The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2442 Xiaobao Extra 24, Nursing

"Don't worry, little treasure. I'm fully responsible for uncle's food, clothing, housing and transportation during this time. I dare not say it in other places. I can still cover Dimak."

"Thank you uncle." Mo Chengan made a request, "Then, can I not go to the party in a few days?"

"This..." Earl Glens and Nana looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

It was Nana who was anxious and spoke first, "That's not okay. Brother Xiaobao, don't you know that this party is Dimak's annual large-scale event. Every time it attracts many people to watch, it's you Great opportunity to show up."

Earl Glens sighed, and chose to speak directly without any extra cover.

"Xiaobao, you also know that our Glens family has actually declined. My title of earl has been passed down for many years, but in our generation, because the land and resources under our control have gradually declined, we have always been in decline. I have no talent for business, so I was forced to sell a lot of land. Although I can still enjoy a good life now, but in fact... it is very difficult to go further."

"I had some predestined relationship with your father before. This time, I made the request to let you live in the castle. I just want to use this to gain some reputation and attract everyone's attention. Let them know that even if the Glens family is in decline, they are also Earls. !"

"In Dimak, my Glens family still has a place! We can't be robbed of the light by those outsiders."

When Earl Glens said these words, his tone was full of indignation.

It can be seen that he has been resented for a long time.

Mo Chengan actually understood this.

Nowadays, the titles of "royal family" and "nobility" are becoming less and less valuable, and there are many, many declining nobles like them.

They are still directly related and can enjoy a lot of legacy assets.

But if it is other offshoots, they would have been no different from ordinary people long ago. What's more, some newly emerging families are also asking for titles in various ways.

Gradually, these old nobles who have not accumulated enough assets and do not have enough power will gradually be looked down upon.

It's a normal ups and downs.

Mo Chengan no longer remembered the old man's relationship with Earl Glens, but he did know that he came all the way to Dimark to clean up the mess.

The title of Duke Tulip should have been inherited by his father, Mo Junzhe.

I don't know what happened, but in the end it became a promise.

Promise yourself to come and inherit the title when you grow up.

Think about it now.

He felt like he was being sold.

"Little Treasure, so no matter what, you have to participate in this event. And you have to represent the castle. Nana will also go with you..."

"Such a large-scale event should be of interest to everyone, and many people will go to watch it, right?" Mo Chengan suddenly thought of something.

That honorable prince may not live in Dimak all the time. This is the most important event in the past two months. Could it be that he is not interested?

Earl Glens nodded and gave an affirmative answer, "Of course. People whose names you can hear and know will participate. There are also some nobles who live in relatively remote places, and they will probably also participate. Send a representative."

"After all, this is a traditional festival that Dimak has passed down for hundreds of years."

"Understood." Mo Chengan's thin lips curved slightly, "I will participate."

"Huh, that's fine!"


After dinner, Mo Chengan once again rejected Nana's invitation to take a walk together, and went straight back to his room on the pretext that he still had important business to deal with.

Lights were on inside.

But after opening the door, he didn't see the familiar figure.

In the room, in the bathroom, in the living room, Demi wasn't there.

He frowned, and subconsciously wanted to pick up his phone to find someone.

But suddenly I remembered that Demi didn't even use her mobile phone very much, and she never took it out.

"Hey, where's Demi?" Mo Chengan turned and went out, saw a servant in the corridor, and stopped him directly to ask.

The servant bowed his head respectfully.

"Master Mo, I don't know where Demi is. At this point in time, she may have gone back to her room to rest."

"Where is her room?"

"It's on the far right on the first floor."

When Mo Chengan heard these words, he went straight down to the first floor.

Noticing the servant's anxiety at all, "Master Mo, it's dirty and messy over there, it's not suitable for you to go there."

Mo Chengan strode forward as if he didn't hear.

His face was gloomy, and displeasure was already written on his face.

You know it's only eight o'clock in the evening, even if Demi wants to go back to rest, it shouldn't be this time.

Could it be that he just gave her some privileges today, and she's already gone?

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Chengan knocked on the door a little harder.

"Open the door."

The people inside moved very quickly, and immediately opened the door after hearing the knock, but the moment they saw Mo Chengan, they froze.

"Master Mo!"

The man screamed and quickly lowered his head, "Why did you come to us..."

Mo Chengan was also a little confused.

She was looking for Demi, but the door was opened by someone she didn't know at all.

Seeing that he was dressed as someone who worked in the castle, he frowned and said in a bad tone, "Where is Demi?"

"You, are you here to find Demi?"

"Isn't this her residence?" The room was at the end of the corridor, and there should be a tall wall behind it, causing the entire room to have poor lighting.

It happened to be on the first floor, and it was wet everywhere. Just being in such an environment already made people feel depressing.

The man responded quickly, "Demi lives here. But..."

"But what, what about her? She ran out before finishing the work, and I want to have a good talk with her." Mo Chengan's deliberately fierce appearance made the servant tremble.

"Yes, I'll call her right away."

Hearing that the visitor was not kind, the servant's reaction was quicker.

But he hurried in, and after going around in a circle, he led Demi out.

"Master Mo despised you for running out without cleaning up, and now I want to teach you a lesson!"

"Demi, why don't you hurry up and admit your mistake!" Julian said the latter sentence.

She tidied up her clothes, tried her best to look neat and tidy, and walked forward, "Master Mo, if Demi is disobedient, we can help you teach her a lesson. According to the rules in the castle..."

"My people, I can train myself!"

Mo Cheng'an gave an answer coldly, which immediately made Julian dare not be rude.

And the next moment, a familiar figure slowly appeared in his raised black eyes.

But it made Mo Chengan close his hands in an instant!

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