For a long time afterwards, Gu Longwu actually had no news of Cen Yan.

It was only after he finally cleared up the affairs of the hospital and the company the next day that he could muster up the courage to go to her.

He already knew the gate password again. Gu Longwu heaved a sigh of relief when he entered the password without prompting an error.

There was a rare smile on his face.


Ah Yan probably wasn't really angry with him, otherwise the door lock code would have been changed.

Holding the gift in his hand, Gu Longwu took a deep breath, finally made enough mental preparations, and pushed them away.

"Ah Yan. I have come to admit my mistake."

After he finished speaking, he even laughed dryly to relieve the embarrassment.

But after that, only a very faint echo was heard, and the room was quiet, without any strange sounds.

"A Yan?"

"Are not you at home."

While putting on his slippers, Gu Longwu put his things aside and walked slowly inside.

The lights are on.

He walked straight into the room, only to find that it was pitch black inside.

The whole house seemed to be empty, without any popularity.

Gu Longwu could only comfort himself directly, after all, A Yan used to draw the curtains and clean the house when he went out.

Now is not the time to panic.

Instead, they should think carefully about where to find Ah Yan.

Make a call or leave a message...

When he was thinking about this, he suddenly raised his head and saw the empty desktop not far away.

At that moment, Gu Longwu suddenly had a strong premonition in his heart!

He turned quickly and opened the closet.

The top compartment is empty.

Gu Longwu's whole body was stiff!
He couldn't help it suddenly, and opened all the wardrobes.

It is not an exaggeration to rummage through boxes and cabinets.

But I didn't see the black suitcase!
Ah Yan left Ningcheng!
Gu Longwu, who only had this thought in his mind, couldn't restrain his flustered emotions at all, and didn't know what to do.

He knew Yan would be angry.

I also knew that what she said that day was probably true.

But Gu Longwu thought in his heart that there was always room for change.

But now seeing the empty scene in the room, he just felt that his head was also empty, and he didn't know what to do.

Yan left.

And he left here without hesitation.

Gu Longwu subconsciously took out his mobile phone, sat alone in the dark room, and dialed the number that had been memorized countless times in his mind.

"Hello, the person you dialed has switched off their phone."

There is only one very formulaic female voice.

Cold and heartless.

Gu Longwu only felt that his heart was congested, and the surrounding air seemed to be compressed tens of thousands of times, and it just poured into him fiercely.

Until people are completely out of breath.

Hit again.

Still shutting down.

Several times in a row.

Gu Longwu finally understood that she had left Ningcheng without mercy.

Also left himself.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door.

This made Gu Longwu froze suddenly, and quickly raised his head.

There were some rustling voices outside.

"Is it this one?"

"That's right, here, look at the house number."

"Enter the password and you'll know if it's right."

The man went straight to enter the password, and after waiting for a while, he heard a "click", and suddenly laughed.


"That's right, that's right, look at me and say that the owner is very reliable."

Gu Longwu actually made up a lot of things in his brain in an instant.

It may be that thieves do most of the burglary.

He even felt that as long as he caught the thief, Ah Yan would come back to deal with it.

He got up directly and walked to the door in a few steps.

Just when those two people came in from the door, Gu Longwu's tall body was already standing in front of them, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

"What do you want to do?"


"Ghost!" Someone screamed.

The two hugged each other and shivered.

Until Gu Longwu asked them coldly, "Who are you?"

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay before they finally came to their senses, clutching their chests and panting, "Are you human?"

Gu Longwu, "???"

"if not."

"Phew. It's good to be human, I thought I'd hit something evil." One of them patted his chest, with a long sigh of relief.

But the other person squinted his eyes and looked Gu Longwu up and down, "You said you are human, so why are you in someone else's house? As far as I know, no one lives in this house."

"Who said no one lives here?" Gu Longwu was unhappy when he heard this.

"The owner of the house was still here two days ago, and I have been living here before!"

"Oh, you are a tenant? But it is true that no one lives there now." The man looked at the information in his hand, "And now the house has been entrusted to our company to manage it. Even if you have lived in it before Here, we have to move out first."

The man looked business-like, "Mr. Zhang, let's go in. The property rights of this house are clean, the layout is square, and the decoration is also hardcover. And the landlord said that if it is sold, it will be given away, including these furniture. The price is The market price, maybe you can talk about it. It’s not so cost-effective anywhere.”

"It's good to hear what you said. But look at this... Will there be trouble after buying it?"

"No, no. This gentleman is the original tenant. The landlord has assured us that the house is not rented out, and there is no mortgage. Everything is clean, so I will introduce it to you. "

"Although it's night, but if we look at the apartment layout, it's still very good. It's hard to find an apartment layout that is transparent from the north to the south."

The intermediary's mouth is full of flowers, and every word is just right, which makes people feel more reluctant the more they look at it.

The man kept nodding.

After waiting for a long time, you suddenly thought of something and looked back at Gu Longwu who was on the phone over there.

"Brother, you rented here before? How is the Feng Shui of this house?"

Gu Longwu ignored him.

The phone call I just received was from the hospital.

There are some problems with the old man, so let him pass in a hurry.

"I mean, the person who originally lived in this house, how lucky is he? Is he good or not?"

He looked at Gu Longwu mysteriously, "To be honest, I've been thinking about buying a house for a long time, and I'm still worried about it. If Feng Shui is not good, then everything will not go well after I move in..."

Gu Longwu frowned and looked at this man.

Finally finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Who told you this house was for sale?"


He hastily pulled the agent over, looked at Gu Longwu, and then at the house he liked quite a bit, feeling a bit entangled.

"Hey, what's going on? Before you brought me here, didn't you agree that the property rights are clear, and the landlord himself said he wanted to sell it?"

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