play hard.

Gu Longwu chewed these words quietly, with some inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

The old man said it lightly.

As far as he is concerned, if he really wants to "unscrupulously" against Ah Yan, the first person to be tortured is himself.

The door of the ward was gently closed.

Gu Longwu finally walked out in silence.

He didn't take the initiative to say anything to the old man, but after leaving the hospital, he sat alone in the car in the parking lot and didn't say a word for a long, long time.

There were still two packs of cigarettes in the car, Gu Longwu smoked two and lit them.

The mist curled out from inside, completely covering his face.

He didn't have time to think too much, he just lowered the back of the chair, leaned back on it, closed his eyes and quietly let go...

But in fact.

He couldn't calm down at all.

The girl's face filled the whole mind, and everything in the past surged at this moment.

No one knows where Homura is now.

He only called that mobile phone number once, and then there was no news.

The house was bought.

Gu Longwu felt that he just stubbornly wanted to keep something related to Ah Yan.

After waiting for a long time, the phone finally rang in the dimly lit compartment.


"Bai Ying, we found it." A deep, hoarse voice came from the phone, calling his name was just the code name he used at the beginning.

Gu Longwu immediately sat up from the chair.

A pair of black eyes are sharp and sharp.



On the night they quarreled three days ago, when Ah Yan's appointed time came, he had already driven to Fengcheng overnight.

The other party sent all the investigation results of the past few days.

"I arrived in Fengcheng in the early morning and stayed in a homestay. According to the boss, it should be a monthly subscription. After that, I went out very early every morning and didn't come back until the evening. I haven't found out where he went every day. His anti-tracking skills are very good. Gao Chao, if we follow up rashly, I’m afraid we’ll startle the snake.”


Ah Yan is not an ordinary person.

It's not that easy to follow her.

But it's nice to be able to find these.

"Thank you. Reward paid."

The man quickly hung up the phone.

Gu Longwu immediately began to check the situation on the phone.


His only impression of Fengcheng was that the city was the place where Ah Yan was born.

And now Cen Lijiang's family lives there.

If Ah Yan goes to Fengcheng, the possibility can only be this.

The Cen family in Fengcheng...


It should be the royal family of Fengcheng. Has something happened recently?
A few minutes later, Gu Longwu suddenly received a message.

"Uncle Longwu, why are you asking about Fengcheng's situation in the group?"

The person who sent the message was Mo Xiaobao, his voice was very low, as if he was talking under the covers.

Gu Longwu frowned slightly, "Ah Yan has gone over there, I want to find her."

"Sister Ah Yan! Hmm...then Xiaobao probably knows what she's doing."

"you know?"

How does this little thing know everything?

Gu Longwu began to doubt who was the child between the two of them.

Mo Xiaobao just laughed a few times, "You don't know that, Xiaobao is only so old now, and adults won't be wary when talking about things. Dad is also very casual at home on the phone, so Xiaobao knows La."

"Say it quickly." Gu Longwu was a little impatient.

This brat is chattering, and he's still whetting people's appetites here.

Fortunately, the little guy paused, and quickly reacted, "Uncle Longwu, you understand."

"A model."

Gu Longwu was also very forthright, "You're about to collect them all, the rest are very rare and too hard to find. You can add another condition after it's done, hurry up and say it now."

"It's still Uncle Longwu who is more straightforward, completely different from my father." Mo Xiaobao couldn't help sighing.

Others thought that he was the prince of the Mo family group, so naturally he was willing to win the wind and the rain.

But who would have thought of it.

He just wanted to collect a set of models, and he had spent several years using various channels...

"The old man from Fengcheng is going to be 80 years old soon, and the invitation letter was sent to our house before. But no one will go."

Gu Longwu frowned, "The old man is 80 years old, what does it have to do with Ah Yan?"

"Stupid! Don't you know, my old man Wang and Ah Yan's father are torn apart! That Uncle Cen who came to Ningcheng before wanted to set a trap for my father, and finally returned to Fengcheng in desperation. Later he He has no money, no power, no influence, so he can only obey the orders of the old man of the Wang family. But later, it was discovered that Uncle Cen had an illegitimate child outside!"

"Hehe. This is a big deal. Both Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Cen couldn't stand the grievance, so they took the child back secretly. Then the two sides clashed."

Mo Xiaobao explained the cause and effect of the incident clearly.

Who could have imagined that so many things were involved behind the scenes.

"Sister Yan's going there should have something to do with this matter. But Xiaobao can't guess what she wants to do."

"If you go there, remember to protect Sister Yan."

Mo Xiaobao gave a warning, looking very worried.

Gu Longwu nodded, "Understood, I will."

After a pause, he added, "Thanks to you this time, your mother will ask me to help you train in the future... I will keep it."

Hang up the phone when you're done.

God knows, because of the last sentence, Mo Xiaobao on the other side of the phone almost laughed out loud under the quilt.

Want to know why he makes so many pictures?
Really meddling in my own business and panicking!

Just because Ranran insisted on Uncle Longwu to train him, saying that he is a person who has really experienced life and death, and the results of training are better than those of those martial arts coaches.

So he was forced to be beaten every weekend.

Because this Uncle Gu Longwu has a rigid temper and won't be flexible at all!
And he will never show mercy just because he is a child.

Poor little treasure, after two months of incomparable darkness, he is finally going to be free now!

He finally knew to keep his hand! !


Gu Longwu bought a plane ticket overnight to fly to Fengcheng.

Before leaving, he called Steward Shi.

"I'm going out for a while, and I'll leave the old man to you. If there is any problem with him, treatment is the first priority."

Steward Shi was still sleepy, and he didn't wake up, "It's midnight, where are you going, young master?"

"I'm...on a business trip." Gu Longwu thought of an excuse casually, but he knew in his heart that it would not be perfunctory, "In short, I have to leave for a few days. Call me immediately if you have anything to do."

Butler Shi smiled, "Okay, I understand. The old man is with me, and his body is recovering quite well, so don't worry."

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