Cen Yan nodded.

The Gu family is considered top-notch in Ningcheng, and he is the only son of Mr. Gu.

Gu Longwu more than ten years ago should be one of the top rich second generations in Ningcheng.

"So in that environment, my mentality was actually very unbalanced. Because I didn't have much faith at the time... It was more likely to be impulsive. I wanted to prove my impulsiveness."

"Faith is something that comes later."

Gu Longwu said slowly, "The instructor who trained us is almost 40 years old. He can actually retire very early. But he has been training newcomers. This job is very hard and there is no authority. But it has been like this for ten years."

"In the past ten years, he has said a word to every person who came in."

"In our line of work, one must have a firmer willpower than ordinary people, and be less afraid of suffering or tiredness. But what I want to tell you is that everyone is human, and they are all ordinary flesh and blood. They are all parents. Raw! So we can be afraid, tense, and even shrink back! There is only one thing we can’t.”

"That is... you can't regret it!"

"Some decisions will affect countless people! Your life and the lives of others are all in this decision. If you regret it, it will have an immeasurable impact."

"More importantly! If you regret it this time, you may regret it at any critical moment in the future! Back off once, and you will be removed! But if you 'regret' once, there will be countless times in the future... In the end It is likely to kill you!"

Gu Longwu's voice was very calm.

But when that person said these words at that time, it must have been sonorous and powerful.

Cen Yan silently raised his head and looked at him, as if he suddenly felt an unusual power.

"So, you don't have to regret it." Gu Longwu held her face, squatted down, and looked at her at the same level, "You also know your own temperament. Your mother's last wish is there, and you must do it. You just choose to do what you're supposed to do."

"As for the result, it may not be what we want. But we can try our best to make it up. Cen Ruchang is your younger brother. If he wants, he can raise him. If he is willing to understand you, that's good. If he doesn't want to understand, yes Hate you. Then let him hate you, this is also his choice. "


Everyone will make their own choices.

It is only natural for Cen Ruchang to hate or forgive.

Cen Yan laughed, "I'm the one who got into a dead end."

He looked at a bag of things next to him, "Send these things to him first, he probably doesn't want to see me now."

"Okay. I can help you with these little things." Gu Longwu carried the things, "But you have to rely on yourselves."



Gu Longwu walked into the ward with his things.

At a glance, he saw Cen Ruchang who was crying under the quilt.

He leaned slightly, "I bought two sets of clothes for you and a few books. I put them in the cabinet. Take them yourself when you need them."

Cen Ruchang did not respond.

He recognized Gu Longwu.

After a while, he lifted the quilt and looked at him, his red eyes were hurting, and he asked in a low voice, "What's your relationship with Sister Ah Yan?"

"She asked you to buy these things, right?"

"I don't want her stuff, and if it wasn't for her, my mother wouldn't have died."

Gu Longwu put the things away, but his expression was calmer than ever, he just looked at him quietly, and then spoke after a long while.

"The first question is what is the relationship between me and Ah Yan. We were brothers who were born and died, and then lovers. I don't know what the relationship is now."

"The second question. She really asked me to buy the things."

"The third question. You don't need these things, but I bought them and put them here. If you don't want them, you can take them out and throw them away."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Cen Ruchang lifted his lips, his whole body was in a state of shock.

Who is like this?

Shouldn't he scold himself, defend Sister Ah Yan, or say something else?


"Your things are in the hotel next to the hospital. Go there and rest for a while. I will go to Duan Zun to see the situation of Cen Lijiang and the Wang family later."

Gu Longwu whispered, and gave her the room card, "Room 6016 on the sixth floor. The time is now [-]:[-] pm, and I ordered takeaway to be delivered to the room. After you finish eating, take a shower and have a good sleep. Tomorrow morning I'll give you the latest news."

"No, none of this has anything to do with you..."

Cen Yan still wanted to refuse.

But Gu Longwu directly pressed it back.

"Ah Yan, at least let me help you with these things."

At least he wants to help where he can.

"When you came to Fengcheng, you prepared so many things in advance. Today, such a big incident happened again, and I couldn't help you."

Maybe it was because what he said was sincere, or maybe Cen Yan was really too tired.

She finally couldn't resist Gu Longwu's insistence, and nodded in agreement.

"it is good."

Only then did Gu Longwu feel relieved.


He didn't leave directly.

Instead, I went to the parking lot downstairs of the hospital.

"How's the news going?"

"Bai Ying, I have already investigated the matter you mentioned. At present, I only know that Cen Lijiang is under investigation, and Mrs. Wang has never left at home. I have not seen anyone sent by him to help Wang Shuyi escape. But in short , Wang Shuyi is still missing."

"Fengcheng is so big, where can she hide?"

Bai Ying directly took out the map, "At present, there are only a few possible places. One is the old house of the Wang family. They have a mountain over there, which is relatively hidden. Now the police are searching there. But I can’t find it for a while.”

"The second place is this area. This is the wealthy area of ​​Fengcheng, and the people living in it are either rich or noble. Without a clear search order, everyone dare not go in and search, so they can only stay outside. And there are several people living here. The householders are all Wang Shuyi's girlfriends."

"There's another place...and I think it's the most likely. It's this." He pointed to the very center of the map, "The word black under the lamp, do you understand what I mean? Wang Shuyi hurried from Wang's house There are actually not many places to go after leaving. Besides, she didn't really think that she was desperate at the time, and there was a high probability that she would not be too far away from home."

Gu Longwu glanced at the map.

The location is just ten kilometers away from the Wang family, not too far away.

"This is the most prosperous area in Fengcheng. There are bars and nightclubs all day long. The former Wang Shuyi has been here all year round and is very familiar with it."

"Is there anything that needs attention?"

He had never been to Fengcheng, and he didn't even have time to investigate the situation.

"No. Because I will go with you."

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