The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2411 Mo Weitian, what are you doing

"Mo Weitian, what are you doing?" Until a yell came from upstairs.

The three of them looked over there almost at the same time.

Mo Weitian's reaction was even faster than the two of them, she turned her head away with a "swipe", and her eyes instantly focused on Bai Xiran's face.


She wanted to call her mother.

She also knew it was her mother.

A no.

The main thing is to feed her delicious food.

Bai Xiran strode over, broke off Mo Weitian's hand, grabbed him and put him on her body again.

"Mo Weitian, I prepared a lot of toys for you, you can play with them however you want. But you can't play with other people's hair. Do you hear me?"

"Mom has told you many times." Bai Xiran's face was slightly calm, and he motioned for Cen Ruchang to raise his hand.

"Your name is Cen Ruchang, right?"

"Yes, Mrs. Mo."

"Just call me auntie. You put your hand out on Sweetie's hair."

Cen Ruchang didn't understand why, but the woman in front of him was gentle and dignified, speaking in a more comfortable tone than his mother, so he nodded obediently and stretched out his hand.

"Pull a little harder."


Cen Ruchang didn't understand, and subconsciously withdrew his hand, "No, she will hurt."

He couldn't bear her to hurt that round and cute little thing.

Bai Xiran was helpless, "Will it hurt you if she grabs your hair?"

Cen Ruchang originally wanted to nod.

But suddenly thought of something, subconsciously shook his head.

"It doesn't hurt."

"How is that possible? Do you only grab your hair when you are her? I also grab mine, and Xiaobao's too. She likes Xiaobao's curly hair the most."

The little guy's curly hair is inherited from another generation, and it is still the gene of the grandma's generation.

Bai Xiran solemnly educated, "She doesn't know that you are hurting, but she still feels excited. If you don't let her learn a lesson, it will get worse next time. But after she grabs your hair, you also grab her and let her I know that scratching other people's hair will cause pain. It is a bad behavior, and I will gradually correct this bad habit."

Cen Ruchang had never heard of this reasoning.

He obviously hadn't been exposed to these.

He just shrank his arms back, "It still doesn't work."


Bai Xiran didn't understand, "Just grab it lightly and let her feel the pain."

But Cen Ruchang shook his head firmly.

He looked at Mo Weitian with pampering eyes, and when he saw the little girl smiling at him, he immediately felt his heart melt.

"Sweet is still young."

Because she was still young, she was not willing to hurt her, nor was she willing to bully her.

Bai Xiran was speechless for a moment.

That's great.

The oldest one in the family is slightly sweet to Mo, almost obeying his advice.

Although Mo Weitian can't speak yet, as long as she wants to do what she wants, Uncle Mo will not respond.

Even when the father and daughter finally went out to the shopping mall together.

As long as Mo Weitian's eyes stay in a certain toy store for a few seconds, Bai Xiran knows that today's shopping is over.

Because someone will buy all the toys his daughter likes and take them home!

Now the warehouse in the backyard is full, not to mention, he still wants to buy a toy brand...

"Forget it, you boys. You have no resistance at all."

For the little girl in her arms, Mo Junzhe is like this, and so is Mo Xiaobao.

Now a "new brother" has finally come, who seems to be a mature big brother, but he never expected that he is still the same defenseless.

While speaking, Cen Yan had already returned from the training ground.

Seeing Bai Xiran immediately greeted him.

"Ah Yan, how is the venue, do you need to change it?"

Mo Junzhe said it a while ago.I want to change a baby swimming pool for my daughter. The one in the outside yard is outdoor and not suitable for girls.

Unable to find a suitable place, he set his sights on Mo Xiaobao's training hall again.

"The soundproofing facilities need to be reinstalled." Cen Yan had already gone to look at it. "The housekeeper showed me the list of equipment reservations. They are all common things on the market, and they are basically equipped. But I still have one here who met abroad. To the training sandbags they used. They are not the same as those sold outside... after special treatment."

"Is it useful for Xiaobao?"

"Yes. But mostly for adults."

"Oh. Then let the butler buy it back, and let Uncle Mo use it when the time comes. He's also been lazy recently and doesn't like to exercise anymore."

Bai Xiran snorted softly, obviously dissatisfied with this.

You must know that when I first met him, he was a handsome man with eight pack abs.

Well now, all the abs are gone.

"Mr. Mo is just recovering from a serious illness, so it's better to exercise properly."

"I know, I know. There are coaches at home who watch him exercise, but he is slacking off a lot now. When he comes back, he will pester me... pestering his daughter."

Bai Xiran's face turned slightly red.

She almost slipped her tongue in front of outsiders.

I was a little stiff for a while, but quickly adjusted, "You haven't had lunch yet, right? The kitchen should be ready, so I'll ask someone to feed Tiantian. Let's have dinner together later."


Bai Xiran handed Mo Weitian to Mrs. Wang.

He went back to the living room, looked at her quietly, as if he suddenly thought of something, "How is Gu Longwu?"

"Still the same. Didn't wake up."

Bai Xiran's face also became a little dull, and he fiddled with the dried fruit plate in front of him, "I saw him alive last time, I really didn't expect such a big thing to happen in such a short period of time. I heard Gu Xiling and the others raise their mouths." , Said it seemed to hurt the heart."

"Yeah. The hospital said to wait and see if he can wake up."

What Cen Yan didn't say directly was that several days had passed, and according to the basic judgment of the hospital, if he didn't wake up tomorrow night, he would basically be judged as a vegetable.

"Don't worry, there may be good news coming later."

"Well, hopefully."

She just said the word "hope".

Cen Yan concealed the disappointment in his eyes well, and silently made up his mind.

If she was really determined to be a vegetable, she would risk her life to avenge her, at least not let Gu Longwu be killed in vain.

"Ma'am, lunch is ready."

The kitchen servant came over to remind him that the table over there was already full of food.

Bai Xiran hurriedly called them over.

"Come and eat together."

"Little Treasure, you need to control your diet. You seem to have gained weight recently." Bai Xiran warned in a low voice.

The little guy was very fat when he was young. Because of the incidents at home, the little guy also followed suit. He matured a lot, grew taller and lost a lot of weight.

But since Mo Weitian was born, Mo Xiaobao also started a life of eating and drinking.

Now the weight quickly returned to the past, and even faintly surpassed.

Mo Xiaobao could only put the chopsticks back in a dazed manner, not picking up the fat-looking piece of meat.

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