.

What's more, this meal was not prepared for myself.

The girl didn't even think about it, he had only finished dinner for two hours, how could he be so hungry.

"Then I'll cook according to my own taste? Don't worry, Young Master Mo. Although the dishes I cook are not very tasty, my mother taught me scrambled eggs with tomatoes, so it shouldn't be too bad... Ha ha."

She laughed awkwardly.

Soon he refocused his attention on the pot.

It doesn't take much time to make this dish, three to five minutes is basically enough, but even such a simple home-cooked dish requires a million spirits for Demi.

And not far behind, Mo Chengan, who was leaning on a chair, was quietly watching this scene.

The girl in front of her put on a white apron, and her clean face looked fair and clean under the night light.

Those beautiful amber eyes were staring at the pot in front of him very seriously, with a cautious look, as if he was afraid of doing any wrong process.

Fortunately, she took the time to finally get this dish out of the pan.

Putting the plate on carefully, Demi walked towards him with the plate in her hand, her bright eyes flickered, "Master Mo, I'm done!"

Mo Chengan nodded.

"Where are the chopsticks?"

"I'll bring it to you right away."

Putting the plate aside, Demi hurried over to get the chopsticks again.

After thinking about it, he quickly prepared a small bowl of rice.

"Master Mo, if you're hungry, I can check to see if there are any other ingredients in the refrigerator."

Mo Chengan just lowered his head and tasted it casually, "What else would you do?"

"Enah! I can make some small stir-fries, as well as mapo tofu, stewed chicken, stewed ribs,..."

"It's quite a lot. Who taught you?"

"My mother! To be precise, it should be taught by my grandmother. Young Master Mo, you don't know that although my mother looks oriental, she is still half of western blood. The real oriental is my grandmother. But I haven't seen her."

She has been a small house outside the castle since she was born.

At that time, Mrs. Glens knew of her existence a long time ago, and it was already a great luck to allow her to be born.

For the next few years, I have been living outside.

Mo Chengan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was in deep thought.

In a place like Dimak, if you go to the oriental people of her grandmother's generation, most of them will not be unknown people.

He suddenly had some strange thoughts and frowned.

"What's your mother's last name?"


"Forget it." Mo Chengan didn't ask further, just looked down at the small bowl of white noodles she just brought over.

Then he pushed the plate of tomato scrambled eggs in front of her towards her.

Demi was puzzled.

"you eat."

He cherished his words like gold, didn't say a single extra word, and immediately leaned on the back of the chair, looking very casual, and just casually pointed to the side.

You know, for Demi, this simple home-cooked dish on the table actually has an unparalleled attraction for her.

Although he was still a little hesitant, he still asked carefully.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Yeah." Mo Chengan glanced at her, obviously impatient, his eyes were brightened, but his hands were on his sides, still looking cautious, he didn't dare to approach her at all.

"Is it because it's not tasty?"

He finally opened his eyes to look at her, with a smile in his eyes.

"No." Mo Chengan gave her an affirmative answer.

In those dark and deep eyes, there seemed to be hidden power that could calm people's hearts.

Demi could not bear the urgency in her heart. After seeing his affirmative gaze, she walked over without any hesitation, and began to eat together with her face.


The word "Heng Chi Hum Chi" was thought up by Mo Chengan himself.

He really felt that Demi was too cute at this moment. When he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate it, he looked like a small animal protecting the food. His entire face was almost buried in the bowl, as if he was afraid of delaying his time. , the action is fast.

So that the cheeks are a little bulging, and it looks even more fleshy.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Mo Chengan warned in a low voice, and looked at her face with great interest. Only now did he finally change his position and stare at her again.

how to say.

He had discovered his new hobby since that night.

In the past 20 years, I have never felt that other people's meals are so charming.

The cute and lovely appearance... makes people appetite.

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