The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 235 Isn't It Default?

Graduation design selection is always a big event.

Although it is not as strict as the thesis defense of other majors, the design major has always been proved by its works and strength.

The excellent tradition that Ningda upholds is even more simple and rude—the graduation projects of all the students in the same major are placed in the big exhibition room, with their names written on the back, and all the professors of the major are graded together.

At this time, the senior students looked at the works hung on the wall like a big pot of rice like art candidates, and then waited nervously outside.

By the time Bai Xi was dyed, the selection was already halfway through.

"It seems that many teachers stopped in front of me for a while, am I going to be cold..."

"When you pass by my place, you stop for a longer time. I don't panic about what you panic about."

Several people discussed in low voices, Dudu Lili glanced over, "Of course we have to panic, some people are not in a hurry at all, they are late."

Bai Xiran listened and knew she was talking about herself.

Then he raised his eyebrows and smiled brightly, "It won't change the result if you come sooner or later, why don't you calm down?"

"What is your status, of course, don't worry. Don't say that the work is handed in properly, even if you are perfunctory, I'm afraid it will still be No.1 in the end!"

"No.1 is her? Has it been decided by default?"

"No way, even if she has an unusual status, this is a graduation project. According to the ranking, you can also select outstanding graduation works, which will be of great help to us in finding a job in the future."


There was already a lot of discussion around, Bai Xiran smiled, there was no smile in his eyes, it was all perfunctory indifference.

But over there, soon the first batch of teachers who participated in the selection had finished the selection and came out of it.

Many familiar students immediately surrounded him.

"Teacher Wu, how was the result? Are you impressed..."

"Mr. Zhang, my design works are national improvement style clothing. There should be few people like me. Do you have any impression?"

Walking behind was Professor Gao, who was always highly respected, and was immediately surrounded by people.

Professor Gao still had that serious look, and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, "I don't know how other people would rate it, but the highest score I scored was the wedding dress work 'Marriage for a Lifetime'."

Teacher Wu next to him said "Hey", "This is also the highest score I scored."

"Me too……"

"It seems that our heroes see the same thing, and the degree of design integrity, strokes and details are far higher than others, and we deserve it."

The few of them were discussing, and they seemed to be curious, "I just don't know, which classmate's work is 'One Life Marriage'?"

The people around you look at each other, and they don't even know that it's not me and my roommate who are clear to each other.

Dudu Lili looked to her side with jealousy.

It's a wedding dress!
It is still a wedding dress called "One Life Marriage"!

Others don't know, but Li Li has always known that this is the name of Bai Xiran's graduation project that she started preparing a year ago!
She gritted her teeth hard, "Does it matter who is it? Whether we can pass by ourselves is the most important thing."

"That's true...but is No.1 really as good as the teachers say? Let's be curious too."

"That's right, is it yours?"

Someone tentatively asked, but before getting a response, Professor Gao shook his head, "No, Li Li is good at the fashion district, so she probably wouldn't choose complicated wedding dresses for her graduation design."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly smiled, "Xiran, is it yours?"

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