The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2374 How to deal with this matter

In fact, he didn't dare to think deeply, for fear that the result he got would not be what he wanted at all.

Cen Yan smiled, her expression looked very clean and neat. After this incident, even Gu Longwu could tell that she was really relieved.

"I want to go to Ge..."

The sound of "buzzing buzzing" interrupted Cen Yan's unfinished sentence.

She looked down at her phone, and waited for a while before looking over there.


"Sister Yan, can you come to the hospital?" The voice on the phone belonged to Cen Ruchang.

When he was at Wang's house when he left, Cen Ruchang was still smiling all over his face, full of vigor and hope, but at this moment Cen Yan could only feel the endless sadness in his words.

"Okay, I'll go over right away." Cen Yan didn't ask the reason.

Cen Ruchang didn't know her cell phone number, so the person who could call her over must not be this child, but Jin Meimei?
or someone else?
"Gu Longwu, drive the car." Cen Yan threw the car key into his hand, "Go to this hospital, drive faster."

Gu Longwu agreed without even thinking about it.

It's actually a very good thing to be trusted by her, and he never gets angry because of other things, but just sat in the car calmly, with a rare smile on his brow.

"If you're in a hurry, sit still."

"Okay." Cen Yan put on his seat belt.

She was familiar with the way, put the navigation on it, sat in the passenger seat, and watched Gu Longwu drive the car out quickly.

The window was left open.

The cold wind blows in.

At that moment, Cen Yan didn't feel uncomfortable, but suddenly recalled many scenes.

It's like when the two were in Gers.

Most of the time during the mission, Gu Longwu drove and she sat in the co-pilot to direct.

The captain often said that the two of them are very suitable as partners, because a person without a brain needs to be paired with a teammate with a brain.

Gu Longwu was naturally not convinced.

He felt that his mind was fine.

It's just that after a long time, since Ah Yan followed him, he gradually became lazy.

You can get results without thinking, so why bother thinking.

No one spoke in the carriage for a long time, and when the traffic light was turned, Gu Longwu finally spoke, "So who is calling you from the hospital?"

"Cen Ruchang."

Cen Yan answered truthfully, looking ahead with clear eyes, as if talking about something very insignificant.

After a while, she finally turned her face away and looked at Gu Longwu quietly, "Tell me, how should I treat him."

"Who? The kid." Gu Longwu was a little puzzled, "Although he is your younger brother, the lives of the two of you don't overlap much, right? After this incident, he went back to live with his mother. Need your care."

Cen Yan smiled, and gave a rare sigh, "If only it were that simple."

What is the truth?

If she hadn't received this call, she probably wanted to deal with it as Gu Longwu said.

But if you have already received the call, the result will be completely different.


"The doctor said my mother might be dying." When they arrived at the hospital, Cen Ruchang rushed over and hugged Cen Yan's leg tightly.

"Sister Ah Yan, why is this happening?"

Cen Yan looked to the side, only seeing Duan Zun standing beside him.

The latter's face was also full of embarrassment, "The doctor is still in the rescue, but the critical illness notice has just been issued."

He thought for a while, looked helplessly at Cen Ruchang, then at Cen Yan who had a very calm expression, and said slowly, "Actually, you already knew that, didn't you?"

Cen Yan did not deny it.

When Jin Meimei came out, it was her first physical examination.

"The doctor said that the medicine you gave is quite expensive and has a certain effect."


Cen Yan did not deny it.

It was a life-saving medicine that she spent a lot of time getting, but even so, when it was used on Jin Meimei, it was just a delay of time.

From the moment he brought her out, Cen Yan knew that this person had already run out of fuel.

She was holding on to her last breath because of her expectations and responsibilities towards Cen Ruchang.

Maybe even Jin Meimei didn't realize that her body was no longer strong enough to support her to live.

When she arrived at the hospital, when the doctor treated her, she even felt that everything was easy.

But the doctor's face was more serious than ever, and she suddenly realized that everything was different from what she expected.

When Cen Ruchang came over, Jin Meimei saw him for the last time, and after explaining the funeral carefully, she passed out directly.

And then... never woke up again.

Another half hour passed, and the door of the emergency room opened.

The doctor took off the mask, "Sorry, we have tried our best."

This sentence has already pronounced the result.

Several adults looked at each other, and they could all see the embarrassment on each other's faces.

Only when Cen Ruchang didn't understand anything and just raised his head and looked to the side, and found that everyone's faces were ugly, did he have an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What happened to my mother?"

He walked up to Cen Yan and held her hand, "Sister Ah Yan, what's wrong with my mother? Didn't you say she would be fine? Why is this..."

"Your mother has worked hard."

In the end, Cen Yan could barely utter this sentence.

At that moment, he felt that all the plans could not keep up with the changes, and his heart seemed empty.

The operating room door just opened again.

The nurse pushed Jin Meimei out.

She had been covered with the white cloth.

Cen Ruchang rushed over, "Mom!"

Naturally, Jin Meimei would not have any reaction.

The only thing that could be heard in the corridor was the exaggerated cries of the child.

He couldn't wake Jin Meimei up, so he looked up at the nurse next to him, "Sister nurse, what's wrong with my mother? Why hasn't she woke up yet?"

The nurse shook her head, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. I want to thank you for saving my mother. Did she take anesthesia, so she would wake up after the anesthesia passed? How long would it take?"

The nurse said nothing more.

It's just that I went through the formalities with Duan Zun and the others.

"The person is here, the follow-up process. You can arrange it."

After all, Jin Meimei was tortured to death.

It turns out that people are alive, and it is an injury test.

Now that the person is gone, all that needs to be done is an autopsy.

Duan Zun looked at Cen Ruchang who almost fainted from crying, and looked at Cen Yan helplessly, "Miss Cen, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

"This is a criminal case and it can be handled as it should."

"Yes. What I mean is that this child... the Wang family will definitely not be able to go back. Cen Lijiang is also in custody now, and Jin Meimei has... Where is he going to send now? Or do you know if he has any other relatives. "

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