After the people around heard this sentence, the joking tone disappeared from their faces.

Suddenly they looked more serious than ever.

All of them raised their heads and looked at Mrs. Wang.

"That's right, old man, who are we going to negotiate with in the few cases we cooperated with before. Cen Lijiang was originally looking for, but now he hasn't appeared for a long time. Since you are standing here today, old man Wang, you must These things also want to give an explanation.”

"Yes, yes, our side is the same. Although the docking person is still there, he keeps saying that there is no way to make a final decision, and we have to wait for the people above to make a decision. Who will take it? These things always have a result."

Several people came to the front, and everyone had different expressions on their faces.

Soon after, the members of the Wang family also responded.

"Don't worry everyone, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to these matters."

Old Mrs. Wang even walked over tremblingly.

He didn't let anyone here know that his physical condition was actually very bad, but he had to persevere no matter what.

Because if he falls, these people will no longer trust him, including so many people in the company, everyone has different thoughts.

Cen Lijiang has indeed led well these years, if not because of his ability, he would not have agreed to marry his daughter to him.

After waiting for a long time, the people around finally made their own decisions.

He just waited for Mrs. Wang to give a satisfactory answer.

"Actually, I believe that everyone has heard some gossip outside, and I want to give a unified reply here. Cen Lijiang is still my son-in-law, but because of his health, it is very inconvenient for him to continue to work on the frontline."

"The company had some problems before, which led to losses. After my efforts, this part of the losses has almost been made up. In the future, I will stand on the front line again and rush forward with everyone."

Old Mrs. Wang's words were passionate and surging.

But no one will really believe his impassioned statement.

These people are all human beings, no one will think about these things, and they don't care about the struggle within the Wang family.

In the end, what everyone wants is personal gain.

After waiting for a long time, someone below finally started to take the lead in applauding.

"As long as Mrs. Wang is in good health, the more cooperation we will have in the future, the better. You don't have to worry about that."

By now everyone has figured it out.

The purpose of co-authoring this birthday banquet is to bring everyone together to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Then stabilize Mrs. Wang's status and let everyone know that he is now going to regain control of the Wang family.

Ha ha.

They are all 80 years old.

Even if he came out again, how much energy would he have?

And just when everyone was thinking about it, suddenly there was an exclamation from a distance.

"Why did she come out!!"

Many people looked over subconsciously.

After that, there were bursts of air-conditioning sounds from the audience.

"How is this going?!"

"Why is there... such a person came out of the Wang family?"

"Sister Zhao, is that Chen Yan? Why did she appear over there, and who is the person she is supporting?"

Sister Zhao did not answer directly.

He knew better than anyone that the obviously injured woman standing next to Chen Yan was probably Cen Ruchang's mother.

The others are just recruited, and many things are not clear.

But she is different.

She is in charge of purchasing, so she naturally knows some gossip.

For example, in the basement of the building in the middle, someone has to deliver food all the time.

Medicine is also sent in from time to time.

She didn't know it before, but after she found out the identity of the little boy living on the third floor, the identity of the woman in the basement was also ready to be revealed.

For a long time, no one was talking in the whole yard.

They just stood quietly by the side, as if they were watching the excitement, waiting for the Wang family's reply.

Mr. Wang was shocked now.

He glared, "Who are you? Why did you release our mental patient!"

psychiatric patient?

Everyone reacted immediately, "So there is a mental patient in the Wang family?"

"It doesn't look very good."

The distance is not too far, and everyone can almost see that Jin Meimei's current complexion is clearly long-term malnutrition, and her voice is haggard.

But even so, these people just stood by and didn't say a word for a long time.

It was still Mrs. Wang who signaled someone to approach with his eyes, and pointed directly to the side, "You two, this is a patient in our family. It is not good for you to take her out. And she is actually not very good at blowing wind."

The man explained in a low voice, then lowered his voice and said in Gu Longwu's ear, "This is the Wang family, and you are not allowed to mess around! No matter which family you are juniors, you must know what you are doing now."

Gu Longwu narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally looked at the other party coldly until now, his voice was low and cold, "Are you threatening me?"

Mrs. Wang's voice came from the front, "This is a friend of our family. I won't tell you the specific identity. I didn't expect her to come out today. Maybe it was just a whim because of the excitement outside. It disturbed everyone. It was my Wang family who was wrong, I will definitely apologize to everyone later."

But Wang Shuyi hurried down from the upstairs at this time.

Seeing Jin Meimei at a glance, she was shocked.

"Why did she run out!"

"Shut it in!"

While speaking, two security guards came over and went directly to La Jinmeimei.

At the same time, Wang Shuyi also saw Cen Yan.

There was a flash of vigilance on her face, and she immediately walked to Mrs. Wang's side and whispered something to him.

"Who do you say that is?"

"Cen Lijiang's eldest son! The one born by his original spouse."

Wang Shuyi stomped her feet, she was dressed neatly just now, but now she has become extremely awkward.

She really didn't know how to explain this.

"Didn't that child say that he has lost contact with Cen Lijiang? Why does he appear in our house now, and it looks... obviously a woman!"

How could Wang Shuyi think of it!
"Dad, I don't know how he turned into a girl. But maybe it's a girl, it doesn't matter! It's true that he has a bad relationship with Cen Lijiang, and he will definitely not help him. But the problem now is that she put That bitch is brought out."

"It's clean and let him bring people in first. If you have any requirements, you can make them, and I will try my best to satisfy them!"

Mrs. Wang is quite courageous.

Immediately let Wang Shuyi go over to talk in person.

Since he will bring people to appear in front of everyone like this, he still has his own requirements.

Don't be afraid of the other party's demands.

I am afraid that they will not make demands and have no ideas.

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