Cen Yan didn't hang up the phone.

Her attention was divided into two, while talking to Gu Longwu, while tracking the vehicle in front.

"I sent the real-time location, and you can hand it over to the police based on this route, so that they can determine the destination of the kidnappers. There must be some place where they can hide conveniently."

"it is good."

On Gu Longwu's side, there was only a rustling sound.

In just a few minutes, he had already gone to the parking lot to drive.

"I'm rushing to intercept from the front now, and you always report your position."


In fact, the two haven't worked together for a long time.

The current scene made Gu Longwu inexplicably excited.

"The kidnappers just passed the Nanzhou Bridge and are now heading towards Xishan Road."

Xishan Road.

Gu Longwu pondered for a while, "It's the suburbs over there, except for a few factories, it's just mountains and forests."

Ordinary people are just camping and playing there, and there will not be too many people.

"Could they have fled to the mountains?"

Neither quite understood their line.


Since they dared to kidnap in the hotel, it is impossible for them not to have a perfect plan...

Cen Yan suddenly felt a bad omen, and even the palms holding the steering wheel began to sweat.

"Ayan, don't be too nervous. They kidnapped Cen Ruchang. I don't think he will offend anyone. The only possibility is because of recent events."

"The Wang family!" The two said in unison.


The only ones who hated this child were the Wang family. Cen Lijiang protected him as if he was his own life, and it was impossible for him to send someone to kidnap him.

What's more, Cen Lijiang is still in prison.

Gu Longwu carefully analyzed, "The old man of the Wang family has acted ruthlessly for many years, but he has never been caught once. It proves that this person is very cautious in doing things, and he has cleaned up everything from beginning to end."


"So there is a high probability that there are their arrangements in the mountains. Now that you know the destination, you can follow a little further away, and don't take too much risk to attract their attention."

"It's hard to give you immediate support outside of the city. You're on your own, and they're well prepared."

Gu Longwu has been exhorting.

But as he talked, he found that there was no sound on the phone.

The car stopped.

"Ah Yan? What's going on? Why did it suddenly stop?"

"It is now [-] kilometers west of the outskirts of the city. A low mountain can be seen on the right side of the road, and a barren bushland is on the left side. A village can be seen faintly further to the left."

"Ah Yan!"

Is she reporting her location?
Gu Longwu immediately accelerated, but he knew that he was still far away from that position.

"What the hell happened?"

Cen Yan smiled, "The kidnapper stopped the car."

She took a deep breath, watched the person who was slowly walking towards her take off the mask, and the ease and comfort in her eyes disappeared instantly.

"The other party is not from the Wang family, and has nothing to do with Cen Lijiang... They are coming after me."

"How is it possible? How long has it been since you returned to China, it is impossible to make enemies with others!"

and many more.

When returning to China, Cen Yan was very low-key, and it was impossible to make enemies with others.

But in Gels...

"It's a gritty person."

Gu Longwu's eyes were red, he held the steering wheel tightly, and stepped on the accelerator with one foot.

"Hurry up, Yan! How dare they sneak into the country secretly, do they all want to die? These people!"

But obviously, it was too late.

Cen Yan took out a dagger from the car and tied up the sleeves of his clothes.

Then he slowly opened the door and walked out.

With a bang, the door closed.

At that moment, Gu Longwu felt that his heart was about to stop.

If the other party was someone sent by the Wang family, he would only instruct Ah Yan carefully and ask her to pay more attention.

With their skills, ordinary kidnappers can't do anything to them even if they have a few more people.

But gritty people are different!
That is a group of real desperadoes!

The "grit" organization of Gers, the creed is: all the people wanted by the world are just a touch of gravel.We're going to spread grit all over the world.

They like places like Gers, and more people are not desperate, but really bloodthirsty!

"Ah Yan, let's go!"

Gu Longwu called again, but there was no sound from the phone.

The car door cut off all sounds from the outside world. Seeing that he was still ten kilometers away from the location on the map, he wished he could grow a pair of wings to fly over instead of himself.

But obviously, he couldn't.

Even if he was extremely anxious and nervous, he could only focus on driving.

On such a road, he has already raised the speed to one hundred and three.

The smoke and dust rose, and the body of the car was almost invisible.


"How could someone with gravel come to the country?" Cen Yan looked at the two people walking towards him, with a faint smile on his face.

Even though he was fully prepared in his heart, Cen Yan looked very relaxed at this moment.

"We're here to find you and Bai Ying."

"Looking for us? You were almost wiped out at the beginning. Why, it's been less than two years and you've come back to life?" Cen Yan curled his lips mockingly, "Let me think about it, your leader has been dead for three years. Alright, what's going on now, do you still have the mind to seek revenge from me?"

"You're right, we don't have a leader now. Hundreds of gravels have lost their guidance, but the previous leader died in your hands. If you kill you, I can become the next leader."

"It's a good idea. It took a lot of effort to sneak in, right? I don't even know you, and I don't have any information about you. If you think about it, you were just a little guy in the gravel at that time."

Not only was the man not angry when he heard the words, he even smiled, "Thanks to my inconspicuousness, I was able to sneak in with a different identity. Otherwise, everyone in the gravel will be spotted by your eyes once they leave Gers."

"I finally arrived in Ningcheng after many twists and turns. I thought it would be easy to find you, but I didn't expect it would take me so much time."

The man looked Cen Yan up and down, "But I never expected that the 'vulture' who made the sand and sand fearful was a woman."

"And with a child."

He left the person behind him behind, and the other person went directly to lift Cen Ruchang out.

Cen Yan looked at Cen Ruchang, who had already been knocked out, and his expression turned hard.

"Seeing you are so nervous, is he your child?"


"Whether it is or not, you're nervous about him, and that justifies our decision."

It is too difficult to directly capture the vulture.

Their original leader died in the hands of the cunning vulture in the end.

But if he captured the child beside her and used it to blackmail her, it would be a completely different result.

Cen Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at them, his fingers tightly clasping the dagger by his side.

"You underestimated the domestic situation, even if you kill me, you still won't be able to leave Ningcheng."

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