The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2376 All this is related to me

For a long time, Cen Yan had a very gentle expression on his face, and he could even see a little bit of distress in the eyes he looked at Cen Ruchang.

"More than 30 years ago, your father, Cen Lijiang, was only 20 years old at the time, and he was with my mother. They fell in love at school. After graduation, they worked together again, so they were going to get married soon. After getting married, they were busy with work. , Start a business, after several twists and turns. Later, when the economic situation stabilized, you gave birth to me."

"But at that time, my mother already knew about the changes in Cen Lijiang, and found that the man she had always loved would do anything for his own benefit. Her feelings for her had long since disappeared, and she would even go to bed when she was giving birth. On a business trip. So after I was born, my mother kept saying that I was a boy. It’s ridiculous that such a lie can exist for 30 years. It was only this year that he discovered it.”

Cen Ruchang lifted his lips, and the tears on his face were also wiped away.

Obviously he knew the difference between men and women.

I also know how to distinguish between boys and girls.

So when he heard that Cen Yan used to live as a boy, he found it hard to believe.

"Because Cen Lijiang has known Wang Shuyi since I was born. Well, she was the aunt of the Wang family. At that time, she was the eldest daughter of the Wang family. The old lady of the Wang family was the only daughter, and she was naturally loved by thousands of people. In one body. So it is inevitable to be a little arrogant."

"In that year, Cen Lijiang changed his job and went to the Wang Group. Coincidentally, he also came into contact with Wang Shuyi, and even more coincidentally, Wang Shuyi fell in love with him. At that time, Cen Lijiang was just a little girl. The business manager of the Wang Group. The daughter of the Wang Group is interested in him, so it is naturally in his interest."

After hesitating for a while, Cen Yan suddenly didn't know how to speak.

After slowly deliberating for a while, he reconnected, "I'm not sure about Cen Lijiang's feelings for Wang Shuyi, maybe they were in love, maybe they didn't. But anyway, for whatever reason, he finally decided to divorce my mother and marry Wang Shuyi. marry."

"Naturally, I was young at the time. Even from birth to one year old, Cen Lijiang never changed my diaper or looked at me once. But until the time when he was five years old, he still did his best. Father's responsibility. Raised me until at least five years old."

"My mother knew that this day would come, and in order to divorce me smoothly, she made a lot of preparations, including but not limited to saving a large amount of money in advance, finding out the route, hiding my real gender, etc. In short, When Cen Lijiang filed for divorce, everything seemed to go with the flow."

"When my mother disagreed, Wang Shuyi personally came to the door to persecute her. That's good, and I got another sum of money, which has become our mother and son's living expenses for a long time to come."


is the cost of escape.

Cen Yan smiled, and stroked Cen Ruchang's hair, "Maybe it's not easy for you to understand, but in short, I lived with my mother for many years. Even if she is such a woman with great wisdom, it is still inevitable in the end. Because of this incident, I felt resentment towards Cen Lijiang, so I planted the seeds of hatred in my heart early on."

Did not continue to talk about it.

"After some years passed, Cen Lijiang should have discovered that Wang Shuyi was unable to bear children. He was an extremely patriarchal person who favored inheritance, so he wanted to find me back. But at that time I was abroad, and for them , I have disappeared. Later, he found your mother."

"Your mother, Jin Meimei...both parents are teachers. She has been working as a researcher after graduating from school, and has little contact with the outside world. At the same time, she has a high IQ. For Cen Lijiang, this is a very desirable goal. The same , I'm not sure if he ever loved your mother, but no matter what the starting point is, they got married. False marriage, everything was pretended by Cen Lijiang, and he even had you soon."

Cen Ruchang thought for a while, "Actually, Dad treats me very well."

"Except that he is not around often, he spends most of the time on business trips every month. But whenever he comes back, he will bring me gifts and take me out to play."

He didn't lie, and what he said was true.

Cen Yan paused, then patted his head, "I believe at least his love for you is true."

"The older a person is, the more he likes a child with his own blood. Especially you have a high IQ and outstanding appearance. To him, you are a son who suits his wishes and loves him very much."

It is different from oneself.

Cen Ruchang seemed to understand, "But Mom said, Dad is a liar. I didn't understand before, but now, sister Ah Yan, I understand. Because Dad lied to Mom from the beginning."


"My mother is a very kind person. Even if she knew that Dad lied to her, she didn't hate her. To her, Dad might have died a long time ago. When he allowed us to be bullied by Aunt Wang Just die. Because the husband in my mother's heart, the father in my heart, will protect us."

Instead of watching my mother being bullied because of various scruples.

he is very smart.

Cen Yan remembered the information he had read.

Cen Ruchang was indeed the child of a woman with a high IQ selected by Cen Lijiang, and he was indeed much smarter than his peers.

Thinking of this, she finally didn't hesitate any more.

"These things are finished, and there is one more thing that I didn't tell you."

"Sister Ah Yan, tell me."

Cen Ruchang looked at her quietly, his eyes were full of sincerity.

"Your mother may have mentioned me to you before she died. Maybe she would have made you trust me...but that's because she didn't know about it either."

"what's up?"

The brighter the child's eyes were, the more complicated emotions in Cen Yan's heart at this moment.

She couldn't tell what she really thought.

He just sat up straight.

Cen Yan knows better than anyone else that she will not regret what she has done, and if she makes mistakes, she will make up for them.

But no matter what the result is, looking back, she will make the same decision.

"What happened to you mother and son, including your mother's death, your current injuries, and your father's going to jail. All of this is related to me."

"Huh?" Cen Ruchang scratched his head, not quite understanding.

Sister Ah Yan's appearance is a bit strange now, such complicated eyes make him afraid to speak.

But Cen Yan's voice was very clear, and he looked straight into his eyes, "It was me. I told the Wang family about your existence."

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