Cen Yan smiled, "You are the one who really worked hard, aren't you Chef Chang?"


Obviously, the title Chef Chang pleased Cen Ruchang.

There was a particularly obvious smile on his face, and the way he looked at Cen Yan at this moment was completely different from the past.

Cen Yan could feel it.

After the last kidnapping incident, Cen Ruchang, who was originally very resistant to her, now seems to have completely regarded her as his own sister.

The two live together, and he will take care of her "sister" in the hospital.

Generally speaking, even if there are many relatives, this step cannot be done.

"By the way. Did you read the information about the schools I gave you last time? Did you like any of them?" Cen Yan mentioned the business.

There is not much she can do for Cen Ruchang.

Taking advantage of these few days, it is very important to help him settle down in Ningcheng.

Cen Ruchang was watching how to stir-fry meat according to the tutorial, and replied in a low voice, "Yes, I circled three places."

"Then we'll talk about it later."

After Cen Yan washed the dishes, he went straight back to the living room.

There are still some things in the suitcase that have not been taken out, and she needs to make some more preparations in the remaining few days.


Cen Ruchang separated the fat and lean meat that Cen Yan had cut for him.

"Fire the pot first, and don't leave any water. Otherwise, oil will splash."

"Hmm... Then put a little oil? The fried fat, do you want to put it in?"

He's not so sure.

So I put a few pieces of fat in first, and turned down the fire a little.

It looked like it was going to be mushy, so I carefully added a little peanut oil into it.

"It should be right?"

Cen Ruchang took a sneak peek at the back, and found that Cen Yan was busy all the time and didn't seem to notice this side.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, I look like I'm stretching my hips, so that I won't be seen by Sister Ah Yan.

Cen Ruchang didn't mention some things in his heart to anyone.

When he was taken away that day, his mouth was covered, and he woke up not long after he got in the car.

But dare not move.

I heard their conversations on the road, but they were all in foreign languages, and many words were incomprehensible.

Until Cen Yan appeared.

Cen Ruchang originally thought he was doomed.

He was kidnapped to Fengcheng three months ago and tortured for three months.

This time he thought he too would be tortured to death.

But Cen Yan went to save him.

Directly change one life for another, and change myself back.

It's hard to describe what kind of mood it was at that time, Cen Ruchang was still awake at that time.

He even wanted to stand up and tell her, "I don't need you to save me, and I don't need the person who killed my mother to save me."

But he had to admit that he was really scared when facing two vicious gangsters.

The words that came to my lips just couldn't come out.

He could only watch helplessly as Cen Yan was handcuffed and taken away by them.

For the next hour or so, he sat in the policeman's uncle's car, and when he heard their questions, he quickly answered them, but his thoughts were completely confused.

And the whole person was trembling slightly from the beginning to the end, and there was no way to think calmly.

In the past few days, they also hired a psychiatrist for him.

After a good chat, Cen Ruchang was finally able to forgive himself for being cowardly at the time.

Because the doctor said that the human body has a stress response, and his cowardice is acceptable under such circumstances.

Moreover, the person who saved him did so willingly and truly loved him, so he would take risks for him.

Does Sister Ah Yan love herself?

Cen Ruchang wasn't sure about this guess.

The only thing he can be sure of now is that no matter what, Sister Ah Yan will probably always take the responsibility to take care of herself and protect herself.

So, now he also wants to do something for the other party.

It's been a long time.

After a while, the jerky was finally out of the pan.

The white rice over there is also good.

Cen Yan went over to help bring all the food to the table, and it was another compliment after tasting it.

"Delicious! It seems that I will have good luck in the future."

Cen Ruchang's eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't mind cooking by himself at all, "If you like it, I'll make it for you every day from now on. Well... If possible, we might as well go to this Chongming Primary School, the school can be directly promoted In junior and senior high schools, those with excellent grades can be recommended to the university directly under the school. It is also a top-ranked university in the country. The most important thing is that there are many residential areas nearby, and we can rent a house next to it. I can cook for you."

He showed Cen Yan the Chongming Primary School in the information.

"what do you think?"

Cen Yan's face changed slightly.

Her original intention was that Cen Yan picked them at random. These were all based on his grades, looking for some connections, or schools that he could get into with some money.

And the school performance is good in all aspects.

But at this moment, she was suddenly speechless.

"There is no accommodation here until high school."

The school is a private school, and it is said that it is all aimed at the surrounding residential areas. If the income is not enough, they will basically not choose to go to private schools, so they have no option for boarding.

According to the original plan, if Cen Ruchang didn't want to stay, he would naturally not stay.

But now Cen Yan suddenly had other worries.

"Do you want me to live in the school?" Cen Ruchang was a little confused, with great confusion in his little head.

He will inevitably start thinking about some messy things.

For example, does Sister Yan feel that it is not good for her to go home often, and it will affect her, so she wants to stay by herself?

such as……

"Do you think this school is too expensive?" Cen Ruchang's eyes lit up, and he felt that he must be right.

"Don't worry. I checked before, and the money my mother left me is quite a lot. Although my father is bad in every way, he has never treated us badly in terms of money. He also bought me a trust fund in advance. In addition He gave me a sum of money earlier. It's also in my mother's estate. Enough."

He thought Cen Yan was worried that it was too expensive.

"You don't need to buy a house there, we can just rent it. The house price over there is indeed expensive, but if you rent a two-bedroom house, it's about five or six thousand. We can rent an older house."

"It's not for this reason." Cen Yan was having a hard time opening his mouth.

"I just think you may also need some proper social interaction, so you can get in touch with your classmates?"

She tentatively opened her mouth.

Did not dare to tell the real situation.

It was because he was afraid that after something happened to him, he would not be able to take care of him at all.

The two sides froze for a while, and suddenly even the atmosphere became a little strange.

The smile on Cen Ruchang's face was slowly retracted. He took a bite of the jerky he had just fried, but now he didn't feel any sense of satisfaction in his heart.

On the contrary, it is more uncomfortable in my heart.

After thinking about it, he slowly flipped through the information and pointed her to another school.

"Then this one. You see how it goes."

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