The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2363 I want revenge on him

Cen Yan's face is ugly now.

So he just stood by the side, looking around again, trying to find ways to find information.

"I'm very busy. I have business to do here. If you want to help, don't interfere with me." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave.

But Gu Longwu had quick eyes and quick hands, and directly grabbed her.

"The Wang family is very strict this time."

"I mean, if you really want to do something, maybe I can help. After all, I am a guest of their house now. You have also seen the attitude of those people towards me. At least my status is more convenient."

Gu Longwu held her hand tightly, his handsome face suddenly became more serious, "But you still have to tell me first, what exactly do you want to do?"

Cen Yan froze.

"Do you want to take revenge on them? The relationship between the old man of the Wang family and Cen Lijiang is already very bad. This time, through the birthday banquet, he just wants to take back all the rights. And Cen Lijiang will definitely not agree..."

"Does he disagree with the use?"

Cen Yan's tone was full of sarcasm, "The old man of the Wang family created the country himself. At the beginning, Cen Lijiang married the daughter of the Wang family because he was greedy for the other party's money. Now he wants to leave the old man of the Wang family and go out on his own. Why? The Wang family is not easy to mess with."


Before this, Cen Yan had been investigating for a long time.

She stood by and explained these things clearly, then raised her head and looked at Gu Longwu, "Didn't you ask me what I want to do?"

"Yes, I want to take revenge on them. But it's not just Cen Lijiang. I want to take revenge on Wang Shuyi and the old lady of the Wang family. Because they are also the indirect cause of my mother's death."

Gu Longwu hadn't seen such resolute emotion in Cen Yan's eyes for a long time.

Full of hatred is permeated in it.

At this moment, he suddenly understood.

For such a long time in the past, she has never given up revenge, nor has she let go of her knot at all.

It's just a temporary relaxation for various reasons.

In the end, all these things exploded directly at this moment.

"So, do you still want to help me?"

Gu Longwu was startled for a moment, but nodded without hesitation, "Of course."

The man's black eyes were calmer than ever, and he looked at her quietly, "If I don't help you, who else can help."

There has never been a moment when he is so determined.

"Ayan, maybe you won't believe it. But no matter what happens, I will stand by your side and accompany you to take care of you and support you."

For a moment, Cen Yan actually listened.

She was even a little inexplicably moved.

But soon he restrained himself with strong self-control.

He raised his head and looked at him, "Okay, then you can help me."

"How to help."

"I want to collect evidence that Cen Lijiang violated the law. My mother once said when she was alive that his mentality was not righteous. He has been taking advantage of legal loopholes for a long time. I have reason to believe that after so many years, Cen Lijiang will get worse. .So...according to my mother's last wish, I will send him in."

When Cen Yan said these words, the expression on his face didn't even fluctuate much, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

But that's it.

Gu Longwu could still see the fierceness clearly visible on her face.

It was a state of mind full of emotional resentment and dissatisfaction like he had never seen before.

Now Gu Longwu finally felt it.

It turned out that she never let go.

"So, do you have any idea where to start looking for evidence?"

Cen Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that even if he saw himself like this, there would still be no emotion on his face.

It's just that his face suddenly became more serious.

"Cen Lijiang is quite cautious in doing things, but I believe that no matter how cautious he is, he will definitely leave loopholes. It's just that it's too troublesome to take the initiative to find out these loopholes. I choose a simple and rude way."

"for example?"

"Like his mistress and children."

Cen Yan took a deep breath, and those beautiful Danfeng eyes glowed with a light that was never seen in ordinary times.

"Cen Ruchang is locked up in that building over there, and Cen Lijiang's mistress should be locked up in this building. I'm not sure how much status this woman has in Cen Lijiang's heart, but I think that child should be very important." Heavy."

"You want to threaten him with these two people."

"No, not only do I want to threaten Cen Lijiang, I also want to threaten the father and daughter of the Wang family."

There was only indifference on Cen Yan's face.

"Not only do I want Cen Lijiang to be ruined, but I also want the father and daughter of the Wang family to lose everything they have now."

As she spoke, she looked a little agitated.

Gu Longwu pressed her without thinking, "Don't worry, I will help you. As long as I can do it."

He has no reason to refuse.

"If you want to find Cen Lijiang's mistress, then I'll help you find it. I'll take you to find it inside and out of this building."

"it is good."

Cen Yan smiled, and his rare mood eased a lot.

As long as Cen Lijiang's mistress is found, this scandal will be brought to light.

"Sir, where are you going?"

After entering the large living room of that building, just staying there for a while, a servant hurried over to stop him.

Gu Longwu held Cen Yan in his hand, and swept over coldly, "I want to find a room!"

"Room? This..." The man didn't react for a while.

But when he saw Gu Longwu pulling Cen Yan directly into his arms, he quickly understood.

"It won't be long before the banquet starts. Would you like to wait a little longer and wait until the banquet is over..."

"Shut up! Need you to point and teach me how to do things?" Gu Longwu's tone was fierce and sharp, with the breath of a superior, and the other party froze in place at that moment.

For a long time he could not speak a word.

I could only tremble, "Yes. I shouldn't talk too much."

"If there's any spare room, take me there quickly!"

Gu Longwu is now well versed in character design.

It is enough to be unreasonable, and no other skills are needed.

The servant was frightened for a moment, and hurriedly led them up to the second floor, "There are two guest rooms on the second floor, or if you prefer a quieter one, you can go to the room in the farthest corner, and I will take you there..."

"No need! I know the way!" Gu Longwu pushed the person away with his backhand, his tone more fierce than ever, "Such a bigger place, do you still need to take it?"

"Take everyone else down and don't allow anyone to disturb you! If anyone dares to take a second look, I'll goug his eyes."

The servant was taken aback.

You must know that the Wang family bought three townhouses at once in an urban area where every inch of land was very expensive, and the yard covered an area of ​​over a thousand square meters.

Is this still small?
He couldn't help but look at the other party more, thinking where did this person come from, to be so proud.

But thinking of Gu Longwu's warning just now, he immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to look any further.

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