The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2428 Xiaobao extra 10, obedient

The air was instantly quiet.

For a moment, Demi didn't even dare to look up again. She now felt that she was really ashamed of her wife.

But after waiting for a long time, Mo Chengan didn't say anything.

Instead, he coughed lightly, and his thin lips raised an arc unconsciously, "Since you're hungry, sit down and eat together."

As soon as these words came out, Demi was taken aback.

"The rule in the castle is that servants are not allowed to sit on the table."

Mo Chengan's face froze slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at her coldly, "I need to say it a few more times, you are mine now. If that's the case, you can do whatever I say, and don't need to say anything else."

He is a little fierce.

Compared with the gentleness when he brought her out of the little black room, Mo Chengan's face now seems to be a little more stern.

This made Demi sit on the chair almost without hesitation.


When Mo Chengan gave an order, she immediately began to eat the plate in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, the man gestured with his eyes, "I ate them all."

As for himself, he stood up with a satiated face.

"The taste of these things is relatively average, but it's not bad to eat some in such a place. After you finish eating, write down the evaluation of these three kinds of Chinese breakfasts. Whether you like it or not, it should not be less than [-] words."

"Write an evaluation?" Demi even felt that this was writing a propositional composition.

But obviously, as long as Mo Chengan made a decision, he would not change it, and he would not give her any chance to refute.

Demi was afraid that she would not be able to write a good review. Thinking about it this way, she became more serious when eating.

She didn't realize at all that there was actually a gaze that was always on her face.

Mo Chengan turned on the laptop and sat on the chair by the window sill.

It is covered with a thick layer of cushions, which perfectly matches the characteristics of European-style homes.

It's just that his attention was not on it, but on Demi's face not far away.

Watching her pick up a dumpling carefully, because she is not very skilled in using chopsticks, she almost dropped it on the table.

When she was able to put a dumpling into her mouth completely, an obvious smile appeared on her face.

Even those beautiful eyes were shining.

Mo Chengan couldn't help laughing lowly, shaking his head with helplessness on his face.

No matter what, he never thought that one day he would see a girl eating, and he would be so happy to see it.

"Master Mo, I'm finished..." After waiting for 15 minutes, Demi finally finished the rest of the breakfast on the table.

I accidentally burped.

The next moment, he immediately covered his mouth, lowered his head and immediately started to tidy up the dining table.

"Put your things down, come and sit down."

Mo Chengan spoke in a cold voice, and directly ordered her to come over. With such a blunt tone, even though Demi's face was full of displeasure, she still walked over in the end.

Stand right in front of him.

"The table is not cleared..."

It's a mess now.

Mo Chengan pointed to the internal phone next to him, "Call someone else to do it."


"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and do it."

Demi let out an "oh", she couldn't have any other thoughts, so she immediately picked up the phone and pressed "6", which directly dialed the internal number of the kitchen.

"That... please call someone to clean up the room."

When she said the last few words, her voice was very, very low.

Demi hung up the phone, actually somewhat guilty.

One must know that she was sent by the castle to take care of Young Master Mo, but now instead of doing anything, she still eats and uses his.

He didn't even clear the table after eating...

"So, Young Master Mo, what can I do to help you?"

Looking at her cautious expression, Mo Chengan only thought it was funny.

He pointed directly at the pile of documents printed out next to him.

"Read it."

Read the document?
Demi really doesn't know what it is to read a document.

And after she opened it, she found that it was all in Chinese.


"Why, illiterate?"

Mo Chengan looked at her with raised eyebrows, and sat up straight, "Could it be that you don't know Chinese characters?"

"Yes, I do. My mother's mother tongue is this, and I can still recognize most of them."

But some uncommon words really made things difficult for her.

Mo Chengan raised his eyes and glanced at her, and naturally saw the tension on her face.

But he didn't take it to heart at all, clasped his long fingers on the table and tapped lightly a few times, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Read, ask me if you don't know."


Demi didn't dare to have any objections, and immediately turned to the first page.

"About the detailed planning of the acquisition of the Wenfang Hotel..."

Fortunately, the words on the title were relatively simple. After Demi read it out, she sneaked a glance at Mo Chengan, and found that he had closed his eyes and fell asleep, but she didn't stop herself.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Wenfang Hotel is located at..."

The girl's voice was clean and crisp, and after the thin and gentle voice entered the ears, it was like a clear spring, clear and comfortable.

For a moment, he felt a little reluctant.

I just feel that the content of those jerky and complicated documents has become a lot more vivid.

"Knock knock knock" knock on the door sounded.

Demi hurried over to open the door, still holding the documents in her hand, and when she opened the door, she saw Julian standing outside Ah Zi.

"I'll help Young Master Mo clean the house."

Julian walked in with twists and turns, his eyes fluttering wildly from the moment he entered the door.

Until he found Mo Chengan's place, he took the initiative to walk over and stand in front of him, "Master Mo, is it because Demi didn't take good care of her, that's why I need to clean it for you?"

"Demi has always been so clumsy, don't mind too much."

Looking at the gorgeous woman in front of him, Mo Chengan's brows were completely wrinkled.

Pointing directly at the messy dining table next to him, "Go and clean it up."

"Yes! I'll do it right away." Julian's eyes lit up, and he gave Demi a hard look as he passed by.

I knew that Demi was very unreliable in doing things.

What does a rough-handed person like her know? Of course she can't take care of Young Master Mo well.

Anyway, in the end, I still have to let myself come.

"Young Master Mo, don't worry, let me take care of you in the future. I am famous for being careful and careful in doing things, and I will definitely satisfy you. And..."

When Julian said this, his tone paused, and he looked directly at him.

"And I can not only take good care of you in life, but also in other aspects..."

She just didn't say directly that she could warm the bed.

But for Mo Chengan, this was simply a big taboo.

Then he turned his gaze across and said, "Pack up and get out quickly."

He didn't even want to say a single extra word.

I can't wait for this woman named Julian to disappear from sight quickly.

Immediately explain to Demi.

"Next time, tell the person over there in the kitchen to change."

Dai could barely hold back a smile.


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