Although Cen Ruchang felt that something was wrong, it was normal for her to be in a bad mood when she thought of the news that Uncle Gu Longwu had turned into a vegetable just tonight.

I didn't ask much.

"Then where are you going out now?"

"Do something. You may not be back tonight. You live here alone. You won't be afraid, will you?"

"Did you underestimate me? How could I be afraid."

Cen Ruchang smiled directly, trying to make the atmosphere look more relaxed, "You go."

"it is good."

Cen Yan walked out directly carrying the things.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by people outside.

"Miss Cen, you still want to go out so late?"

"Well, work."

Cen Yan also knew that they were responsible for protecting him, so he pointed to the inside immediately, "Chang'er is still inside, you just take care of him, don't worry about me."

After speaking, I want to get in the car.

But the two of them were very persistent and still stood beside her, "Miss Cen, it is stipulated that if you go out, we must follow."

And when Tianyu came over before, he specifically reminded them that maybe she would take some action to stop her then.

Looking at the current time and the things she was carrying in her hands, the two exchanged a look, and then insisted on following.

Cen Yan thought for a while, with a faint smile on his face.

"Maximum two people, the others must stay to protect Chang'er."


She agreed and it would save a lot of trouble.

However, when the two of them turned back to drive, Cen Yan had already got into the car and left quickly.

"Miss Cen!"

"Hurry up, get in the car!"

"Damn it, why don't you just leave and drive so fast?"

At this point in time, there is a lot of traffic.

They also can't take out lights on the road, which exposes the target faster.

However, Cen Yan's driving skills were already good, and he slipped through the traffic flow, quickly throwing the two of them away.

"Cut the side road. She's going west."

The west side is where she has been before, and there are people she originally planned to deliver.

But now that person has been arrested by Tianyu and the others, and the name is very legitimate, and he will be locked up for at least half a month.

However, Tianyu and the others were still too naive.

Just because someone is arrested doesn't mean the goods can't be obtained.

Since those in this line of work have accepted the order, they must complete it, otherwise waiting for their consequences will not be better than being caught.

The position of the transaction is not in the original direction.

She was just a blindfold.

Soon, he turned around directly at the intersection and drove past the place he came and went.

Those who followed her were completely thrown away.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Cen Yan finally got what he wanted at a public storage place.

Body armor, what she needs is suitable for bullets of her own caliber.

There is also a special suit.

And these were not bought by the other party from the black market.

He just wanted to help her get back what belonged to her.

There was a message on the phone.

"The target person is currently on the third floor of the Huangtu Hotel. He visited 10 minutes ago and is about to leave. The fastest way to go back is to go through Nancheng North Road until Zhiling Road and then turn left... We will arrive at the residence in 10 minutes."


"Both the money and the goods, this transaction is over."

After the person over there said this, he hung up the phone directly.

Then even the contact information and all the chat records were deleted remotely.

This is how they protect themselves.

Even if Cen Yan was caught in the end, they would be caught.

He also only provided information about one person, and he didn't know what the information would do, nor would he know what consequences it would cause.

Cen Yan had already memorized the route just now.

At this time, she was in the shadow of the street opposite Huangtu Hotel.

There are only aunts standing nearby dancing in the square, and people passing by the side of the road from time to time.

The things in her hands are inconvenient to show in the crowd.

And the building on the opposite side will have a certain amount of shelter when looking at the Huangtu Hotel.

Cen Yan chose where to start, on the road.

She fixed the time.

This route is the only way for the target person to leave and go home from Huangtu.

The 10-minute journey after the left turn on Zhiling Road is the section with the fewest pedestrians and vehicles and the least surveillance.

More importantly, there are no tall landscape trees on that road, which will not block the view.

Cen Yan saw the fat man come out of the hotel.

There were several bodyguards by his side.

The car is completely blacked out.Even if he saw which car he got in, he couldn't see where the other party was sitting.

Cen Yan quickly followed.

She is only one person, so the preliminary preparations must be done well, and no mistakes can be tolerated.

The driver drove the target person away in a car.

One bodyguard in the driver's seat and one in the back seat.

Also followed by a car.

Cen Yan parted his lips, his eyes were full of coldness.

Those with a guilty conscience need to bring so much.

When turning the corner, he overtook the car directly from the side, pretending not to notice, and turned away abruptly.

The vehicle had a slight collision, but the driver was very stable and directly stabilized the steering wheel. Except for a little movement at the beginning of the collision, he quickly calmed down.

"What are you doing, don't you look at the road!" The person in the passenger seat opened the window and cursed.

Cen Yan just opened the car window a little, and a strong smell of alcohol came out from inside.

She was wearing a mask and her eyes were wandering.

Just looking back like this, he saw the people in the back row at a glance.

Behind the driver!

"It's a drunk." The co-driver didn't pursue the matter any further, but turned around and asked the person in the back seat in a low voice, "Do you want to call the police?"

"Forget it. One thing more is worse than one thing less."

He has always been cautious in his actions. Naturally, the traffic police are responsible for things like drunk driving, but he doesn't need to be that righteous citizen.

Cen Yan simply stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, casually threw the wine bottle aside, and quickly passed the opponent.

The rear side of the driver's seat will be exposed to the left side of the road after turning left at the intersection.

She had only three sniper positions prepared in advance.

What to do now is to reach the destination before the other party's car arrives.

Fortunately, for the sake of safety, their speed is not fast.

This allowed Cen Yan to speed up the car at night and still arrive ten minutes earlier.

It was a residential building.

Wearing a delivery vest for delivery, she went directly from the elevator to the top floor.

Normal range values ​​for wind speed, poor light.

But infrared can still be sensed.

From this position, you can see the opponent's vehicle 500 meters in advance.

After Cen Yan got everything ready, he locked the roof door, put away his things, and quietly lay down on the spot he had chosen.

According to the predicted time and calculating their speed just now, I have already been on the roof for 5 minutes, and the other party will appear in the field of vision for about 2 minutes.

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